While yesterday was the day of love this Februdairy Fact we’re talking about all that lovin’ when it comes to cows! On our farm we prefer to use A.I. (Artificial Insemination) over natural breeding, this is a highly effective way to improve genetics, increase production, eliminate the chances of inbreeding, increase reproduction longevity, is a cheaper alternative to raising bulls and most importantly workplace safety for both the cows and farmers, because as we all know there is nothing more dangerous than an angry bull! This route is easier for us as all we have to do is continuously monitor our cows for heats (when cows are in the mood-d, as seen in today’s photo), and when they’re ready for breeding we call Nova Scotia Animal Breeders Co-operative technician, Hedley Wilson who will come to the farm and breed the cow/cows within around 20 minutes (insert inappropriate Corey joke)! Once a cow is bred she will be monitored and given check ups from the vet regularly to make sure that the baby is healthy and developing! As Hedley says, Ditch the Weiner, A.I. is cleaner!🐮❤️