April's Aquarium

April's Aquarium April's Aquarium is a freshwater tropical fish store in Vancouver B.C. Canada .com. A true family owned and Canadian operated small business.

Want to shop online? Visit us https://yourlocalfishstore.com/

We offer free delivery across Canada on orders over $79.99 (livestock additional charge) We hope we can be of assistance soon with quality livestock and products Vancouver BC Canada


Look at our stunning Copei Tetra (Moenkhausia copei), a delightful freshwater fish native to South America!

These charming tetras can grow up to 6 cm and are perfect for community tanks. They are peaceful and thrive in larger groups of at least ten individuals, where they exhibit their vibrant colors and authentic behavior when schooling together. With sleek, silvery bodies that have a shimmering yellowish gold sheen along the lower half and vivid red hues on their caudal and adipose fins, they are truly eye-catching.

Copei Tetras inhabit South America's Rio Orinoco and Amazon River Basin. To replicate their natural environment, provide a densely planted aquarium with a sandy substrate and subdued lighting. They coexist well with other South American characins and bottom-dwelling companions.

As omnivores, Copei Tetras enjoy a varied diet and can live up to 5 years with proper care.

Ready to add these vibrant fish to your tank? Check them out here:


Introducing the Ajamaru Lakes Rainbowfish (Melanotaenia ajamaruensis), a striking species from Indonesia!

These beautiful fish display two color phases in males: a vibrant yellow phase and a stunning blue phase, both complemented by a distinctive red nose. They grow up to 10 cm in length, making them a substantial and eye-catching addition to your tank.

Ajamaru Lakes Rainbowfish thrive in peat swamps and black water streams with dim lighting and a substrate of rotting leaves and branches. Aquatic plants like Cryptocoryne and Blyxa are common in their natural environment.

For the best aquarium setup, a four-foot long tank is recommended to offer ample swimming space. Using a dark substrate enhances their vivid colors, creating a mesmerizing visual contrast.

Ready to add these colorful fish to your tank? Check them out here:


Say hello to the Nanus Cory (Corydoras nanus), a popular freshwater aquarium fish known for its vibrant colors and playful nature!

These charming little fish have a silvery to rose gold base color accented by two to three dark longitudinal stripes along their bodies. Their fins boast a subtle yellow tinge, adding a splash of elegance to your tank. Nanus Corys grow to about 1.8 inches (45 mm) in standard length, making them perfect for smaller aquarium setups.

Native to the Amazon River basin in South America, Nanus Corys thrive in freshwater environments with moderate currents and sandy to sandy-muddy bottoms. To mimic their natural habitat, a minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended. Provide a soft substrate and plenty of hiding spots to keep them happy and stress-free.

These delightful Corydoras can live for about 5-8 years, with some even reaching up to 10 years. They are bottom dwellers and love to form schools with others of their kind, so consider getting a small group to witness their playful interactions.

Nanus Corys prefer subdued lighting conditions, which not only replicate their natural environment but also bring out their stunning colors. They make an excellent addition to community tanks due to their peaceful and social nature.

Ready to introduce these beautiful and playful fish to your aquarium? Check out our Nanus Corys here:


Meet our Blue Star Endler Guppies, strikingly beautiful fish with a calm and social demeanor that are perfect for adding a splash of color to your aquarium!

These locally bred guppies are known for their vibrant blue bodies and bright orange bellies with highlights on their fins. Males typically reach 0.8 to 1.2 inches (2 to 3 cm), while females are slightly larger, growing up to 2 inches (5 cm). Though less colorful, females can still exhibit a lovely blue hue with orange highlights.

Blue Star Endler Guppies are incredibly peaceful and social, making them suitable for community tanks. Their bright colors and active nature make them a joy to watch. They're also prolific breeders, so having a plan for fry management is essential.

For the best care, set up a tank with dense vegetation, slow-moving waters, and plenty of hiding spots. These conditions mimic their natural habitat and help keep them stress-free and vibrant. They do well in aquariums with other peaceful fish like tetras and danios.

Ready to add these beautiful and lively guppies to your tank? Check out our locally bred Blue Star Endler Guppies here:



Check out the Clown Killifish (Epiplatys annulatus)!

These torpedo-shaped fish are cream-colored with bold black bands encircling their bodies, and their bright fin edges add a splash of vibrant color. Clown Killifish are very small, never exceeding 1.5 inches (4 cm) in length, making them perfect for smaller aquariums.

They thrive in water temperatures between 74-80°F and only need a minimum tank size of 5 gallons, making them suitable for nano setups. Gentle filtration and plenty of plants are crucial for creating a comfortable environment for these little fish. Dense vegetation not only mimics their natural habitat but also provides hiding spots and promotes their well-being.

