


What an excellent display of good play etiquette πŸ˜†β€οΈ

Dog trainers often preach about exercise, enrichment, fulfillment, breed specific activities, Confidence building  etc. ...

Dog trainers often preach about exercise, enrichment, fulfillment, breed specific activities, Confidence building etc.
But today I want to make a post about rest.

Rest is an often overlooked but crucial training tool. Teaching a dog how to relax is important for a number of reasons.

1) an over tired dog is an over stimulated dog.
When dogs are overstimulated they act out, behave poorly and make bad decisions.

2) teaching a dog how to settle and relax can help with impulse control and improve overall training. A rested mind is more biddable, meaning you can teach more easily.

3) dogs need rest just as much as the need stimulation to provide a healthy balanced state of mind.

4) when we constantly provide our dogs with stimulating activities, we are not making them "more tired" we are building stamina. Once that stamina is developed they will need more and more and more to actually become tired.

Some breeds will have a naturally higher stamina than others, which is completley normal, but it doesn't mean we need to run them 6 hrs a day full tilt.
Using what I like to call the rise and fall of action will teach the dog to be excited / aroused at appropriate times.


Does your dog have an appeasment/submissive grin? How is it different from baring teeth?

The simple answer is, state of mind and the emotion behind each.

Jake has always done this when I come home or back to the vehicle after leaving him for any amount of time. It could be 2 minutes or 45 minutes . He always does it. Its a sign of acceptance, respect and love.

How do I know it's not aggression or fear? I look at the rest of his body language. Wiggly loose movements, ears are back, tail is doing a swooping wag. No rigid movments and soft eyes.

Now, if he had a tucked tail, was crouching, lifting paws, avoiding eye contact or giving direct/ constant eye contact, with a whale eye, while showing me his teeth, this would be a very diffent post.

Learning about our dogs body language and behavior is the simplest and most important way we can strengthen our relationships.


PSA: Enrichment doesnt have to be expensive !!!!

Mental stimulation is one of the most important boxes to check when trying to meet your dogs needs. Physical fatigue is great but mental fatigue is fulfilling!

I think it's time we all ditched the dog bowls and use meal time as a better form of enrichment and fulfillment!
There are tons of ways to enrich your dogs meal times, including food scattering, snuffle mats, puzzles, frozen bowls or wobbles and more. The issue i find, is many dog accessories can be quite pricey and don't have very good longevity if your dog is a smart cookie or big chewer, they likely figure out puzzles very quick or get frustrated and give up( that's no fun!) It is best to start simple and build towards more difficult feeders as your dog gains experience.

As you can see in my video I've simply used an old towel, rolled up with kibbles and other treats and tied it in a knot(not too tight, but as he gets better at it i will make it more difficult). I placed this in Jake's bowl on top of a bit more kibble. Its simple but effective! It satisfies more that just scarfing down a bowl of food. It takes longer and he has something to do for about 10-15 minutes. That doesn't seem like a very long time but compared to the 48 seconds it would take some dogs to finish their meal in a bowl . I'd say that's pretty good 😁
Give it a try and see the difference in how your dog behaves after breakfast or dinner !


I have one slot left avaible for my 3pm dog training course, due to start January 20th 😁 pm for details.
Don't miss out on all the knowledge and and skills I'll be sharing to help you bond and manage your dogs behavior! This class is suitable for dogs 4-6 months and up!


What does a balanced group of dogs look like ?
What does "balance" even mean in this context?

Balanced is when a dog's behavior is both desirable and predictable. They are able to navigate social situations and follow the packs energy and intensity.

I've spent many hours building these groups and relationships.
Yes, of course, we have moments of frenzy and zoom around and have a blast, but that's never the point of our adventures.
My aim is to have structured social interactions and teach dogs that not every interaction needs to be met with excitement. Eventually they learn that living in balance is much more rewarding.

I have a few spots available in my 3 pm class due to start Monday January 20th 😁
Dm for details !


Meal time the TRI-dogs way 😁

Impulse control 101.
Dogs should not be allowed access to free resources. Including: food, toys, affection, space or interactions.
Once your dog understands they aren't actually in control of their resources, because you, there human, have taught them you will provide all of those things for them at appropriate times. They will better understand impulse control and will become better at holding commands.
Guidance, patience, consistency and consequence all play rolls in shaping these behaviors.

Consistency and consequences are the easiest way to provide clarity when training your dog.

