Happy Halloween 🎃
“Timbit” Cardoulis you have won the Halloween wreath made by our wonderful co-worker Allison!!
Thank you everyone for buying tickets. All proceeds go to a great cause our Troutie & Smudge fund!!
Please see below the winners!!
We will be in touch shortly!!
Congratulations everyone 🐾
We have to show off 5 year old Louie and how well behaved he was for his visit and x-rays!! We were totally amazed with him and fell right over heels in love with him ❤️
Meet Lego!!! Lego was in for his first puppy visit today and we just thought he was beautiful!! Don’t you?
He was a wonderful boy for his visit and we can’t wait to have him back again!!
Let’s show Lego some love 💕
HAPPY 50th Birthday Dr. Alberto 🥳
Let’s show Dr. Alberto the LOVE today for his Birthday!!
If you stop by the clinic today please make sure you give Dr. Alberto a big Birthday shout out or on here as we will show him your warm wishes throughout the day!
We Love you Dr. Alberto 🎂
We would like to introduce to you Banjo!!!
Banjo is a Australian Cattle Dog and graced us with his presence for his first puppy visit!!
We just LOVED him!! Don’t you??
🐱 Meet Jack 🐱
Jack is owned by our clinic manager Stephanie and he is just the sweetest 11 year old boy 💙
Jack is on a form of medication called Gabapentin and we have often been told of how he takes his tablet like a treat!!
This in our field is unheard of especially when it comes to cats. We often have clients call in looking for tips or tricks on how to pill their kitty.
Well here is the proof of dear ol Jack taking his pill just like a treat! We just had to share this video with all of you.
What do you think?
Meet Kalbi!
Kalbi was a patient of our two clinics and was having her teeth brushed since she was a puppy. It became a nightly thing in her home and something she would not settle or go to bed without having it done.
With patience and hard work you can form good hygiene habits with your animal as well.
🌈Kalbi crosses the rainbow bridge last year at a beautiful old age🌈
With the weather not being so nice lately, Were sure everyone is sick of it.
Well, so is our clinic cat Smudge! This is where he has been hiding from it.
We would LOVE for you show us where your animals have been hibernating 🐾
We are selling tickets $2.00 each or 3 tickets for $5.00 on this awesome cat basket!
This basket has as follows:
Dental cat food 1.5kg bag
Purebite fish treats
Thera bites hairball treats
Oral cat hygiene chews
Cat dancer toy
Jingle balls
Knitted cat nip mouse
Treat fish toy
Cat food/water tray
Coffee travel mug
Cat treat travel bag
Cat scratcher stand!!
All proceeds go towards the Troutie & Smudge Fund!!