Two Le Cheval Canadiens in their element. Beckett’s Creek Ferrari Yara had her first snow outing with the calm, happy company of Sang Roy’al D’Artois Windemere aka Ralph. #canadasnationalhorse #horses #thecanadianhorse #lechevalcanadien #winter #snow #endangeredbreed #uxbridge #beautiful #
Many thanks to my awesome husband Rob for scraping/plowing our paddocks yesterday. With great footing now ‘play time’ can resume!! Happy Canadians! #playtime #canadasnationalhorse #farmlife #winter #horses #thecanadianhorse #lechevalcanadien #endangeredbreed #proudbreeder #uxbridge #beautiful #canadians
Merry Christmas! May this season bring you joy, health and peace. #canadasnationalhorse #horses #thecanadianhorse #endangeredbreed #lechevalcanadien #proudbreeder #uxbridge #canadians #beautiful #canadian #Christmas #celebration
Yearling filly Donalf Neirin Kashmere out for some work and fun time in the arena. This fancy and beautiful filly is a wonderful example of the beauty and athleticism of Le Cheval Canadien. #canadasnationalhorse #horses #thecanadianhorse #endangeredbreed #lechevalcanadien #proudbreeder #uxbridge #canadians #beautiful #canadian #filly #suchawonderfulgirl
The final weaning step for Donalf Neirin L’amour. He left his beloved sire and moved in with the ‘Canadian ladies’ group. It’s hard to be the weanling new guy. Fay was the ‘welcome wagon’ for an hour and left him when she got hungry lol. Today Yara is being a good ‘auntie’. L’amour was brave and calm entering a big herd for the first time. At breakfast he came into a new to him barn like a champ. I’m really impressed with his quiet confidence and sensible approach to his new life. #growingup #newlife #canadasnationalhorse #lechevalcanadien #proudbreeder #endangeredbreed #horses #thecanadianhorse #uxbridge #canadians #foals #weanling #brave #canadian
This very special Canadian is Canadream Navajo Zaida, owned and driven by Sandy Churchill. Sandy and Zaida were part of a wonderful trio of driving partners that came to Churchill Chimes/Donalf Farms on Sunday to teach a group of riders about harness driving. We had a fantastic day of learning and the opportunity to work with this very patient, talented and beautiful 12 year old Canadian mare. Zaida has done so much to help this spectacular and endangered breed. This month alone she has represented Le Cheval Canadien at the Royal Canadian Agricultural Fair and only a couple of weeks later was a great teacher and ambassador at our farm! Thank you for everything you do Sandy and Zaida! #canadasnationalhorse #horses #greatteacher #thecanadianhorse #endangeredbreed #lechevalcanadien #harnessdriving #greatambassador #driving #somuchfun #uxbridge #canadians #beautiful #canadian
We were so proud of our young colt L’amour this week! He was better than some of the mature horse for the blacksmith, in fact almost perfect. This darling colt has such a thoughtful, calm and intelligent approach to life. #suchagoodboy #canadasnationalhorse #horses #thecanadianhorse #endangeredbreed #lechevalcanadien #proudbreeder #uxbridge #canadians #beautiful #colt #foals #rarebreed #socute #youngsters
The three young ladies were out for some playtime in the new arena footing. Donalf Neirin Kashmere (yearling), Donalf Neirin Iridescence (3) and Kaczan Csaszar Fiery-Fay (6). These lovely Canadians certainly highlight the power, agility and beauty of our incredible national horse #lechevalcanadien #horses #canadasnationalhorse #endangeredbreed #sospecial #proudbreeder #beauty #power #agility #uxbridge #iminlove #mares #thecanadianhorse #canadian #canada
Our arena was built in the fall of 2000 and although we gave been diligent about harrowing, poo picking and have added sand several times, the base was now longer level and the footing was tired. It’s over due but we are now stripping out all the old footing, re- leveling and bringing in all new footing this week. It’s a really big job but I’m excited to have it done. #horsebackriding #indoorarena #newfooting #happyhorses #bigjob #uxbridge #ridingschool #horses #necessaryjob
Sister time! This darling duo is yearling filly Donalf Neirin Kashmere and her 3 year old half sister Donalf Neirin Iridescence aka Desi. #familyfun #sisters #thecanadianhorse #canadasnationalhorse #horses #endangeredbreed #lechevalcanadien #proudbreeder #canadians #uxbridge #beautiful #fall
5 Cheval Canadiens with their students at Churchill Chimes Equestrian Centre having a fall pleasure ride in Ontario. One of very few riding schools in the world to offer students the opportunity to ride our National Horse. #canadasnationalhorse #horses #thecanadianhorse #endangeredbreed #beautiful #canadians #uxbridge
Beckett’s Creek Ferari Xara & owner Wendy
Rolo & Cathy
Beckett’s Creek Ferari Wind & Maria
Moonshadows Alex Mallon & Trish
FB Dutil Herquule Sunkist aka Pete & Ana