Squirrels Haven

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Squirrels Haven Join us in our adventure of city slicker to farm life.

We would love you to join us in our blunders and successes as we learn to navigate living on 12 acres of land, complete with forest, gardens and a creek running through the property.

Let's talk bees!Lately lots of people are finding bees in odd places, believing they have a honey bee hive. Did you know...

Let's talk bees!

Lately lots of people are finding bees in odd places, believing they have a honey bee hive. Did you know there are many different kinds of bees? Hundreds actually. If not thousands. As a bee keeper, I was called to 2 different places this past week, to possibly collect some honey bees. The first call was actually leaf cutter bees, and the second one was Carpenter bees. So let's see the difference between them.

FYI yes I WILL DO honey bee removal. I can NOT help with other kinds of bee removal.

First picture (photos are in order and will be labeled) is a Carpenter bee. They are a solitary bee, that normally lives in a colony, but each has its own individual nest of brood to feed and care for. They are mostly harmless and rarely sting, unless you decided to go poking around at it and trying to grab it. They will fly near you as a warning to back off, but very rarely ever sting. They are often found in garbage bins, or places with wood or cardboard nearby. Wooden doors, eves, wooden lawn furniture, windowsills, anywhere with wood or cardboard access. Notice the shiny black bum. These are great pollinators to have around, and if they aren't in your way, and they "home" can be moved to a safe and out of the way location, keep them! They are wonderful pollinators. They are a medium to large size bee and have all kinds of different sizes living in the same colony. Don't call us unless you really need help. Very few of us are equiped to do this kind of removal.

2nd photo is a leaf cutter bee. Similar in size to a honey bee. They are another solitary bee, which also lives in a colony. Often found in tree fall which they have drilled holes, man-made "bee houses" (Bamboo sticks for houses), in the ground, or plant stems. Any man-made "holes" that they fit into snugly. They make their nests out of leaves. Again each bee has its own nest and babies. Another friendly bee which rarely stings unless you go around poking at it. Again, if they aren't causing you issues location wise, let them be. If you can move them safely to a better location, do so and keep them around. Yoi don't need to call us unless these are in your way. Very few of us have the means to assist in this kind of removal.

Bumble bee. These bees are "standard" native bees. When people think "bee" this is who they picture. They are bigger than the honey bee, and often have a brown stripe on its bum or yellow stripes and are just big. They are round and fuzzy. With smaller wings looking like they defy gravity and really shouldn't be able to fly. They often make hives in cavities often in the ground. Also, they could be sheds, trees, empty mouse den, under dense vegetation, anywhere with an open interior space that has a small opening on the outside. These are looked at as the golden retrievers of the bee world. They don't mind you, they don't want to sting you. Unless you handle them, you are likely fine. They do live in colony with a queen, but only produce minimal amounts of honey. If during your gardening you accidentally dig up a nest of theirs, it'll will be bumpy and ball like, and weird shaped. If possible leave it alone. They will only nest there for one season then move on. Don't call us unless you really need this moved. We don't want to disturb these bees. I don't believe any of us are equiped to do this kind of removal.

Now for the honey bee. This is a smaller thinner bee than any of the others. They are the ones we raise and keep as bee keepers. They can pose a risk of stings and swarming. We as bee keepers also collect these. Swarm season is here. This is a bee which you may randomly see a "beard of bees" outside in a tree branch, lamp, wall... Or find you suddenly see a lot of action happening in an area that may have a new hive.... Call us! We can help! We would LOVE to help!!

Got a chance to make up a new batch of "Florida water" today. I use it basically as a hand sanitizer, but it can be used...

Got a chance to make up a new batch of "Florida water" today. I use it basically as a hand sanitizer, but it can be used to clean surfaces, purify your space, rid negative energy, and be worn as a cologne, used as a tool to enhance energy workings, or heck even added to your cleaners like floor washes and surface sprays to help "clean" your space both physically and energetically. It is common place in witchcraft today but it's origins are of a perfume dating back to: "Murray & Lanman Florida Water was first introduced in 1808 as an alcohol-based essential oil concoction inspired by the Fountain of Youth".

Each batch I make is unique, and will have a different scent profile. It sure does look amazing when it's first made

And just like that... I'm sold out of eggs! The sad thing is 3 dozen eggs, doesn't even pay for one bag of feed. 🤦🏻‍♀️. ...

And just like that... I'm sold out of eggs! The sad thing is 3 dozen eggs, doesn't even pay for one bag of feed. 🤦🏻‍♀️. I go through at least 4/5 bags of feed per month, plus my "loop" food.

So when you try to haggle with farmers for egg prices, or say we charge too much, understand our feed costs have doubled in 3 yrs. Tripled in the past 6.

All of my egg sales and any farm sales, always go 100% back into the farm, so you know where your money is being spent.

