Did you know that non-veterinary pet care professionals in Canada are NOT regulated?
Your dog groomer, dog walker, doggy daycare, dog trainer etc are not required to have any education, training or qualifications to work in pet care.
Folks who have been criminally charged with animal abuse, folks without any insurance, folks without any pet first aid, behaviour or physiology education, are walking training grooming your pets - because there is absolutely no one checking in on them
Facilities have no safety requirements - you could easily be leaving your pets at a facility with no trained staff, no insurance, no fire sprinkler systems etc. There are no safety or cleanliness standards for facilities
Thankfully, the city of Toronto is reviewing this deficiency, which could lead to some form of regulation that the industry desperately needs
Tomorrow, the city is holding a meeting to discuss, and you can participate! Register at the link below to listen in and even contribute if you have anything to say
Can’t make it to the meeting? That’s okay - they’ve made a survey to collect your thoughts and concerns! You’ll find it under ‘how to participate’ in the link below!
Let’s stand up for our beloved pets who don’t get to tell us what they experienced when we pick them up. Let’s take all of the footage of abuse that we see online seriously, and take action. Let’s stop this industry from being the wild-wild-west, with regulation!
The City of Toronto is reviewing the business licensing and zoning rules for pet establishments that work with and/or keep live animals on their premises. This could include businesses that offer grooming, training, daycare, or the overnight boarding of animals. Reviewing these rules will help estab...