Hey gang!
With our Ronald McDonald Sponsor we want to give prizes every race, the race is on …..
here is the new AHS Rodeo Rules to follow for the distancing measures at our races now. Our series attend 3/5 for added finals money and prizes. The series will likely resume July 9 at the Strathmore Rodeo Grounds Thursday and Saturday more to come!!!!TBA ASAP FOLKS
COVID Implementation
My social distance from pre-entries new distancing :
1 would be allowed and encouraged to 15 people park on one side of the ground 15
2. people park on separate sides of the grounds first 15 Run at 1pm park on the east side the second half 15 run at 1:30 park on the south side. Next 15 park west side run at 2pm.
3. Entries in exact cash in plastic llabelled in groups to identify and able to see split into no more than $50 in one bag.
4. Encourage only riders and immediate family to attend. $10 spectator fee will add to finals added money pot. They must sit in bleachers or vehicle 6 ft apart .
5. Winnings may be emailed within 10 days of over 30 entries. Entries can be emailed if wished up to one week prior.
6. Use the phone to enter names info cards and text before the start of jp.
7. Riders must be 6 feet apart tack ride and play. Park trailers with 10 ft apart .
8. Outside family hauling not recommended.
9. Time only pre enter . Pre entries end 48 hours prior to race .
10. No riding open riding after event. Must leave grounds within 30 min of racing payouts.
11. Gate and tractor same guy.
12. Encourage own masks and sanitizer.
13. Mark ground parking if needed.
Under current Chief Medical Officer of Health Orders, businesses and entities are required to: implement practices to minimize the risk of transmission of infection among attendees; • provide procedures for rapid response if an attendee develops symptoms of illness; 911 and local hospital,• ensure that attendees maintain high levels of sanitation and personal hygiene; • comply, to the extent possible, with the COVID-19 General Relaunch Guidance, this guidance, and any other applicable Alberta Health guidance found at Alberta.ca/BizConnect.
This document has been developed to support rodeo operators in reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 among attendees (including workers, volunteers, patrons and the general public). The guidance provided outlines public health and infection prevention and control measures, specific to this activity. This document and the guidance within it is subject to change and will be updated as needed. Current information related to COVID-19 can be found at Alberta.ca/covid19.
COVID-19 Risk Mitigation
General • Hand sanitizer containing at least 60 lcohol should be available at facility entrances and exits and throughout the facility, including near any food services and washrooms without sinks. • Participants and spectators are encouraged to wear non-medical masks. • Advise participants and spectators that they cannot visit if they are experiencing symptoms including cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat that are not related to a pre-existing illness or health condition, or are otherwise required to isolate or quarantine. • Place signage around all entries and throughout the facility outlining: o physical distancing (floor decals can be used to mark distancing) o prohibitions on attendance by sick or isolating persons o hand hygiene o coughing and sneezing etiquette o cleaning and disinfecting practices, and numbers to call to report sanitation and distancing concerns. • Use contactless payment and avoid cash payments where possible. o Use online admission ticketing and timed admission ticketing, where possible. Physical Distancing • The maximum number of spectators is 100, provided physical distancing of two metres can be maintained.
alberta.ca/BizConnect [email protected] ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published June 15, 2020
• Arrange seating to maintain distancing between parties. For example, assign seats, leave seats empty between groups and alternate rows of seating. • Use online ticket purchasing and, where possible, discourage “walk-up” admission. • Public access (including participants, media and spectators) should be limited to controlled points of entry, with designated “in” and “out” doors, if possible. • Staff/volunteer access should be limited to one point of entry, separate from public entry, if possible. • Elevator use protocols should be established to enable distancing. • High-traffic areas should have one-way flow patterns and be monitored for distancing and hygiene practices. • Limit the number of people in washrooms at a time and, if sinks and urinals are close together, block off alternate fixtures to allow physical distancing. • Consider installing a physical barrier, such as an acrylic sheet at service counters between staff and patrons. • Recommend spectators stay in their seats as much as possible to avoid crowding in common areas. • Consider how distancing will be maintained between media staff. • Ensure weather emergency plans consider physical distancing. Food • For food and bar services, see the Guidance for Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs and Bars. Spectators may take their food to consume in the stands. • Provide adequate and conveniently located garbage receptacles and advise participants and spectators to put all garbage in the receptacles to reduce risk to staff and volunteers. Participant Safety • Consider physical distancing measures for participants, and animal carers etc. such as modifying time requirements for reporting to staging and preparation areas. o Schedule events with enough time in between to allow the previous group to vacate shared spaces, such as paddocks, and for staff/volunteers to clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces before the next group arrives. o Limit the number of people in shared-use participant areas to only those necessary for safety and animal welfare. o Consider limiting the number of participants to enable distancing, if needed. o Advise participants of the schedule in advance to reduce waiting.
alberta.ca/BizConnect [email protected] ©2020 Government of Alberta | Published June 15, 2020
• Follow national and provincial travel advisories and orders for participants. • Have participants register and pay in advance, wherever possible. • Encourage participants to bring their own supplies and handle their own equipment to reduce sharing of high-touch objects. Where sharing is required, clean and disinfect equipment between users. • Provide participants with protocols in advance of the event.
Cleaning and Disinfection
• Regularly clean and disinfect high touch surfaces such as door handles, railings, chairs, service counters, ATMs and payment devices. o Where staff or volunteers rotate through a station, such as an announcer stand or box office, clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces between rotations. • Regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces in washrooms and locker rooms. • Clean and disinfect any shared-use equipment used by participants, staff or volunteers between each user. • Maintain cleaning logs and an inventory of supplies. • Respond immediately to sanitation concerns.
Staff, Volunteers and Vendors
• Self-monitor for symptoms of COVID-19. Anyone with symptoms should stay home, use the AHS Self-Assessment Tool and arrange for testing. • Arrange breakrooms and schedule break times to allow physical distancing. • Designate lockers and storage spaces to individuals. • Ensure staff have access to hand washing facilities and/or hand sanitizer as required. • Staff, volunteers and vendors may wear non-medical masks. Masks should be worn where 2 metres distancing cannot be maintained and there is no physical barrier.
Looking forward to summer, horses and friends xoxo