Join us tomorrow morning at 10AM EST as we partner with AgScape to share an exciting, LIVE Virtual Field Trip with students from across Ontario!
Educators, youth leaders, homeschoolers - register here to get a FREE downloadable activity kit along with the links to join:
Friends, family and ANYONE else who wishes to join in, you can find us LIVE here tomorrow, or on AgScape's page or YouTube Channel. Just visit the page and click the link!
The replay will be available afterwards for anyone interested!
AND there is also a FRENCH language Bee Virtual Field Trip with another organization tomorrow at 2pm - details can be found here:
Swarm season! Yesterday afternoon we got a call about a swarm in Thorold at St John's Anglican church. We put the queen and many of the bees into a box and then installed a lid with a one-way entrance. It's amazing to see that, as the remaining bees made their way inside, they seem to circle around on the cover in a clockwise direction.
Our bees just experienced the path of totality. They're a little confused right now...
Have you ever seen brand new baby bees emerging from their cells? These are, in fact, drone bees all emerging together as we checked through the brood nest of this hive. These drones will eventually fly off to mate with virgin queens from other hives. Another important part of what we beekeepers call "swarm season"!
Bees waxing eloquently...
We're feeding our bees some sugar syrup to help them get through the cold wet weather. The question is, what are they doing with it?
More prep for the new beekeeping season!
Find out what Beekeeper Ken is up to today!
Lesson in bee defense #1...
Today was the first bee yard visit of the spring. This time of year we are checking for survival rates and food stores. If a colony is running out of honey we can supplement with sugar until the flowers begin to bloom again.
12 of 16 colonies survived the winter. That's a MUCH better rate than the last couple of years! We're off to a good start.