Never underestimate the value of a lesson horse.
The horses that were selected to teach riders based on their brains rather than their conformation or appearance. They may not be the fanciest looking horses, may not be papered, and many are well past their prime, but despite all of that they teach new riders every week.
A beginner lesson horse may never live up to the expectations for jumping, barrel racing, equitation ring, etc that you aspire to… but at some point, they may have been the only horses with a kind enough disposition to teach you what you needed to learn.
Each lesson horse has different strengths and lessons to teach, and all are perceived uniquely by each of their riders from kids to adults. A horse might be called lazy, difficult, or stubborn by one rider, and in the same day be praised for being calm, steady, and dependable by another.
Lesson horses are the unrecognized heros behind many excellent rider’s careers.
Thank a lesson horse, they’re worth their weight in gold! ♥️
- Mission Ridge Stables