Example: these three have learned over the course of the last few weeks, that if they get off of their beds when I go to prep their meals, the meal gets delayed. By consistently going and putting them back in their place, everytime (yes EVERY single time)they got off place. They learn that controlling themselves and simply waiting will get them what they want faster.

Dog was a little impatient but she 14 and nobody loves dinner more than her πŸ’œπŸ˜†
(Jake may have inherited that trait a little bit)


Explore. walk. play. rest.
These are 4 core things dogs need to feel complete fulfillment on a daily basis.

Ears back. noses up. Moving forward but not pulling. We are moving as a unit. Even tobi (fluffy guy off leash) is fully tapped in without being teatherd 😁

This is what dogs look like when fully engaged in pack drive. (my personal favourite of the dog drives)

This is one of my most rowdy group of dogs on my weekly hikes. I put so much emphasis on tapping into inate behaviors such as migration to help fully satisfy dogs on our walks. This in combination with sniffing breaks, food work/ engagment and play time, I manage to fulfill the dogs Inate needs before they come home to rest.


It's a common misconception, that people think when a dog's hackles are up that they are going to be aggressive, but that couldn't be farther from the truth.some dogs have larger more dramatic hackles when raised.
It's very important to look at all the dog's body language signs when their hackles are up to see what they are truly feeling. A dog's hackles, being up simply means excitement or that they are over stimulated. In the dog training industry we call this arousal.

Today was my 1st day back to work after the holidays and Ms. Maisy was just pumped to be out on a walk again. If you look at her other body language, I think it's pretty obvious that she's not aggressiveπŸ˜† can you spot the telltale signs that this is purely play and not a fight?

2025 TRI-dogs calendars have been ordered and should be ready by the end of the week 😁 is only printed 15 because I wasn...

2025 TRI-dogs calendars have been ordered and should be ready by the end of the week 😁 is only printed 15 because I wasn't sure about suply/ demand, so reach out to claim yours as they are 1st come 1st serve ❀️🎁 happy new year to everyone! πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³
Cost is$15/ print

I've been mulling over and idea lately and I'm hoping everyone will be as excited as I am ! I want to start making calen...

I've been mulling over and idea lately and I'm hoping everyone will be as excited as I am !

I want to start making calendars with some of the photos I get on our walks. Phone camera quality has gotten so good and I get some really great shots out there !

I'm curious if anyone would be interested?
If it becomes popular I'd offer the
Option of a personalized calendar with just photos of your own dog, in the future 😁

Any feedback back is welcomed!


What does enrichment look like for your dog?

There are so many ways to meet your dogs instinctual needs.
Sniffing, engaging in play, migration, Dissection , chewing, digging , hunting, herding, guarding the list goes on!
All of these behaviors come very natural to dogs and depending on your dogs breed they will find some of these activities more enriching than others.
When working with clients I always recomend them to focus on breed specific enrichment activities in addition to walks and other forms of exercise.
Did you know that 20 minutes of enrichment or brain activity can equal a whole hour long walk with your dog? Mental stimulation is king when it comes to enriching your dogs life and making them less anxious, More relaxed and happy in general.
I'm not exaggerating when I say Jake chewed on this kong for about 20 minutes straight and then passed right out πŸ˜‚β€οΈ


It's been a little while!
Here is this week's body language breakdown down.
Featuring Alfie (ausie doodle) and ruby (golden) as well as the rest of the pack in the background 😁
Normally, these two engage in play very nicely. Today, however, alfie was not feeling his usual self. There are a few factors to why He did not feel like playing with Ruby today. Some of which include the steam train could be heard leaving the station and blowing its horn from the area we were walking in. We had also heard some coyote activity off in the distance.
Alfie was on alert, there where new sounds and potential threats in the area. He was not in a playful mindset.
Ruby however lives in this area and is not phased by the sounds of trains or wild life as she has grown accustomed to them.

I actually had to stop the video a couple times to step in and advocate for Alfie as ruby was not taking his hints.
You can see him use avoidance and some displacement sniffing. He even tries to correct her a few times as to say "not right now, I need to figure out what's going on with these strange noises"
He loves ruby so his corrections are gentle but he was in defense drive and alert to his surroundings. there was a no nonsense adittude which is not common for this playful guy.

It's so important to step up and advocate for your dogs when you notice they are not enjoying an interaction. If these types of introductions are allowed to continue without intervention they can absolutely cause reactivity in an otherwise friendly dog.