It's a cloudy and gloomy day, what better kind of day to harvest a bunch of herbs right after a rainfall! So today, the ...

It's a cloudy and gloomy day, what better kind of day to harvest a bunch of herbs right after a rainfall! So today, the dehydrator will be running. All kinds of herbs got harvested today. Multiple kinds of basil, beebalm, oregano, bergamont, yarrow, mint, parsley (like I actually need anymore parsley I've got only 5 jars of it in the cold storage room 😂😂). The house is going to smell amazing! Can't wait to get these all jarred up and ready for use.

Surprise Sale!!! $4/doz. Get em while they are here!  Will be washed and packaged prior to pick up.If you've got any ext...

Surprise Sale!!! $4/doz. Get em while they are here! Will be washed and packaged prior to pick up.

If you've got any extra containers, save $0.50/doz.

Wanna trade goods? I'll do that too! Make me an offer!

Damnit! Found the missing eggs. 17 of them.Good news is, meat birds for the year! 😂😂 Bad news, I need to start buying fe...

Damnit! Found the missing eggs. 17 of them.

Good news is, meat birds for the year! 😂😂 Bad news, I need to start buying feed by the barrel.


Today was exploration day. Ducklings got a tour of the yard. Chaperoned by 2 Mama ducks and one hen.

It was also musical bird day. I moved the little bantam birds into the brooder coop, inside the main coop. I moved the birds formerly in the brooder, to the quail coop, and I sold the quails. Everything got a clean up, everything is good to go for now.

I have my final birds in the incubator now. I'll be hatching blue bresse, which is a meat bird. It's a bird you can raise, and will lay eggs and forage, just like any other chicken, but have solid bodies, and make for some delicious meat. I do plan to keep both pure lines and cross with my existing meat birds as well. Once hatched they will move into the tiny brooder coop, and have me play musical birds once again. 😂😂

Jet seemed to be quite interested in this line duckling in the quail coop, he sat right in front and was trying to get himself known. I'm very curious to see how this will play out. If Jet will adopt this duckling, I'm happy to oblige.


Today we have swimming lessons happening. This is the first day they took all of the babies at the same time.

As a *maker* for Fern and Petal, I have products here locally, on hand, for purchase, as well as placing custom orders f...

As a *maker* for Fern and Petal, I have products here locally, on hand, for purchase, as well as placing custom orders for you! I also make some amazing and tested anxiety blends for pets.

Did you need something specific? I may already have it on hand. Give their website a peek and let me know!


Fern & Petal

Locally bottled & handmade all-natural products. A small, family-run business bringing pure and natural products, from our home -- to yours.

The sea of babies continues. I just hatched out a dozen silkie /silkie mix chick's. I sold some of the myscovy ducks I h...

The sea of babies continues. I just hatched out a dozen silkie /silkie mix chick's. I sold some of the myscovy ducks I had, and I'll be keeping the remainder (only 4). I have 7 guinea eggs in the incubator as well, as I didn't know that 2 of the moms I assumed were sitting on eggs, are now missing. So I'm keeping the few that recently hatched and will be selling the remainder as they hatch, including the remaining mamas clutch once she sits (I know where her nest is, and it's very well protected)

These silkie chick's will be for sale as well, once I figure out what I'm dealing with. Not sure if these are all frizzle x satin silkie or silkie wheaten amerucuana. Or just bantam hen mixes. I need their feathers to start coming in before I know what I'm looking at.

If you'd like some please let me know. As always $5/chick.


We've got babies!

1/3 of the trio of chicken, chicken, duck, is a good mom. One of the other 2 needs me to take away all the babies as she...

1/3 of the trio of chicken, chicken, duck, is a good mom. One of the other 2 needs me to take away all the babies as she's hurting them.

Out of all of the silkie /bantam hens I hatched under there mamas, 3 were killed. One has a wing ripped off, one has half a missing upper beak, and 3 are fine. There was 12 eggs under them. I have no idea where the remaining chick's are.

I'm not sure if it's the chicken or the duck. The duck is CRAZY AGRESSIVE, and the other hen hasn't hatched eggs before.

I won't let these 2 sit again. One is going to freezer camp anyhow as she's actually a meat bird, the duck may join her.

Hopefully the other eggs under the chicken and duck sharing another nest will be fine. I'll be keeping VERY CLOSE WATCH.

I currently have 5 rescued silkie mix chick's 2 of which will have special needs, but they are eating and drinking actively.

One guinea keet is in there as well, and there is a few more hatching.

I was so excited yesterday to have happened upon a flock of cedar wax wings playing in the bushes.  I've never been luck...

I was so excited yesterday to have happened upon a flock of cedar wax wings playing in the bushes. I've never been lucky enough to see them in person before, so this was a treat. I was simply on a walk in my trails and was over by where my beehive will be, an heard quite the commotion in the trees. Only to look up and see a flock of about 10 of them bouncing around all over the place.


