today marks 6 years without our big red 💔
despite being gifted a different kitten for my 16th birthday, I couldn’t stop thinking about this guy after he randomly turned up on the farm I rode and worked at🐴 he would rub his whole body up against the legs of our tolerant horses when he wasn’t busy demanding belly rubs from us.
I had never met a cat like him; had never known one as bold, as brave or as cuddly 🥹
I didn’t think life as a hardy barn cat was one for him, so I lied to my parents and told them my ride home fell through one night at work 😉 When my dad arrived to pick me up, I stood in the pouring rain with tears streaming down my face - refusing to get into the car unless he was coming too.
Red came home that night and stayed in our basement. I don’t remember how many times I went to check on him, but it was definitely far too many. My parents crushed me when they told me we would be taking him to the humane society the next day; only the next day never came. He won them over in record time, just as he had won over me 🐈
We had so many amazing years with Red, but not nearly enough. His life was tragically cut short after he was hit and killed by a car in front of our house 😔
I’ll never forget that day. Losing any animal is tough, but it’s even harder when you don’t see it coming 💔
Since then, we have only had indoor cats and tell red’s story in hopes that it will encourage other people to do the same. The streets are no match for any feline, no matter how smart you think they may be.
We love you redder, and miss having you in our lives every day 💫