Get off my energy.
Climb down out of my mind.
Get out of my business.
Detach from my story.
My needs are not yours to change.
Your needs are yours and mine are mine.
Don't push your life onto my life. Don't push your choices onto my choices.
Get off.
From that distance, I can love you better. And more importantly, you can love yourself.
Stop looking for "You" in others. Look for others in others. Understand them, without your filter.
You are not entitled to have the whole world, designed for your needs, your preferences, your tastes.
Your horse needs you to know this. Your horse feels claustrophobic from you and you're not even in the field yet.
You've projected. You've attached without rapport.
You have inserted yourself, inappropriately. Zero awareness that your behaviour is outrageous.
The horse pushes back, and you are shocked. You're the victim of the push. Because you had no awareness that you pushed first. Some horses have a volatile response to this type of energy. And to be frank- if I was a horse, I would be in this category. All the way.
So the horse goes down fighting. Or goes down dissociating. They disconnect from their identity, because you pushed your identity onto them. Bumped them off their personality because you wanted their talents, skills and services, but you didn't want the being that housed those talents skilled and services, because you frankly lack the social rapport to understand an other.
Like a driver on the highway, tail-gating, flashing their high beams at you to drive recklessly like they are.
Sticky beak. Meddling fingers. Intrusive energy and invasive entitled mindscapes.
Climb down out of it. And you'll find, the grass is much greener on the other side. Where everyone has space to be themselves. And you are able to connect, and honestly build rapport. And communicate without being pushy.