
CanHerp Long term, we plan on being a strong voice that stands for the rights of h**pers, and to always put forth a professional and organized unit in that vein.

A federal non-profit formed to give a voice to Canadian Reptile and Amphibian keepers a voice in the maintaining the privilege of working and sharing our lives with these specialty pets Canh**p is an association of reptile and amphibian keepers, working together to preserve, foster, and grow the reptile and amphibian hobby in Canada as specialty pets. While doing so focusing on maintaining the pri

vilege to work, keep, educate with and breed these fascinating creatures in Canada

In today's ever changing political climate, and particularly the last short while, it's critical that everyone who wants to maintain the privilege of keeping reptiles and amphibians as pets, companions, commercial operations, or for display and education, start to work together to show the rest of Canada that as an educated group we have protocols providing the needs of these amazing creatures we share our lives with. Becoming a supporter of Canh**p will not only unite you with other like minded individuals, but it will give you access to tools, people, and resources which one day may assist you and make it possible to stand against detrimental legislation put forth by entities wishing to ban specialty pets, and group all reptiles and amphibians in that category. Our short term goals are to have people in key locations throughout the country, dedicated to promoting and defending the keeping of reptiles and amphibians in Canada. Canh**p's core group of founding members are some of the key people in h**petoculture in Canada. Our combined experience, and individual efforts have proven that we can build Canh**p into the organization that is required for our hobby in Canada to sustain the privilege of having reptiles in our homes. If you are able to contribute time in a promotional or building capacity, we ask all to contact us directly or share Canh**ps social media outlets. If you are a store, or other commercial operation, we ask that you become RETAILER or ACCREDITED member and work closely with us, and commit to our guidelines and bylaws, and to respect the process. If you are an individual, you are key to this process. Without voices, without numbers, without organization, it will be difficult to push through the political barriers that exist in the Canadian landscape. We ask that you become a supporter today, and help us continue this process. With the emphasis that Canh**p is you, us, the specialty pets and the reptiles we maintain. Thank you for visiting our website, and we appreciate your promotion and support. Regards,

Just a reminder for folks The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is hosting a webinar to summarize the findings from ...

Just a reminder for folks The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) is hosting a webinar to summarize the findings from a recent outbreak of Salmonella linked to snakes and feeder rodents. The webinar will highlight the snake and feeder rodent handling practices of ill individuals, as well as the lack of awareness of the human health risks associated with these animals

The webinar will be conducted in both English and French. You will be able to join the webinar and ask questions anonymously. We hope participants will feel comfortable providing input on this topic during the call with representatives from PHAC. Please feel free to share this invitation with other interested parties (those who breed or sell reptiles or feeder rodents).

Wednesday April 24 2024 1-2 pm EST


Turtle 🐢 💕 Love

Thank you Scales Natures Park

Thank you Scales Natures Park


Nesting is a stressful time for turtles. Please give them at least 5 meters of space, if not more. If you are too close they could get spooked and abandon the nesting site, adding more time on land and in danger. You appear as a predator to them, so observe from a respectful distance.
Visit for information on organizations in your area that may be able to help if a turtle is nesting in a dangerous location.


NOTE and SHARE as a community we need to come together and help educate reptile keepers on proper techniques in handling of reptile feed and reptile handling practices

