An Important Update on our Herd: This “S”torm has officially passed ⛈️
This morning, exactly 4 months to the day after our closure on December 3rd, we got word that our final Red Zone horse received a negative GPL test. No more positive horses. No more Red Zone. No more quarantine. No more Strangles.
Some time this week we’ll post an update with some final thoughts, important thank-yous, and updates on things to come. Today we’re just thanking our lucky stars that this chapter is behind us, because storms get tired too 🌈
#torontoequestrian #torontoequestriandowntown #thisStormwillpass #StranglesSucks #toronto #equestrian #ridingschool #thesix
The "S" word. Day 23.
When you are going through hell, keep going.
Today, morale is running a bit low. We ran our third round of tests on Monday, and while the horse who tested positive last week tested negative this week (+), we did receive another positive (-). This means we restart the clock to 21 days as of December 18th for one half of the Orange zone.
We thought we would share a short video of the herd doing the great job they do.
With the holidays, our next round of testing will happen on January 2nd. In the meantime, the horses in both zones are doing well. There are no symptoms, no temperatures. One of the original 5 tested negative this week as well. Two more tests, and that horse will move out of the isolation zone. The remaining 4 are healing quickly. All are eating us out of house and home.
Our Holiday wish was an announcement that part of the herd would be moving to the Green zone. Instead, we are maintaining our herd in Orange, with the hopes that the tests on January 2nd will show us some Green 🙏. The second week of camp is cancelled. The team on the ground is tired, frustrated, and sore. We are all wondering how horses can test negative, then positive, then negative. What does that mean? Which tests do we believe? Where does that leave us, and how do we proceed?
The "S" word is sneaky, and it is a frustrating reminder that life is neither perfect nor logical. We have plans upon plans, what if scenarios, solid day to day processes to keep this herd safe.
So many people have shared their generosity and well wishes with us. To all of you, a heartfelt thank you. Your support means the world to us. We don't know how we could survive without it.
We want to be through this. We will get through this. Today, what we really want to know is, when?
And that is a question no one can answer.
The “S” word, day 12. Waiting for the results. Monday we did our second round of testing on the herd in the Orange zone. While we wait for the results (anxiously), the herd continues to hold its own. The daily routine of temperature taking continues. The horses are bored! With quarantine, and with us.Horses in the Red zone are hanging in. We have seen an upswing in some of their symptoms, which is both worrying and incredibly disheartening.The team at ground zero is working double time to keep all the balls in the air. Morale waxes and wains. They deserve recognition for their hard work and innovation in coming up with solutions to this new reality. Please join our entire #torontoequestrian community and share a shout out to:Julianne - my business partner and friend, who is running the Red zone. The stress in the Red zone is unimaginable, and Julianne is single-handedly holding that all together.Our director, Michelle, and barn manager, Julie, who are commandeering the Orange zone, with the help of Courtney, Jean-Luc, Louise, Katie, and Elan.Makenzie, our office manager, who is answering the calls and emails, keeping the North business going, and stickhandling night check in the Red zone.The wonderful volunteers, who are helping keep the herd positive.Tomorrow or Friday, the second round of test will be in. We hope there will be a light to see at the end of the tunnel. Please join us in rallying round the team and herd Downtown, share our donation link, and help if you wish. It takes a village, and we are eternally grateful to ours!#thisstormwillpass #torontoequestriandowntown #torontoequestriannorth The “S” word. Day 7. Holding our breath! Today marks the end of our first week in quarantine. The herd in the Orange zone is holding strong, and our isolated Red zone horses are getting better.On Monday, we will do our next round of testing on the whole herd in the Orange zone to identify any sick horses before they are symptomatic, and to identify any carriers (asymptomatic, but shedding the bacteria, and so passing along). Strangles, the “S” word, can be sneaky. If we identify a carrier, we can isolate and treat that horse. One more step toward battle won.The team in the quarantine zone have been creative in applying solutions to our situation. Today, a few vignettes, and an ask:The best defence our equestrian community has against the “S” word is transparency. Please continue sharing our posts and our donation page (link at the top)and help if you can!#thisstormwillpass
From my BP Julianne:
Life for the foreseeable future here in the “red zone”. As the sole caregiver of the positive horses, right now my days are filled with scrubbing in, temperature checks, disinfecting, medications, disinfecting, barn labour, boot scrubs, more disinfecting, and a million other things. It’s lonely as heck, and I miss my horses, friends, and students at the North farm, whom I won’t be seeing until this is behind us. I miss seeing this place buzzing with activity. This past week sucked. Next week will too. Strangles sucks.
I am endlessly grateful for the outpouring of love and support we have received from the wider community. For my business partner Sue, who is managing everything behind the scenes while I’m here at ground zero. For our skeleton crew of incredible and dedicated staff who are working their backsides off down in the “orange zone.” And our herd of beautiful horses who are holding steady, and graciously accepting all the poking, prodding, and medicating I have to give them on a daily basis.
Strangles sucks, but there is a distant light at the end of the tunnel. And I think we’ll come out stronger on the other side ❤️
Summer Camp Week 2! Invasion of the pool noodle horses, circumventing the Honda Indy, and lots of laughs along the way 🤪 #torontoequestrian #torontoequestriandowntown #toronto #equestrian #ridingschool #thesix #horsesoftoronto #bestoftoronto