Got home from Mexico, mom had this playpen set up for the cats to play in 🤣🤣
They basically just fold it over and mess it up.
Bubbles is still not playing with Graham, she keeps her distance.
Crackers is playing with him but also hissing at him sometimes. They both seem a bit bossy 🤣
I did leave him free roam the house all night with the others, I didn't hear any cat fights so all went well lol.
Walked into the room to find Crackers trapped in the laundry basket 🤣🤣
Bengal kitten fun #breezebengals #bengals
Crazy kitties #bengals #breezebengals
Picasso trying to kill the shark
Bengal kitten chatter #bengals #chirping
This is unusual for Harlow, usually she just wants to be alone. I found them sleeping in opposite corners of the bed but once I started petting Harlow Crackers just snuggled right in.
Morning craziness #breezebengals #bengalbreeder #catzoomies
#breezebengals #cats #boxes