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Sawatzky Equine Services Offering C**t Starting for all disciplines, advance training, clinics, coaching and mentorship and C


Noah’s last run in Texas on Super Sunday Finals day.

Although this wasn’t their best run, they tried their hearts out and shy of the couple bobbles that knocked them out of an upper placing they had fun accomplishing their goal of being there.

Final placing was 8th but the growth and lessons learned can not be quantified.

We are so proud of Noah for setting this HUGE goal last year and seeing it all the way through including all the extra care he gave his pony to help her be ready.

And, we are deeply grateful that Cleta was willing to carry him all the way to Texas in spite of Noah’s huge growth spurt this fall.

Big thanks to his coach and mentor Brenda Glowinski and Mule Melissa for supporting and inspiring him to be the horseman he has become.

Thank you to everyone that cheered Noah on and stopped to encourage him and check on him 🙏🏻


Noah’s Friday morning Young Guns run was super smooth and faster than his first run.

We love how connected these too are.

Cleta is a super special pony for sure! She has not batted an eye at any of this new environment!

Thank you to Brenda Glowinski for being a top notch coach that makes it easy for me to release accountability for our boy and his goals to her. She coaches in a way that lifts them both up and teaches Noah valuable life lessons beyond the show ring. He has been learning how to support his pony in this bigger arena by celebrating and appreciating the gifts his pony is giving him.
Mule Melissa continues to inspire him to be excellent in his horsemanship and the meticulous care of his pony by modelling it.

Thank You to both the Alberta Clubs Xtreme Wild Rose Club and Extreme Cowboy Alberta for giving him shows to go to to collect points and receive encouragement to get here.

Noah placed 4th again in this run and is 4th overall going into Finals Sunday in the Young Guns Division.

Thank you to our friends and family for supporting this big adventures he’s on!


Noah’s debut run at the EXCA Worlds in Texas on Thursday morning.

They made a very tidy and conservative run to start their adventure off.

It’s a big arena and the pressure is much higher than anything they have experienced to date.

It’s a big deal to have a vision and stay committed to it for a whole year, making countless sacrifices to get to it.

We were all pleased with their first run in the BIG sandbox and they landed 4th out of 12 this day!

BIG BIG thanks to his coach Brenda Glowinski
for being his primary support in warm up, walk through and creating his plans and intentions.

So much of Noah’s success is from the supportive and empowering coaching he receives from Brenda.

Thank you to Mule Melissa for being his mentor and source of inspiration to go on this journey to get to Worlds.

She has been available to give him pep talks and discuss the mental game of being a competitor.

Thank you to the fellow Race Team members and Alberta competitors for cheering Noah on as well and stopping by to check on how he has been.

The comradery has been amazing!

Here's today's line up at the EXCA Finals!Yesterday Noah secured his spot in Young Guns on Sunday for Finals with an exc...

Here's today's line up at the EXCA Finals!

Yesterday Noah secured his spot in Young Guns on Sunday for Finals with an excellent run (video posting soon).

Today he will be in the Youth division having a blast riding with the big kids.

Mule Melissa is in an excellent position to land in the top 10 of all her divisions so she can ride in finals - today's a BIG day for her.

All the Race Team riders have had a great week and are celebrating personal wins with HUGE gratitude for the generosity of their horses. These are truly remarkable beings to allow us this experience.

SE Race Team Riders today...

(in order of classes and starting with Intermediate riding at 6:30am Central for any early birds up!)

Intermediate - Sydney Perozak / 4th Rider In

Intermediate - Brenda Fitzgerald / 8th Rider In

Open Mule - Mule Melissa / 5th Rider In

Futurity - Mule Melissa / 11th Rider In

Youth - Noah Sawatzky / 12th Rider in

Pro - Mule Melissa / 10th Rider In

Live Feed Link in the comments. (they have limited volunteers available for this so hopefully they have it covered today)

Tomorrow’s line up. To my knowledge, there is nobody registered in New Partner Mustang so Intermediate *should* be the first class in. Bright and early at 6 am Texas time for the walk through.


If you missed it... Melissa and Jessica Rabbit did it again in the first round of the Open Mule division.

Way to keep the bar high Melissa!

Here's the replay if you missed it.

They go later today in the last two divisions - Pro and Open.


Ok - so USUALLY I'm all over letting everyone know the who/what/where/when of the EXCA World Finals and what the team is up to and who's there or at least where to go to find out....

However, my head space has been filled with the logistics of prepping Noah's pony Cleta to go to Texas and then Noah and I to come down too!

We've been here since Sunday, however between taking a red eye flight and the heat and Noah being sick with a nasty cold for the last 2+ weeks I have been taking care of essentials.