As winter sets in its important to keep in mind that our dogs all handle the change in weather diffently!Some absolutely...

As winter sets in its important to keep in mind that our dogs all handle the change in weather diffently!
Some absolutely thrive in winter conditions but some other dogs may not enjoy it at all.
It's impotant to watch for signs, such as lifting paws often, stopping frequently and toe licking, whinning, shivering, etc.
As they can be early signs of potential frost bite. Dogs feet are better designed for the outdoors but that doesn't mean they don't feel the cold!
Very similar to summer its our responsibility as pet owners to know how cold is too cold !

While we've been fairly fortunate to have a mild winter so far there is still potential for temperatures to drop significantly. Walks and training sessions are subject to cancelation at any time if I feel it's become too cold for myself or the dogs to be out in the cold.
Have a safe happy holiday season everyone !!!

As the new year approaches, there are a few big changes coming for TRI-dogs. As my business grows and starts to wean off...

As the new year approaches, there are a few big changes coming for TRI-dogs.
As my business grows and starts to wean off of the walking side of things, i aim to drive my focus to the training side of my business.
Going forward i will no longer be accepting any new hiking clients. Any slots that become available will be reserved for clients who have done training through TRI- dogs obedience courses or private lessons.

The amount of support I've recieved in my first few years of business is overwhelming and I seriously cannot thank you all enough πŸ’œ

If you own a long haired or curly haired dog im sure this will  look familiar!  The snow clumps on dogs legs can be irri...

If you own a long haired or curly haired dog im sure this will look familiar!
The snow clumps on dogs legs can be irritating and even painful if they get between their toes or if they get large.
They are a pain to remove as well, often taking a long time to melt and tracking water all through your house!
A great way to prevent these snow pants, as i call them, is with a simple coconut oil rub. Warm about a table spoon of coconut oil in your hands and massage it into the fur on your dogs feet, legs and chest about an hour or two before your dogs walks in the winter.
This is a cheap, non toxic single ingredient alternative to expensive pet products that claim to do the exact same thing.


I got another great video this week and couldnt wait to post it!
So here it is.

This video features Jake (my own dog ) skye (gsd) and rocket (catahoula)

Jake and skye are undeniabley besties. They play very well together and always match each other's energy.
Rocked desperately wants to be a part of that.

Note Jake's body language. He's very tense. Ears forward and perked ,tail in the air( harder to tell as his tail is quite curly) no fluidity in his motions. Constant eye contact and even a bit of avoidance. Lots of lip licking and even a stress yawn.

Jake is telling rocket" dude, you're too much right now, "
Jake is small but he has BIG energy . He is calm and assertive in this interaction.

Skye is trying to assert dominance but she isn't a super confident dog in these types of interactions so rocket isn't getting the hint.

Rocket is purly playful and using as much apeasment as he can to try and get them to engage in play.

Dogs will use apeasment to deescalate a situation. Rocket doesnt want the smoke , he wants to play.
However his play style doesnt match up with jake and skyes energy.

And he is on a leash for this very reason(and also terrible recall but we're working on that)
If Jake and /or skye try to leave this interaction,rocket doesnt have the skills to understand he shouldn't follow them, that's where fights can also happen.

It's that time of year again! Kennel cough is much more active this time of year and though we cannot bubble wrap our do...

It's that time of year again!
Kennel cough is much more active this time of year and though we cannot bubble wrap our dogs or the world we can take some extra precautions to ensure our pups stay healthy and happy this spooky season!

Some things you can do and should know:

Avoid high traffic dog areas, illnesses like kennel cough can be passed along and spread so easily and the more hosts the more likelyhood of contraction.

Never share dog bowls, and although it's a nice thought avoid dog dishes left outside of business on the streets. they are a breeding ground for these illnesses

Avoid interacting with unknown dogs or people. This should be a common practice anyhow

Be aware that kennel cough virus can live on surfaces and clothes for up to 48 hours.

It can take up to 5 days for your dog to show symptoms after contracting and they are fully capable of spreading it during this time frame.

For a week after your dog stops showing symptoms they can still cary the virus and spread it. Full quarantine for up to 3 weeks is the best plan of action if your dog has a confirmed case.

Always consult your veterinary professional if you think your dog may have contracted an illness of any kind.

And lastly if your dog is vaccinated for kennel cough they can still contract it but symptoms may be lessened!

Be safe and have a happy Halloween everyone !


Summerland, BC



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