The first batch of many to come, chick's!

Mamma and babies are soooo cute!


When life throws you lemons, make lemonade right?... Or teensy tiny vampires in this case. 🦟🦟🦟🦟.

Openings available for "mosquito larvae nurses". We take this job seriously.

Duties include tending to brood, feeding, cleaning larvae, making sure as much standing water is available as possible (mother nature may take over this duty), and overall maintenance of "duck pond", making sure to report any findings to "Jett" the pond manager.


The Guineas have been making a crazy racket all morning, sadly, we found out why. Pearl, my black and white myscovy duck...

The Guineas have been making a crazy racket all morning, sadly, we found out why. Pearl, my black and white myscovy duck, was found dead this morning on the driveway. I didn't see any predators on camera. Jet, my male, looks a little worse for wear, he likely tried to defend his girlfriend without any success. I found him quite close to the nest she was making where she had laid almost 10 eggs.

Nothing goes to waste here in the farm, and her body will go back to nature. She's too large for my "bucket" so I'll need to take her down the further trails for the ravens to take care of.

We had our first "learning experience" with the electric fence. The Houdini goat I own, miss Fern, decided she didn't ne...

We had our first "learning experience" with the electric fence. The Houdini goat I own, miss Fern, decided she didn't need to pay attention to the fence and either got too close or leaned on it. Either way, it works! She jumped up, into the fence, knocking it down, fell on top of the fence on the ground now (ground absorbing the shock now), got up, then got locked in the garden. I needed to unplug it and open the fence up to let her out. She hasn't gone too close to it since.

In other news, I went in a walk in our trails today and found all kinds of goodies!

The yard is taking shape finally. We still have a pool base to complete, with the fancy new tractor. We want to get some...

The yard is taking shape finally. We still have a pool base to complete, with the fancy new tractor. We want to get some gravel or quarter down in to get the driveway done, plus build up the coop so no more flood issues. We also want to paint the house this year, inside and out. Also managed to get one of the lawn tractors running! Woo hoo! Lawn is cut, finally!

But the gardens are now complete, and fully protected from goats, chickens and hopefully deer as well. Bit by bit I'm getting there with my plants, and how I want things to look.

I'm hoping my hostas aren't in "too sunny" of an area, because I get more sun here than I anticipated, but the hostas (deer salad) are planted, and protected.

Now it's just waiting on things to fill in and grow.

Today was a lot of work. Thanks to a nearby friend who loaned us the missing parts that didn't come in my brand new poul...

Today was a lot of work. Thanks to a nearby friend who loaned us the missing parts that didn't come in my brand new poultry netting package.... We are up and running! We have about a month to wait for the missing parts to arrive, but the chickens, goats, cats, dogs, deer and anything else that decides it wants to gain entry to my garden, will now be met with one heck of a rude suprise upon their entry request. Go ahead.... Touch the fence! I dare you! 😂😂 ⚡⚡

I've also protected other areas of my gardens to keep the chickens, goats, deer, and any other pesky critter from further damaging my plants. The fencing I was able to remove from parts of my garden previously fenced, and now protected with the netting.

Welcome to living in the country. Where you can't have nice gardens, unless they are under protection. The chickens are the worst offender of destruction. Next up is the goats, then the cats using my boxes as litter boxes. All other animals come after this.

I still have my "hooty owl" that sounds an ultrasonic signal when it detects motion, as well as light up eyes.... So the 2 things combined hopefully wards off pesky deer. I still need to protect the beehive, that's next on the list.

Kombucha sure is pretty when it's first made.This is rhubarb mint, in orange peko tea.

Kombucha sure is pretty when it's first made.

This is rhubarb mint, in orange peko tea.

Once upon a time, there were 3 little friends. A duckling, a chick, and a guinea keet. They were the best of friends.......

Once upon a time, there were 3 little friends. A duckling, a chick, and a guinea keet. They were the best of friends..... I can't wait for this story to continue and see what mischief these 3 amigos get themselves into.


It's been a while since my last post. So I've got a big garden update!

We have been busy as bees over here. Garden is fully in, Steph has planted his garden, pathways between boxes are being worked on. More work to come, just need sunny days to work on it.

Long term is like to have a drip irrigation system in place for the boxes, something we will aim for in the future for sure.

Speaking is busy bees... The bees will be coming a little later than anticipated, a few more weeks. I'll be getting the pathway to them mowed this week, and their area mowed as well. Just need to figure out fencing next. Might need to look into a second solar electric net. Or piece together a mini electric fence kit.


It's broody season! All the birds want to take turns incubating nests. They are co-parenting. I've got about 6 birds which are all taking turns sitting on nests for one another. It's very cute, but at the same time, this means I'm gonna have a heck of a lot of babies in the very near future.

