Breeding time : Dec 28th is when we turn the rams in with the ewes that lambed in November, even though they are still nursing, and the lambs won’t be weaned till Jan 15th. Our breeding back rate is 91% to lamb in May. We have been doing this for 34 years and selecting rams from ewes that can do it.
Liz and I spent today at the Ontario Boarder Collie Clubs, dog trials. What a good day we had, the sun was out and we got to catch up with some old friends and meet some new one. These events are well worth going to, the skill of these shepherds working their dogs is just amazing. This video is of the handler having the dog separate the sheep in to two groups, it's a very difficult challenge indeed.
After day 4, the 280 ewes move to the last section of the 6 acre field, this is the 6th time through this paddock.
This is now the 6th grazing of this field for this season. This is one of the best grazing season I can remember because of all the moisture.
Carter our new pup and the lambs
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65 purebred Rideau yearling rams on the 12 year parasite resistant breeding program, by the Canovas Small Ruminants institute, UofG. will be available by Mid August. Parasite resistance give you an animal with a better feed conversion on grain, lower death loss, and overall a healthier animal. Rams and ewe lambs are exportable to the USA.
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