Public Health Notice: Outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to snakes and rodents
April 13, 2023 –Original Notice
On this page
• Why you should take note
• Investigation summary
• Who is most at risk
• What you should do to protect your health
• Symptoms
• Epidemiological information
• Additional information
• Media contact
• Public inquiries
Why should you take note
The Public Health Agency of Canada is collaborating with provincial public health partners to investigate an outbreak of Salmonella infections occurring in eight provinces. The outbreak is ongoing, as recent illnesses continue to be reported to the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The outbreak is linked to snakes and feeder rodents. Many of the individuals who became sick reported having direct or indirect contact with snakes and feeder rodents (used as reptile food) before their illnesses occurred.
To prevent illness, individuals are advised to practice good hand hygiene, frequent handwashing, and safe handling of snakes and rodents, their food, and their environments. This advice is based on the findings from this investigation and past outbreaks of Salmonella illnesses linked to snakes and rodents that highlighted the important role reptile owners and business operators can play in preventing new illnesses linked to these types of pets.
This public health notice will be updated as the investigation evolves.
Investigation summary
As of April 13, 2023, there are 45 confirmed cases of Salmonella illness reported in this outbreak in the following provinces: British Columbia (1), Alberta (5), Saskatchewan (1), Manitoba (3), Ontario (22), Quebec (11), New Brunswick (1) and Newfoundland and Labrador (1).
Individuals became sick between February 2022 and March 2023. Nine individuals have been hospitalized. One person has died and provincial public health partners have confirmed that Salmonella was the cause of death. Individuals who became ill are between 0 and 96 years of age. Nine of 45 (20%) of the cases are under 5 years of age. Approximately half of the cases (51%) are male.
The collaborative outbreak investigation was initiated this spring because of an increase in reports of Salmonella illnesses in multiple jurisdictions across Canada. Using a laboratory method called whole genome sequencing, some Salmonella illnesses dating back to 2022 were determined to have the same genetic type as the illnesses that occurred in 2023. More recent illnesses may be reported in the outbreak because there is a period between when a person becomes ill and when the illness is reported to public health officials. For this outbreak, the illness reporting period is between 4 and 6 weeks.
Who is most at risk
Anyone can become sick with a Salmonella infection, but children aged 5 years and under, older adults, pregnant people, or people with weakened immune systems are at higher risk for contracting a serious illness.
Most people who become ill from a Salmonella infection will recover fully after a few days. Some people can be infected with the bacteria and not get sick or show any symptoms, but still be able to spread the infection to others.
What should you do to protect your health
Reptiles and rodents can carry Salmonella. You can get sick with Salmonella by touching reptiles and rodents, their food, and their environments and then touching your face, eyes, or mouth without washing your hands.
To prevent the direct or indirect spread of Salmonella to others, follow the advice outlined in this section to help reduce your risk of becoming ill from contact with reptiles (including snakes), rodents, and their environments.
• Always wash your hands immediately after touching a reptile or rodent, and anything they eat, or after being in the area where they live, play or touch
• Regularly clean any surfaces or objects your reptile or rodent touches with soapy water followed by a household sanitizer
• Never kiss a pet rodent or reptile
• Do not keep reptiles or rodents in homes, daycare centers, schools, or other facilities with children aged 5 years and under
• Always supervise children when they touch or play with reptiles or rodents
o Do not let them put reptiles and rodents or their supplies near their face or share their food or drinks with pets
o Make sure they thoroughly wash their hands after touching reptiles or rodents
o Children 5 years and under should not handle reptiles or rodents
• Do not clean or bathe reptiles or rodents in the kitchen sink, bathroom sinks, or bathtubs
• Do not keep food used for reptiles or rodents in the kitchen or any room where people eat or drink
• Keep reptiles and rodents and all their food, containers, enclosures, and any objects that have been in their enclosures, such as plants or enrichment items, away from the kitchen and other places where food is made or eaten
• Do not keep frozen rodents in the same fridge or freezer as human food.
• Freezing rodents does not kill Salmonella
• Always defrost and prepare frozen rodents outside the kitchen, using dedicated utensils and containers
• Be aware of the specific needs of your reptile. Stress for a reptile can increase the shedding of Salmonella
• Always keep reptiles and live rodents in habitats specifically designed for them
• If you choose to have a reptile or rodent in your home, talk to your health care provider or veterinarian about the right reptile or rodent for your family, especially if your family includes children 5 years and younger, pregnant people, immunocompromised individuals, or adults 65 years of age and over
Symptoms of a Salmonella infection, called salmonellosis, typically start 6 to 72 hours after exposure to Salmonella bacteria from an infected animal, person, or contaminated product.
Symptoms include:
• fever
• chills
• diarrhea
• abdominal cramps
• headache
• nausea
• vomiting
These symptoms usually last for 4 to 7 days. In healthy people, salmonellosis often clears up without treatment. In some cases, severe illness and hospitalization may occur. In some cases, antibiotics may be required. People who are infected with Salmonella bacteria can be infectious from several days to several weeks. People who experience symptoms or have underlying medical conditions should contact their healthcare provider if they suspect they have a Salmonella infection.
Epidemiological information
Figure 1 is an epidemiological curve for this outbreak, which shows the number of new cases by month. Outbreak investigators use this information to show when illnesses begin, when they peak, and when they trail off. It can take several weeks from the time a person becomes ill to when the illness is reported, and testing confirms a link to the outbreak. Data are available for 45 cases.

