WOOHOO! Celebrated the new year in style by having our Curry Fish Head treat featured on Channel 8’s Old Taste Detectives! A big thank you to the cast and crew for the wonderful experience, and a special shoutout to Dexter who charmed the socks off everyone. Grateful for the opportunity and may this be the start of greater things ahead!
P.S. If you missed it, you can still catch the episode on Mewatch :)
19 nov 2021 - we opened our humble little shop in jalan besad (not a typo). hungry, anxious and fuelled with unfounded self righteous anger, IGT opened it doors to a big fat nothing. our supportive friends and family graced the studio, but i remember selling very little and having lots of extra cupcakes and treats to offload for free. we went a couple months not making rent (feb 2022, a record low! made only $1,500 the whole month), and i was doing custom cakes for $50-$60 just so i could have an order. we were making stuff as if people were coming to buy them, but there really was no one and our vending machine was always stocked, hahaha.
fast forward to aug 2024…2 years & 9 months later. do we really, really need to renovate? if we’re content staying where we are now (which is not a bad place honestly), then the answer is no. life can chug on as it has. but i have bigger dreams than this, and enough anxiety and fear of mediocrity to do something about it. i also like to gamble, and so i decided to play double or nothing (yes, you can send your thoughts and love to fong, who has to deal with my ups and downs), because the thought of being the same old IGT another 2-3 years from now cripples me. we’re still a small outfit, we’re not moving to a bigger space or onboarding more retailers or staff or anything like that. we’re just focusing on becoming more efficient and thoughtful. the pursuit of perfection is futile, but we can pursue excellence (still a herculean task), and that’s what we hope to achieve with our little reset. of course, we’ll still drop a couple of balls along the way, but we hope to keep that down to a real bare minimum.
my favourite person told me about the pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness (真善美), which i find a pretty good guide to life and living and running a business. if we continue to be honest, be kind and strive to make beautiful things, then i think we will have many many years of IGT ahead of us, which hopefu