Our next general meeting is Tuesday February 18 - doors open at 6:30 pm. Meeting @ 7:00
**Note new Location: W.C. Blair Recreation Ctr, 22200 Fraser Highway in Murrayville: Room 3
Guest Speaker: Julie Hunter
Topic: Masterson Method
The Masterson Method® is a unique, interactive method of equine bodywork that anyone can learn, to help build trust with the horse. Years of stress and stiffness can often be resolved in a few sessions, by relieving built-up tension in core muscles and key junctions of the body that affect the horse’s performance.
With The Masterson Method®, you learn to recognize and use the responses of the horse to find and release tension. In contrast to traditional massage, it works with the horse’s nervous system and the horse actively participates in the process. It is something you do with the horse, rather than to the horse. This participation and interaction are what makes the method fulfilling for those who use it and transformational for the horse. Testimonial after testimonial describe radically improved performance, movement, behavior, and relationship with the owner, as a result of The Masterson Method®.
Julie Hunter:
Several years ago, I had the good fortune to discover The Masterson Method® – having searched “how to read pain in horses”. I had been awestruck with what seemed the mysterious ability of my equine osteopath friend to do this and was compelled to learn how myself.
I quickly got hold of “Beyond Horse Massage”, a Masterson Method book of basic techniques that I could put to use right away with my riding instructor’s horses. I was amazed at their receptiveness and at the depth of their relaxation response.
Since then, The Masterson Method® has become a central part of my development as a horsewoman. It has enabled me to give back to horses in a way that is deeply respectful and helpful to them via body work and mental relaxation. It has immeasurably improved my feel and timing when riding, and it has given me a way of communicating with horses and led to a growing exploration and appreciation of how they view their world and process information. I love that in addition to being effective, Masterson Method gives horses a chance to be Active Participants in the process, which in turn helps to lower their general anxiety.
As an urban kid I managed a few (short!) rides on random grazing horses where we vacationed and attended a very serious horse camp where I broke my arm trying to impress my parents on the last day. My take-aways from that wonderful place were: the importance of rider balance and of release of pressure in maintaining horse well-being. And to never bridle a horse who is about to lean on an active electric fence!
In my youth I rode hunter jumper for fun – possibly mine more than the horses’. Later, as a parent, I had the pleasure of redefining my relationship with horses as I collaborated with my daughter on her horsewoman’s journey. For the past 14 years, in addition to being committed to the co-care of several horses, I have explored various methods of horse-centred training/equitation, horse communication, and general health risk management.
I love seeing a relaxed horse make gains in the mental fitness, courage, physical strength, suppleness and balance needed for self-carriage. I always look forward to working with owners and trainers who share this vision.
In a sense all horses are athletes. They all benefit from relaxed, yet strong muscles that are ready to go to work in harmony with each other. If you are aiming to help your horse let go of restrictive muscular and fascial tension so that you and they can work more freely, then this is a good place to start.
I also enjoy simply helping a horse to take a relaxing break from physical and mental tension 😊
**Location: W.C. Blair Recreation Centre, Room 3
Members Free (membership $42 for 12 months)
Guests $10 (may be applied to a membership)