Figure 1: Number of people infected with Salmonella Typhimurium

Figure 1 - Text Equivalent

Table 1 – Number of people confirmed to be infected with Salmonella by month of illness onset or specimen collection
Month of symptom onset or specimen collection Number of cases
January 2022 0
February 2022 1
March 2022 5
April 2022 1
May 2022 2
June 2022 4
July 2022 3
August 2022 3
September 2022 3
October 2022 6
November 2022 0
December 2022 6
January 2023 2
February 2023 6
March 2023 3
April 2023 0

Additional information
• Salmonellosis (Salmonella)
• Salmonella and Reptiles
• Key steps to help reduce zoonotic disease transmission from rodents
• Pets: Healthy animals, healthy people
• Rodents: Healthy animals, healthy people
• Reptiles and amphibians: Healthy animals, healthy people
Media contact
Public Health Agency of Canada
Media Relations
Public inquiries
Call toll-free: 1-866-225-0709
Email: [email protected]

Notice to industry: Importing and handling invertebrates in Canada for personal or commercial purposesThe Canadian Food ...

Notice to industry: Importing and handling invertebrates in Canada for personal or commercial purposes

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has posted a Notice to Industry to its website pertaining to the import and handling of invertebrates in Canada for personal or commercial purposes.

Please consult the Notice to Industry on the CFIA website for details.

If you have questions about this notice, please email [email protected].

Avis à l’industrie : Importation et manipulation d’invertébrés au Canada à des fins personnelles ou commerciales

L’Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments (ACIA) a affiché un Avis à l’industrie sur son site Web concernant l’importation et la manipulation d’invertébrés au Canada à des fins personnelles ou commerciales.

Veuillez consulter l'Avis à l'industrie sur le site Web de l’ACIA pour obtenir plus de détails.

Si vous avez des questions au sujet de cet avis, veuillez communiquer avec l’ACIA par courriel Ă  l’adresse [email protected].

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulates the import and handling of invertebrates in Canada. Requirements are in place to prevent damage to Canada's natural environment and to the agricultural and forestry sectors of the Canadian economy.

A few references to h**ps. Big investors are buying up local veterinary practices (and pretty much everything else). Wha...

A few references to h**ps.

Big investors are buying up local veterinary practices (and pretty much everything else). What does this mean for scruffy little Max* — and for the U.S. economy?

Big investors are buying up local veterinary practices (and pretty much everything else). What does this mean for scruffy little Max* — and for the U.S. economy? (Part 1 of 2.) *The most popular dog name in the U.S. in 2022.


A Chatham-Kent man has been ordered to pay a $200,000 fine after pleading guilty to damaging the habitat of three endangered species.


ALERT: America COMPETES Act of 2022 Lacey Act Amendments

UPDATE 7/28/22: We have been posting relevant updates on our main alert page at To be brief, the “CHIPS-Plus” bill that passed in the Senate passed the House on 7/28 (243-187 vote). This bill includes some of the technology initiatives included in the America COMPETES Act, USICA, and other bills. The portions of COMPETES that were not germane to the intent of the bill (including the bad Lacey Act amendments) were not added to the CHIPS-Plus package. This should be the end of any threat from these Lacey Act amendments for this Congressional session.

Thank you to everyone who contacted their legislators and voiced opposition! Your opposition is hugely important and needed. When advocacy groups like USARK meet with legislators, they give us more attention if they have been hearing from their constituents. The Reptile Nation is a huge part of USARK and we just want to say thank you again to those who took the time to fight for responsible h**petoculturists.

Also, a huge thank you to other animal keepers and organizations who opposed these Lacey Act amendments! USARK and h**p keepers were certainly not the only ones fighting. The stoppage of these Lacey Act amendments shows that various animal interest groups can work together and make a difference. Thank you!