It's another rainy day on the farm, but that's ok! The seeds are planted and now we need the rain to make them sprout! T...

It's another rainy day on the farm, but that's ok! The seeds are planted and now we need the rain to make them sprout! Tomorrow I plan to get the final few seeds in the ground and by the weekend, finish off the boxes and deer deterrents.

As I mentioned previously, I'd be blending one of my "product sales" into my farm page. Because it fits with my goal of nature friendly products. I'm a "maker" with Fern and Petal! It's a great Canadian company with amazing products. They are always expanding their product lines and growing their business. It's a pleasure to be on board with them as they grow.

I've had a chance to try out some of their new products, for example "trail" their bug repellent, and it didn't disappoint. I was thrilled to be bug free while working out in the garden.

You can support me and my farm by purchasing their products through me, at Squirrels Haven. I'll happily place custom orders for you, and even split the shipping costs! I also regularily carry stock on hand as well.

Locally bottled & handmade all-natural products. A small, family-run business bringing pure and natural products, from our home -- to yours.

What a crazy busy day. More garden work, more fencing of the boxes, garden got "tilled" (more like dragged for weeds as ...

What a crazy busy day. More garden work, more fencing of the boxes, garden got "tilled" (more like dragged for weeds as we used the box blade not a tiller). The only things left to plant are corn seeds and sunflower seeds. Steph wants to do his own section of seed straight in the garden, so we can compare my boxes vs "old school" gardening. Pots all got planted, and every single seedling planted ahead of time is officially in the garden.

I may need a few more flowers to brighten up the deck. We will see.

Driveway got "graded", Steph got sunburnt and my feet are filthy and sore.

Next up, deck clean up, patio furniture set up, and we are "company ready". So who wants to come visit.... Next week.....😂

Trailer is open, just needs to have water turned on and lines drained. We are almost there...

Just some stuff found in the yard. My yard is ever evolving. New things all the time.I've never seen the trillium before...

Just some stuff found in the yard. My yard is ever evolving. New things all the time.

I've never seen the trillium before. It's a really interesting plant.


Due to my garden changes, we left Polaris outside on yard duty last night to keep the deer out of my garden. Around 10/10:30 he was losing his mind barking. Patrolling the whole yard, front back and sides, bark bark bark.... Barking over his bark collar and running back and forth. To the point that Steph came out to investigate. 10:40pm, while Polaris was on the east side of the yard, steph had been outside 10ft from here 2 minutes before, , this was walking through our back yard (west side). 😳😳😳😳😳

Good dog Polaris. We didn't end up leaving him outside the rest of the night, he was safe and sound inside.

It is clearly injured and I may need to call conservation officers as it's left rear leg is severely injured.

The garden boxes are done!  All are good planted. Half of the got fencing done as well. 6 left to fence. A few rows will...

The garden boxes are done! All are good planted. Half of the got fencing done as well. 6 left to fence. A few rows will be tilled for larger plants (corn, sunflowers, pumpkins and melons), and the rest will be cardboard and mulched.

The weeds have taken over absurd amounts after all this rain. My "unboxed" side of the garden is just dandelions as far as they eye can see. But it's very alive with bees! Lots of bees!

Speaking of bees.... Coming in about 2 weeks time....the bees will be back.

What a wet weekend it's been. Crazy amounts of rainfall. 2 and a quarter inches or 56mm of rain here in my yard. My coop...

What a wet weekend it's been. Crazy amounts of rainfall. 2 and a quarter inches or 56mm of rain here in my yard. My coop is flooded, my yard is flooded, my pathways are flooded.... But all this rain is very good for one thing... My garden. So today, plants are going in! We've got one cool night to get through still, but the rest are nice and warm. I'm gonna take my chances with that one cool night.

It's a planting day!

An update for the goats.Spoke with vets office today, another round of antibiotics is suggested for Patches. I'll pick t...

An update for the goats.

Spoke with vets office today, another round of antibiotics is suggested for Patches. I'll pick that up tomorrow. She's still the same acting a little more like herself, but still off. We are holding off on the final lice treatment for a month for her, all other goats have recieved their full treatment.

Of course because when it rains it pours, another goat, Gump, has come down with what is called "orf". It's mouth sores. It's a virus in the chicken pox family, and it's highly contagious to both goat and human. So now I get the pleasure of trying to catch Gump, isolate him from the rest of the herd, inside the barn (thankfully this is something I'm able to do), so he won't make Patches or any the other goats sick as well.

Because it's a virus, there is nothing that can be done. It simply has to run its course, just like chicken pox does. It takes anywhere from 2-5 weeks for it to run its course. Poor Gump, it looks very painful.

I'll see if I can get him into the smaller pen tonight when I head outside to close up the coop for the night.



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