Hello Friends
My flock of odd birds has grown beyond my reasonable capacity to care for them. Summer is fine but I always look to winter; Will I have enough coop space to keep everyone safe and warm during the worst storms? Does everyone have enough space in the run when I can't let them free range for the day, is my male-to-female ratio one that keeps the females sane?
I take in a lot of birds. I have taken in two more this week alone. The majority of them are dumped birds left to fend for themselves in parking lots, in nature parks, or this week it was the beach.
To keep taking in unwanted and disabled birds, I have to make space. I am completely at capacity now and it is time to find homes for some of my birds that are ready for new homes.
If you are looking for a few birds for your property, please do reach out. I have many lovely muscovys, and a few other breeds as well.
All I ask is that you provide them with a safe shelter at night and through the winter from harsh conditions, and insure they always have clean food, water and be treated with the dignity and respect that all living beings deserve.
I have a few males that I am happy to rehome with a group of females. I would prefer to send them to new homes in bonded groups. Some of the birds are disabled or come with interesting stories and I will only give those bonded groups to people who are ready to accept ALL of them.
If you do have space for a few new bird friends, they will reward you will slug control, maybe some eggs, funny antics, excited good morning greetings and garden companionship.
Please do reach out if you are curious!
Pictures of various members of the flock and their tasty eggs.