Read below or at (more info and What To Do at link). We also have a spin-off post at and an FAQ page at

UPDATE 7/28/22: The "CHIPS-Plus" bill passed the Senate and then the House (243-187 vote). This bill includes some of the technology initiatives included in the America COMPETES Act and other bills. The portions of COMPETES that were not germane to the intent of the bill (including the bad Lacey Act amendments) were not added to the CHIPS-Plus bill.

UPDATE 7/27/22: This is the current version of the technology-focused "CHIPS-Plus" bill. No Lacey Act amendments are in this bill.

UPDATE 7/20/22: After months of negotiations, the Senate voted to advance a $52 billion bill aimed at boosting domestic semiconductor production. The House may vote next week as this works through the process. This will take some pressure off the conference committee and the USICA/COMPETES reconciliation may fade away but keep contacting legislators through our alerts!

UPDATE4/7: House Representatives have been announced to the S1260/HR4521 reconciliation conference committee. See the list at An unofficial list of Senate members has been released (included at link).

UPDATE 3/29: A top priority on Capitol Hill is to pass the Bipartisan Innovation Act (this is the current name for the bill that will merge HR4521 and S1260). The primary goal of this bill is to boost high-tech research and chip manufacturing in the United States. Since the House and Senate passed different versions, the two versions must now be merged (reconciled). The process to conduct a formal reconciliation finally started Monday evening with a move from the Senate that replaced the text of HR4521 with the text of S1260 and sent it back to the House. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said the House should vote this week against the bill from the Senate. This downvote will trigger the formation of a conference committee with members from both chambers. That committee will reconcile HR4521 and S1260 to produce a final bill. Following a vote to begin a formal conference negotiation process, Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell must define the structure of the committee talks.

UPDATE 3/28: Following a roll call to limit debate on the measure (cloture), the Senate voted 68-28 to send its version (text from S1260) of this bill back to the House. Next, the House will reject this bill. This was the process needed to set up a cross-chamber conference committee to settle on the final language for the bill (reconciliation of the two bills).

UPDATE 2/14: As we have stated, the America COMPETES Act (HR4521) and U.S. Innovation and Competition Act (S1260) will be reconciled (merged) in committee. The merged bill will likely have a new name (promoting a “Make It In America” or similar moniker). As of this update, the House has yet to send the final version of HR4521 to the Senate (due to over 200 amendments being added on the House floor). Informal discussion on the reconciliation may begin this week. The formal Senate/House conference should begin in March. This issue of strengthening the U.S. economy (specifically in the technology fields) is a priority for many in Congress. Our mission remains to keep the Lacey Act amendments from being added to this or any other bill. Full alert at

UPDATE 2/4: This bill passed in the House and will go to the Senate. We will adjust our alert to contact Senators at the appropriate time. It was a slim margin with the final vote at 222-210.

UPDATE 2/1: The America COMPETES Act passed out of the Rules Committee, as expected. It will next go to the full House for a vote [debate on February 2]. Our goal is not to stop the bill but to get the Lacey Act amendments removed before it goes to the Senate. During today's hearing, Arkansas Representative Rick Crawford specifically cited the Lacey Act amendments as provisions that, "...would not stand a chance if they were vetted through regular order and the legislative process." The hearing was filled with opposition and pointed concern that this Act is far too broad and unfocused with an unreasonable number of amendments (over 600). The Act strays far beyond its stated purpose. Keep contacting your Representatives! (See for directions.) end update

Buried within the 2,912 pages of the America COMPETES Act of 2022 lie Lacey Act amendments that affect all non-domesticated pet owners and the greater pet community. COMPETES is an acronym for Creating Opportunities for Manufacturing, Pre-Eminence in Technology and Economic Strength. The stated purpose of the Act is to strengthen America’s economic and national security but obviously, this was slipped into the massive bill in hopes to go unnoticed.

