Happy 8th birthday Eevee baby 💕🎂 I definitely didn’t need yet another ween when I agreed to take you on as a foster pup back in 2020, but here we are 3 years later and you have wiggled your way even deeper into my heart. I don’t think Mia and Patchie could imagine a life without you now (especially not Patchie who plays with you and snuggles you every single day 🥹). Seeing your personality come out more and more over the years, makes my heart just burst. It’s hard to even imagine you ever lived locked up in a puppy mill with no cozy blankies, friends, or toys - but sometimes a noise will scare you and the look in your big eyes will remind me of what your life used to be. I promise nothing bad is ever going to happen to you again. Not under my watch. You are such a happy girl now. You love barking to wake mama up, playing with your sisters, and jumping up and down for your foodies. You also love rolling around outside being a wiggle worm, nibbling on your rubber chew toys, and going for adventures and car rides. I didn’t need another ween, but I think the universe put you into my life for a reason. I’ve wanted to help puppy mill doggies since I brought your sister Patchie home from the pet store, and I think you were the missing piece in making that dream happen. I love you so so much and every single day that I see you happy is a day that I know I made the right choice by letting you stay with us.