If your horse exhibits any of the signs listed here, it's time to book that appointment!
My September schedule will be out shortly. To book, send me a DM ☑️
Much like a river runs, your horses various body systems are akin to a rivers natural flowing state.
From the nervous system to the muscles, the blood and the lymph, if at any point the horse suffers from an injury or "trauma", any number of these interconnected systems can become blocked... just like a beaver dam blocks a flowing river.
The beaver dam can look like scars, adhesions, spasms, knots, misalignments, compensation patterns or anything that doesn't allow the body's systems to flow.
When these systems are damned up, your horse experiences symptoms such as limited mobility and range of motion, pain behaviours (biting, kicking out, bucking, crow hopping, girthiness), sour mood, etc.
Body work goes after those beaver dams like an excavator would; It opens a large gap for the flow to start again, but doesn't tackle the whole dam.
When we incorporate regular bodywork with stretches, targeted exercises and good nutrition, over time the beaver dam will erode away, and good 'flow' will be restored.
When your horse can use their WHOLE body effectively this will prevent injuries and fatigue, preventing another 'beaver dam' from jamming up the system!
In my practice, there are a few handy tools that I love to use when working with your horses.
This one I call the "fascia-blaster".
This rolling pin style tool allows me to help with softening adhesions over a larger surface area than I could do with only my hands.
Many horses love it, and I use varying pressures as your horse needs.
What's even better about this tool, is it was only a few bucks at Canadian Tire! 🇨🇦👌
What tool does your horse seem to love most?
#bodyworker #equinebodyworker #eebw #equinology #fascia #fasciablaster #MLequineservices #albertahorses
Every single horse needs Tummy Tucks!☝️
💥Addressing core strength and straightness will be KEY to preventing lameness and increasing mobility, flexibility, impulsion and correctness.
More on this topic to come... stay tuned 👀
Clear and concise communication, coupled with softness in the horse and rider should always be the ultimate goal... I will forever DIE ON THIS HILL!
If you agree, but you aren't quite sure how to get there, join me on March 23, 2024 for my Basic Horsemanship Clinic, where we will unearth a new level of communication between you and your horse.
Location: Lausen's Indoor Arena, south of Strathmore on Highway 817
Date: March 23, 2024, 12-4 pm
Cost: $150
I am looking to organize more clinics on bodybuilding for horses under saddle this spring. Just checking in to see if anyone wants something for the fall aswell?
When the kids are good for the horss:)
Good times at the strathmore mid evil fair.
Had lots of fun during the Equine Bodybuilding Clinic at Wheatland Equestrian this past weekend with these lovely ladies. Looking forward to developing this strength building clinic into a larger format.
Pumped about the 2 clinics this month about strengthening and balancing our horses undersaddle.
Had a blast with the Bodybuilding for horses. Clinic yesterday. Thanks for coming out ladies and making this a fun morning. We looked at the horses postures, range of motion of joints and how they function under saddle. Then we took a few exercises that will start to muscle activate areas that needed help with straighteness and strength. This is the first clinic I have done like this and hope to fine tune and do many more.
Grateful for days to massage/bodywork on a variety of younger athletes and maintaining our children's greatest guardians like this gentleman.
Legging up Miss Mary. So Grateful to this happy go lucky lady for what she has taught me and knowing this is just the begging.
#melanielausenequineservices, #equinebodywork #ridinglessons
Taking this time to check the horses young and old. Young one to help with any issues that came from the busy summer of work. Now is the time to help those while she has time off. And the seniors for any aging ailments or old injuries that could use some TLC.
If you want to get some bodywork done for this or similar ideas, I will be in...
Airdrie area the morning of Dec 12.
Wheatland Equestrian Dec 7th.
Riqueza on December 16th.
Strathmore and Area always.