Our boy seems to be bouncing back today and doesn't compete until tomorrow. Superstar pony Cleta looks AMAZING!

AND it's so much more fun to be here with coach and mentors Brenda Glowinski and Mule Melissa. They did a fantastic job taking care of our precious girl on the way down. She has some extra needs as a senior citizen and they went above and beyond to support her.

The competition has started today already! Live Feed LInk...

Enjoy the live feed (when they have folks who can run the camera - I heard it's sparse for volunteers so no promises and I shouldn't do it because I make WAY too much noise and commentary - LOL)

We are enjoying seeing so many familiar faces, meeting new people and the camaraderie of the SE Race Team members!
Melissa Glowinski
Noah Sawatzky
Sydney Perozak
Connie Larsen
Brenda Fitzgerald
Janelle Lukan

It's pretty exciting to have some of our team members names on this list....quite a few actually!!Safe travels to everyo...

It's pretty exciting to have some of our team members names on this list....quite a few actually!!

Safe travels to everyone!

A wonderful addition to our community!Congrats!

A wonderful addition to our community!


Please note we offer After Hour Emergency Services 587-689-6890

8th Annual Spooky Animal Obstacle Clinic Series 2024Thank you to our Spooky Animal providers.As you can see we had a Spo...

8th Annual Spooky Animal Obstacle Clinic Series 2024

Thank you to our Spooky Animal providers.

As you can see we had a Spooktacular line up of live critters to compliment our inanimate ones!😱😱😱

Thank you to the animal sponsors for generously allowing us to have your critters for the weekend. They make an important contribution to this one of a kind clinic!

Cows: Maureen Shirner

Chickens: Jessica Freidricsen

Turkey: Michelle Keehn

Goats: Michelle Keehn

Sheep: Alyson Perrott

Pig: Brennan and Renae Connery

Llama: Melissa Glowinski

Geese: Jennifer Lauren

Ducks: Jennifer Lauren

Photo Credits: Joanne Kremer!

Last weekend we hosted our 8th Annual Spooky Animal Obstacle  Fundraising Clinic Series for 2024.The pictures say it all...

Last weekend we hosted our 8th Annual Spooky Animal Obstacle Fundraising Clinic Series for 2024.

The pictures say it was in fact SPOOKtacular!

We had over 45 participants over the 2.5 days of clinics - 5 in total!

Mule Melissa and Brenda Glowinski did a great job teaching about safety and how to introduce the horses to a stimulating environment.

Thank you to the participants for coming out to enjoy our sandbox filled with spooky animals.

Big thanks to all the folks who volunteered their critters.

Giant thank you to Joanne Kremer who pulls all the decorations together with her special pizazz!

It was a huge success and we raised a lot of funds to support Melissa's trip to Worlds in Texas.!

Last Friday we graduated our C**t Starting School class of 2024!This is our 6th group and it continues to be a privilege...

Last Friday we graduated our C**t Starting School class of 2024!

This is our 6th group and it continues to be a privilege to teach the scaffolding we use to start young horses for many disciplines.

These students impressed us with their dedication and commitment to learning new ways to guide young horses to become safe citizens in the world.

The progress from weekend one to our final time together is inspiring to our entire team and the colts were fantastic.

What I noticed the most is their ability to embody safe practices and systematic horsemanship to keep themselves and their young horses safe and progressing.

It actually take a significant investment in time, conscious awareness and growth to reach embodiment - meaning that you can replicate that skill or response under stress.

We think embodiment of safe practices and sills is important in starting young horses and is one of the reasons why our program is 6 weeks long and likely to increase in length in the future based on our students feedback. (they never want it to be over!)

Thank you to these special humans for trusting us to support you in moving towards your goals and dreams. We look forward to seeing you in the future as one of the benefits of C**t Starting School is ongoing mentorship from our team.

Thank you to the Sawatzky Equine Team for supporting this program and all it takes to provide.

Roland Sawatzky - Instructor
Melissa Glowinski - Instructor
Cindy Sawatzky - Program Manager
Jessica Friederichsen - Manual Content Extraordinaire
Joanne Kremer - Binders, Swag and all things beautiful

See you in 2025 - Applications open in January!

Happy Thanksgiving Folks!Wishing everyone a day of noticing the things that we can be thankful for…..especially the bles...

Happy Thanksgiving Folks!

Wishing everyone a day of noticing the things that we can be thankful for…..especially the blessings our equine partners bring to our lives.

Fort Assiniboine October 2024 :o)


It’s the last day of C**t Starting School 2024 and the instructors are demonstrating rope handling skill building 😂🤩😂

A week ago today we went to finals at the Xtreme Wild Rose Club in Eckville.Three years ago Noah decided he would like t...