The amendments would reverse the USARK federal lawsuit victory by reinstating the ban on interstate transportation of species listed as injurious under the Lacey Act. The bill would also create a “white list” (see #2 below) that could affect millions of pet owners, as well as pet businesses. If your species of interest, even your pet, is listed as injurious (which could happen because it can survive outside somewhere in the U.S.), then it cannot be transported across state lines. That means you could not even take a pet with you if you moved to another state or needed veterinary care across a state border. This does not just ban sales but prohibits all interstate transportation. This will trickle down to hundreds or thousands of common pet species.

The America COMPETES Act may pass in the House next week. If passed in the House, it will then be sent to the Senate to be reconciled with an innovation policy package called the U.S. Innovation and Competition Act, or USICA, that passed in the Senate last year. The America COMPETES Act is the House Democrats' response to USICA (which does not contain the Lacey Act Amendment). The House Rules Committee will hear the America COMPETES Act on February 1, 2022. This is the same language we saw introduced by Florida Senator Marco Rubio as Senate Bill 626 in 2021.

Briefly, the amendments will:

1. Provide that the Lacey Act bans the interstate transport of species listed as injurious. Specifically, it replaces Lacey’s current language ‘‘shipment between the continental United States’’ with ‘‘transport between the States."

2. Create a “white list” of species that can be imported. This means that any animal (reptile, amphibian, fish, bird, mammal) that is not on the white list is by default treated as an injurious species and is banned from importation.

3. Create a new authority allowing FWS to use an “emergency designation” that becomes effective immediately after being published in the Federal Register unless an extension of no more than 60 days is allowed. That means no due process, public input, hearings, advanced notice, etc. for injurious listings.

4. Permit FWS to not allow importation if a species has not been imported in “minimal quantities” (to be defined) in the year prior to the enactment of this Act.

5. The effective date would be one year after the enactment of this Act.

Read the relevant amendment text (these are pages 1661-1665) at

In our landmark court decision, four federal judges agreed that USARK was correct and that the Lacey Act (Title 18 Section 42 of the U.S. Code) did not ban interstate transportation of injurious species based on the original language of the Lacey Act and the intent of Congress. As a result of this fight for our members and the h**petocultural community, this meant animals domestically bred under human care could be moved and sold across state lines (within the continental United States). For h**petoculturists’ concerns, this included some species of constrictor snakes and 201 species of salamanders.


Public Health Has asked us to share this urgent notice  Please take the time to share it to your local reptile and small...

Public Health Has asked us to share this urgent notice Please take the time to share it to your local reptile and small animal community

Outbreak Notice: Human Salmonella infections linked to feeder rodents and reptiles
Alberta Public Health and Agriculture authorities are investigating an outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium linked to feeder rodents and reptiles. Since January 1, 2022, there have been 12 human cases of Salmonella infection that match each other based on genetic fingerprinting. Investigation findings have identified exposure to both snakes and feeder rodents as the likely source of the outbreak. The investigation is ongoing.

See other details at:

Reptiles and rodents can carry Salmonella naturally in their intestines, where it lives without making them sick. People can get infected after handling infected animals directly, or through contact with contaminated environments or equipment. Freezing does not kill Salmonella, therefore even frozen rodents are a risk. Treating healthy animals with antibiotics to try to get rid of the Salmonella does not work. In fact, treating otherwise healthy animals may actually increase the chance of them shedding harmful bacteria and can lead to antibiotic resistance.
The pet industry has an important role in preventing Salmonella illness through good management practices, and also educating customers about safe handling and care.
It is requested that industry partners:
• Share this notice within your industry networks.
• Adopt and maintain good management practices.
• Label frozen feeder rodent packaging with safe handling instructions.
• Provide education materials to customers to raise awareness and promote safe handling.
• Follow up with your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about your animals.

An infosheet on key steps to help reduce zoonotic disease transmission from rodents can be found here, and includes information on:
• Housing and equipment
• Husbandry
• Cleaning and disinfecting
• Handling
• Customer education, including example labels for feeder rodents
Some education materials that can be shared with your clients can be found at:
Rodents as pets: Healthy animals, healthy people
Reptiles and amphibians as pets: Healthy animals, healthy people

Together, we can help keep to keep our pets, and people, healthy.

