It rewarding when ur clients get it,
They put in the work, they form a bond the go on adventures they live thier best life!
This dog could not be walked in public for the past 2 years, now with WEK9 Dog Training she is out, she is happy, and now she get to go everywhere with her owner!!!!
Available for adoption @ Tyson & friends
Look at this face!
Let's find this girl a forever home!
I pick and choose the clients who will put in the work and create the structure and rules that allow a dog be calm
3 littermates, all brother eating raw bones next to each other without any issues,
Reactivity is a learned behavior, or allowed to develop with no correction or directions
Your pack reacts as you let them or as you teach them they are allowed to
We the humans dictate terms and conditions to our dogs, we are the leaders that are the checks and balances in daily life
Special thank to Melissa grover and "the big dog house rescue"
For letting me be a part of your event.
Public demonstration with 3 dogs
within 60 seconds the dogs were giving focus and sitting calm as other dogs walked by,
Taught 2 dogs hand signals
Taught the owners a few times game based methods to increase focus and value of the commands words
WEK9 Dog Training even got to handle the event organizers Dog an amazing GREAT Pyrenees named KING!
Please look into The big dog house, donate and follow