One of my absolute favourite moments in Puppy Manners, if not my entire career, is when you see the “quiet one” blossom into the silly goose we all know is inside. Titan’s humans have worked so hard to ensure he’s living his happiest good boy life - this sensitive pup was really nervous at the start of classes 6 weeks ago but tonight he had rubs for everyone, he played with his friends, and he tackled a brand new challenge with only the slightest bit of hesitation. What makes this even more special for me is hearing all his classmates being just as proud of him as we were 😁👏 good job little buddy!!
Lexi and Olive nailing their exercises in week 3 of Adult FUNdamentals - it is a skill in itself for young rambunctious dogs to focus on their humans while in close proximity to other dogs, and the whole group excelled with some easy and predictable pattern games last night! Keep up the awesome work guys 🥳🥳
Week 3 for Puppy Manners is a night for experiences! We combined fun activities with not-so-fun exposures like grooming equipment and new surfaces to help the puppies have a well rounded, positive experience with all manner of items they may find challenging. We also broke up the evening with a little supervised puppy play time (have you ever seen a mini poodle and a Doberman puppy wrestle? 😍 so cute!) By the end of the class all the puppies were strutting their stuff over the obstacles - here’s 14 week old Gus (a golden mix 😜) showing us how it’s done!
Some recall practice in Puppy Manners this week… everyone was doing far too well with their exercises, so I had to throw in a little challenge 😈😈
It’s going to be bittersweet saying goodbye next week - I want to keep them forever! ❤️
Tula and Auggie exploring in Puppy Manners!
Sharing is caring ☺️
Fika and Chico checking out our new puzzle toy from Global Pet Foods NL on Torbay Rd - they’ve got a great stock in right now if you’re looking for an early Christmas present for your pup!
Happy heavenly birthday little one ❤️ it’s been almost a year of first “without you” moments but today is definitely the hardest one yet. Last year when I had a poutine cake made for you I had promised I would make every birthday the best one yet, I just didn’t know then that it would actually be your last. There’s no being in this world could ever love me half as much as you did - you took a big chunk of my heart when you left, and our little family hasn’t felt complete since. I miss your piercing bark, your snuggles, your larger than life attitude and those teenie tiny kisses. Your little bean toes, your soft belly, your tickle spot and those ears that had their own language. You welcomed every single one of our animals into our home like they were always meant to be there, you were everyone’s best friend and always the centre of attention. I hope that whatever happened to you after we let you go, you are at peace and free to bork your little brains out. I’ll miss you forever, and I’ll love you always - happy birthday little Kupo ❤️❤️
My favourite night for Puppy Manners - supervised puppy play dates! We show you what we like and don’t like to see in puppy play time, how to read your puppy’s body language and appropriately supervise during play, and start to work on that recall.
We’ve had a last minute cancellation for tonight’s Puppy Manners program, so there’s one spot available if you’re interested!
Pet expo giveaway draw!!!
When you float, but your toy doesn’t.. 😂