Alberta Health Services (AHS) is investigating an outbreak of Salmonella infections across the province, with links to reptiles and feeder rodents.

A GREAT document from the Federation of British Herpetologists. Well worth the read. Many veterinary associations, clubs...

A GREAT document from the Federation of British Herpetologists. Well worth the read. Many veterinary associations, clubs, PhDs of all sorts...very h**p friendly! Something we all should consider.

"This document underpins the Good Practice
Guidelines for the welfare of privately kept reptiles in the UK. It aims to promote the physical health and psychological wellbeing of the reptile by stating a set of guidelines for minimum enclosure size in which a reptile has the opportunity to engage in normal behaviours such as locomotion, basking and hiding.
As well as providing space, the enclosure must meet the other environmental conditions and needs of the animal, as per the Good Practice Guidelines.

For example, an enclosure housing a species that normally climbs must have sufficient usable vertical space for the reptile to climb, and an enclosure housing an aquatic or semi-aquatic species must have sufficient water volume for the reptile to swim. The enclosure sizes described in this document are the minimum that the FBH feels is required to provide adequate opportunities for natural behaviour, enrichment and provision of the required environmental conditions for successful, long-term maintenance.

Further benefits can be provided to most species by using larger enclosures and the FBH would encourage keepers to use an enclosure larger than the minimum sizes outlined in this document wherever possible. While space is a very important part of setting up an enclosure to house your reptile, it is important to maximize this by making the space
usable for your animal. This can be done in many ways, for example by adding climbing space – either vertically by giving the back texture, or horizontally by adding a shelf or platform.

Some species will exhibit stress type behaviours such as refusing to eat or pushing themselves against the glass in a large open space, so it is important to not focus purely on providing a large space. This can usually be mitigated by increasing places for hiding and cover and increasing the usable area within the enclosure i.e. increasing the habitat complexity. This information will be kept under constant review and updated regularly. The FBH will be monitoring and evaluating new evidence as it becomes available. We will continue consulting with other groups and private keepers to include more detailed considerations in this document as it develops."

Find the Download PDF here:[0]=AT1WfmfgH9mbUaXCX_aVxP8bTlIb2HE7Jmd6u-DXA1POLovDCYyQZiXaM-aUuesfS8357DI0WxV2g2y4xI67cUN4l9TgF0twkK766fd4N7feQzyB4P4IiEMXclU6lYARMYGLViATGaYsSfiUyl4OC2FAj9ik__27X-a1vmagyHaueHY


Michael Van Nostrand first gained notoriety through “The Lizard King," a 2008 bestseller that described a U.S. Fish and Wildlife agent's years-long investigation of his business.


Attn: Winnipeg Pet Owners
Winnipeg Council Committee Passes Motion To Drop Exotic Species From The By-Law Review, Now We Need A Bit More Help!


Winnipeg Update
Today, with a 3:1 vote, city council approved a motion to drop the exotics component from the Responsible Pet Ownership By-law Review. The city of Winnipeg is on hold in considering any changes to the existing exotics bylaw. Thank you to everyone who took the time to sign Manitoba Canary Finch Club’s petition, the Winnipeg Specialty Pets email campaign and write into city councilors. It was the overwhelming feedback from concerned bird, reptile, and fish owners that made this outcome possible. All stakeholder pet groups recognize that there is a need for the City of Winnipeg to better protect animals from neglect and abuse and was a strong advocate during stakeholder meetings for this to be accomplished through the creation of husbandry-based by-laws. All stakeholder pet groups could not and would not condone Winnipeg Animal Services proposal to ban the ownership of almost all specialty pet species. Pet owners and specialty pet groups of Winnipeg fought hard against this, and today these efforts paid off. On behalf of all the specialty pets, their families thank you to CanHerp, Manitoba Canary Finch Club, Winnipeg Specialty Pets, Petland, and PIJAC for their vocal support in representing specialty pet owners interested in Winnipeg.

Come see us at the Canadian Reptile Expos tomorrow! :) lot's of goodies

Come see us at the Canadian Reptile Expos tomorrow! :) lot's of goodies

Saving wildlife through captive breeding!

Saving wildlife through captive breeding!


Thornhill, ON


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