🌾🤠 Some take ‘lazy Sunday’ pretty seriously! 💤 hope you all enjoyed your weekend as much as this little lady did- on to MOOONDAY! 🐮 #kustermansfarm #cattlefarming #cowsmakemehappy #lifeofacow #SundayFunday #sundayvibes #funnymoments #funnyvideos #funnyreels
The ladies are looking for their forever homes—preferably with someone who appreciates their dance moves and egg-cellent personalities. Think you’ve got what it takes to be their new bestie? Get your chicken orders in now before they start charging for entertainment! 🐓💃😂 IT’S LIMITED SO ACT NOW! #kustermansfarm #chickenorders #getyourchickens #chickens #FarmFresh #ChickenBesties #HomesteadLife #CluckYeah #EggstraSpecial #BarnyardBoogie #FreshEggsDaily #FarmToTable #PoultryParty #HappyHens #OrderNow #FeatheredFriends
Meanwhile, the chickens are plotting their escape, the cows think they run the place, and Sunday’s just another workday on the farm. But hey, she’s pulling in all the good vibes to keep things running smoothly! 🌞 #FarmLife #PositiveVibesOnly #LittleFarmGirl #SundayMood #GoodVibesOnly #CountryLife #FarmKidLife #WorkHardStayPositive #ChasingSunshine #LifeOnTheFarm #kustermansfarm
“I’m not staring at you… you’re staring at me—and I’m the one who’s about to be dinner.” 🐄😜 #MooBusiness #MindYourOwnGrass #FarmLife #CudLife #SnackAttack #GrazeAndConfused #UdderlyHilarious #kustermansfarm
🧑🌾 Living on a cattle 🐄 farm is a non-stop comedy show. This week, the bull 🐂 decided fences are optional, the calf 🐮 mastered limbo under the gate, and I found myself knee-deep in mud 💩 during a downpour while 15 cows judged 🧑⚖️ me for forgetting snacks. Who needs a gym 🏋️ when you’ve got cow drama 🎭 ?! #FarmLife #CattleChronicles #BarnyardBlunders #RogueBullAdventures #CalfEscapeArtist #MudAndMoo #FarmingFails #LifeOnTheFarm #CowComedy #FenceIsOptional #CountryLife
Bella wants to play by herself this morning!
25 Year Wedding Anniversary
Dear Holly,
Over these 25 years we've built something more than a farm – we built something special, something strong, we've built a life a home and a family that I'm so proud of.
You've given me two wonderful kids. A beautiful daughter first and then a handsome boy, who have made me so happy to watch grow and turn into these amazing people, how honoured I am.
Holly I know I'm not one for fancy words, but I want you to know that you've always been my rock, my partner, and the heart of this place. Every fence we've mended, every calf we've raised, and every storm we weathered we did it side-by-side.
I probably don't say it enough, but I want you to know that I've loved you every day of these 25 years. I couldn't have done any of this without you. You've been my everything. Here's to the life we built, to our kids, and to all that still ahead of us. I'm so grateful to be walking this road with you- I love you now and forever!
The calf just wanted to play with the cat. #farmlife #kustermansfarms
The peacefulness of early morning feeding.
This beautiful bouquet came from Vink's nursery. #kustermansfarms