As we close the door on 2024, we are excited to head into 2025!
Registration is NOW OPEN for our upcoming Winter Classes, please see the attached form below.
Space is limited, therefore payment must follow registration to secure your space in class.
Classes start Saturday February 1st at The Lions Chalet, 139 Mayor Avenue, St. John's. Classes will run for 6 weeks!
CONFORMATION - Our conformation class will focus on having fun with your dog in the show ring. We will cover ring procedure while learning &/or polishing your skills to present your dog at their best and how to make the most of your time in the ring.
Time: 1-1:45pm
Cost: Members $200, Non-Members $240
Instructor: Deanne Sinnott -
I've been involved in Conformation for almost 15 years, I have taught a variety of classes over the years, mentored/assisted many exhibitors, and have had the pleasure of training &/or piloting various breeds from multiple groups to countless group wins, placements, as well as MBBPIS, MBPIS, MBAIS, MBVIS, MRBIS & MBIS.
I am looking forward to getting back to teaching and helping exhibitors make the most of their time in the ring.
(If we garner enough interest we will consider offering a beginner and experienced class)
JUNIOR HANDLING - our Junior Handling class will focus on having fun while learning canine anatomy, proper handling and care of dogs, the purpose of dog shows as well as sportsmanship, ring procedures, and patterns.
Time: 2-2:45pm
Cost: Members $80, Non-Members $110
Instructor: Bella Kinsella - (assited by Tanya Martin &/or Deanne Sinnott as needed)
Bella has been involved in Junior Handling for about 9 years, she started teaching juniors last year and always took part in and assisted with class instruction a number of times. Some accomplishments in the juniors ring include: Multiple Best Overall wins, Reserve Overall in Provincials, multiple class first placements, multiple reserve overall placement and the Best Sportsmanship award in new Brunswick.
Aside from Juniors, Bella is commonly seen in the 'regular' ring and has shown a variety breeds to multiple wins, placements, titles and a Reserve Best in Show win.
If you have any questions please email us at [email protected] or simply follow the link below to register
Please read and complete the following form. Registration is not complete until forms and payment are sent to the Avalon Kennel Club.