A kttle late but better late than never. HAPPY HAPPY YEAR. Lots has happened since the holidays. A flue bug swept through the house. Which litmited my energy to see. However it didn't limit my ability to think of some new ideas. I have a bunch of fabrics that cannot be used for collars so a line of clothing for smaller dogs will be available soon. These will be cute and and stlyish. Each one will be unique.
One thing that was kept under wraps for a bit was my Christmas/Birthday gift. Everyone meet Cyrus. He is currently 9 weeks old and so far has passed all puppy screening behavioural wise. It is too soon to he will be Remi's replacement as Rem is let me know she is done working. Once vaccinated he will be slowly joining Remi and I at events. As you can see he and Remi are already buddies.