What does your dog do to get you to interact? 🤔
Dogs do what has worked for them in the past, a behaviour has been reinforced some how. So if your dog has nudged you in the past and gotten pets because of it, just like mine, they are more likely to do it next time they want pets! Same goes for begging for food, barking at other dogs because they are afraid...any behaviour that gets your dog the desired outcome.
If your dog has an undesirable behaviour, stop and think...how is this being reinforced? The opposite is also true for getting your dog to do the things that you like! 😉
⭐️⭐️Looking for ways to ditch the bowl and add enrichment for your dog? ⭐️⭐️
Here’s Pepper working for her breakfast this morning. Just a bottle with holes cut into it and kibble inside! (Pardon the loud kids 😆)
Is your dog scared of the vacuum? 😱 Are they slightly pessimistic when the vacuum comes out?🌟You need to build up that confidence and optimism!🌟
Pepper has never really been phased by our grey, built in vacuum. But, when we got a new black one...oh, boy. She would stay clear of that creature. I’m not too sure if it’s the colour or the power head, but either way she needed to be more optimistic when it came to me vacuuming with it. So where to start?
Check out the video! This is her second session with the vacuum.
I started by just rewarding any interaction with the vacuum not turned on. Pressure free. Shaping helps build confidence...she is making the choice to interact with it herself.
Then I gradually added in movement. Marked and rewarded anytime that sucker moved. Soon she was offering front feet up on the power head. 🙌
She can now stay on her boundary while I pretend to vacuum beside her(Not in the video). We haven’t turned the vacuum on yet. Slow easy steps.