A week ago today we went to finals at the Xtreme Wild Rose Club in Eckville.

Three years ago Noah decided he would like to pursue a championship buckle in Extreme Cowboy Racing and on Saturday he and Cleta achieved it :o)

Noah and Cleta were 1st in Young Guns for the day and 2nd in Youth. And 1st and Reserve respectively for the year in those divisions. He came home with some impressive prizes for their hard work and dedication.

They have put in the effort and dedication required to earn enough points to head to the World Championships in Texas in a few weeks. We are starting to make final preparations for them to go down.

We are already so proud of Noah and the commitment it has taken to come this far this year. Most notably has been his willingness to give Cleta the extra TLC an aged pony needs to feel good and be up for playing the big game he's asked her to play with him this year.

And, not to be out done, Roland must have thought it was time for to win a new buckle (it's only been 15 years!) and he came home with the Green Horse championship as well on miss Rosa who attended her first show in June this year.

I was 2nd for the day in Intermediate on Shea which was fun!

Mule Melissa was there cheering us on while she piloted her lovely young mule Halo to a great run in preparation for Texas Worlds as well. (she also inspires Roland to get extra competitive - a little friendly rivalry between co-workers goes a long way)

Brenda Glowinski has been our extraordinary chauffeur as our truck has been in the shop this month. She has also been key to Noah's success in the show ring by supporting him in warmup and course walk through's and learning how to be a strategic rider in the ring.

Frankly, we never would have started Cowboy Racing if it wasn't for Melissa and Brenda and it's been a very good family sport for us to enjoy together. Thank you ladies for always encouraging us and supporting us to try it out.

Packed like sardines, the five of us have travelled up and down Hwy 2 a few times last month making memories, engaging in the highs and lows of showing horses and playing travel games to pass the time.

Thank you Xtreme Wild Rose Club for hosting and organizing a great year of shows on top of everything else you folks do. We appreciate the time, energy and effort it takes to run a club and offer a full season of opportunities and fun prizes.

I can't believe we only have one more week with this fantastic students!This was our first weekend picture of the group ...

I can't believe we only have one more week with this fantastic students!

This was our first weekend picture of the group including some of our auditors who have had excellent questions and observations to share as well.

It's so good to see everyone up and riding their young horses now🤠

Introducing 2024 C**t Starting School participant, James Golden!James is in the Professional stream of our program this ...

Introducing 2024 C**t Starting School participant, James Golden!

James is in the Professional stream of our program this year.

He has brought three colts with him, all two-year-old Quarter horses from his grandparents breeding program – a bay named Chester, a buckskin named Rocco and a roan named Sinco.

Hailing from Tiger Lily, Alberta, he graduated from high school this past June. James grew up riding horses on his family’s ranch and has spent countless hours at local rodeos, including participating in high school rodeo.

He has had limited experience when it comes to starting and working with young horses, but has grown an interest in training. When his father discovered our program, James thought it would be a suitable fit to start his career and gain a better understanding of how to start young horses.

What he hopes to take away from this year’s program is information to fill the gaps of what he has learned beforehand. He wants to expand his repertoire and engage in different methods of training. He hopes to combine both his past and future knowledge to create a comfortable environment for his future training endeavors, and create confident and happy partners for his future clients!

With a goal of starting horses professionally, James aims to build on his horsemanship and grow his connections with each of his colts. As he puts it, his intention is to “have a horse more willing to do things with you, rather than do things for you.”

We are excited to have James in the program this year and we are looking forward to seeing where his learning takes him!

C**t Starting School is going so FAST!At the end of last week the majority of horses had been sat on and we’re progressi...

C**t Starting School is going so FAST!

At the end of last week the majority of horses had been sat on and we’re progressing in moving forward.

Roland checked on one horse who was almost ready. The only reason she was behind was because she started a bit late due to Jenny’s original horse struggling with soundness so she switched focus.

We had a few first canters under saddle too which is always a momentous milestone to have go smoothly.

We continue to be impressed by our students and their commitment to learning how to prepare their horses to have each new “first” be fairly uneventful.

Roland and Melissa check the horses before the students do their big “firsts” (saddle & ride) and ongoingly through the program to support.

We are so pleased at everyone’s success and the consensus on last nights check in call was sadness that their program is going to end on October 11.

Every single group has expressed how thorough and step-b-step the program is and that it should be even longer! We are still trying to figure out the scheduling logistics of that😂

Please join us congratulating these students on their achievements!


1113 TWP Road 570


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 21:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 19:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 19:00
Thursday 09:00 - 19:00
Friday 09:00 - 16:00
Saturday 09:00 - 16:00


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