On Easter Sunday 2005, I watched in excitement as a tiny, black and white puppy was carried into my Nanny's home in an Easter basket, a gift from a close family friend. From then until Nanny's passing on Christmas Eve 2019, Zoe was her best friend and constant companion.
I was chosen to give Zoe a retirement home, with the notion that she wouldn't be around much longer either. Not only did she go on to live another 5 years, but seamlessly transitioned from life at home with Nan to full blown adventure with me. She came on pack walks, we traveled, camped, moved homes 3 times, and found Morgan and Frida together in those 5 years.
Zoe was bold, brave, friendly, intelligent, a big dog in a little body, and I feel so incredibly blessed to have had her in my life for nearly two decades, and as my own dog in her senior years.
Zoe passed away peacefully on October 26th. Yesterday, she would have turned 20 years old. Happy birthday Zoe, you were a really, really good dog ❤️