Clown Killifish are known to spawn readily under the right conditions, so you might even see some fry if you're lucky! They are peaceful and can coexist harmoniously with other small, non-aggressive fish, making them a delightful addition to any community tank.

Ready to add some elegance and charm to your aquarium? Check out our Clown Killifish here:

Bring home these tiny wonders and watch them add a dash of color and activity to your tank!

Meet the Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), a charming and peaceful addition to your medium-sized community tan...

Meet the Bolivian Ram (Mikrogeophagus altispinosus), a charming and peaceful addition to your medium-sized community tank!

Originating from the calm waters of South America, Bolivian Rams are known for their shy yet amicable nature. They sport beautiful, subtle colors and grow up to 3.5 inches (9 cm) in length, making them a standout in any aquarium.

Ensure your Bolivian Rams thrive by maintaining water temperatures between 76-82°F and a minimum tank size of 15 gallons. These fish flourish in well-planted tanks with plenty of hiding spots like caves and driftwood.

Whether you prefer to keep them alone, in a pair, or a small group, Bolivian Rams adapt well and show fascinating behaviors. They're easy to feed, enjoying a varied diet of quality flake food, pellets, and occasional live or frozen treats like bloodworms or brine shrimp.

Compatible with other peaceful fish, they do well with tank mates like Tetras, Corydoras, and peaceful dwarf cichlids. Their hardy nature and ease of care make them a wonderful choice for both beginners and experienced aquarists.

Wanting to add Bolivian Rams to your aquarium? Visit us in-store or check them out online:

Looking for a clean up crew? Check out the Otocinclus Catfish (Oto Catfish), an exceptional algae eater and delightful a...

Looking for a clean up crew? Check out the Otocinclus Catfish (Oto Catfish), an exceptional algae eater and delightful addition to any freshwater tank!

Otos are small, with narrow bodies and short fins, equipped with powerful suckermouths perfect for grazing on algae. Their bodies are armored with protective plating, giving them a robust yet appealing look.

To care for these beauties, a 10-gallon tank is a great start for a small group. Keep their water comfortable with a pH of 6.5-7.5 and temperatures between 72-78°F. They thrive best in a well-established tank with natural algae growth. Supplement their diet with blanched veggies like zucchini or cucumber to keep them happy and healthy.

Otos are peaceful and love company, so they do best in groups. They get along well with other community fish but avoid pairing them with aggressive species that could stress them out.

Though breeding Otos in captivity can be tricky due to their specific needs, providing plenty of hiding spots and maintaining soft, slightly acidic water can boost your chances.

In short, Otocinclus catfish are not just efficient algae-eaters but add a touch of charm to any freshwater aquarium.

Discover more and bring these charming little helpers to your tank by visiting our store or checking them out online:


Meet the Diamond Rummy Nose Tetra (Hemigrammus bleheri platinum/brilliant), a true gem for any aquarium enthusiast!

Hailing from the lush and biodiverse Amazon Basin in South America, these unique fish are quite the spectacle, thanks to their striking black diamond patterns and signature white rummy noses. These little guys are omnivores, feasting on small invertebrates, insects, algae, and plant material in the wild. In your aquarium, they’ll thrive on a diet of high-quality flake or pellet foods, with occasional treats like frozen brine shrimp.

For happy Diamond Rummy Nose Tetras, maintain a neutral pH between 6.0-7.2, an alkalinity of 4-8 dKH, and keep the temperature between 77-86°F. A tank with plenty of open swimming space and hiding spots will provide them with the perfect environment to exhibit their lively behavior. A minimum group of 6-8 ensures they feel secure and allows them to show off their natural shoaling behavior.

Compatible tank mates include peaceful mid-dwellers like other Tetras, Corydoras, Angelfish, and Apistogramma. These fish are perfect for a harmonious community tank, bringing not just color but a dash of unique beauty to your aquatic setup.

Considering adding these dazzling tetras to your aquarium? Visit us in-store or online to learn more:

Looking to level up your aquarium game? Check out our awesome bundles!Aquarium Co-Op "Easy" Plant Care Bundle: Everythin...

Looking to level up your aquarium game? Check out our awesome bundles!

Aquarium Co-Op "Easy" Plant Care Bundle: Everything you need for thriving aquatic plants with minimal hassle.

Explore Aquarium Co-Op Bundle: Dive into a comprehensive kit designed for aquarium enthusiasts with the best of Aquarium Co-op.

Hatch Your Own Live Food Bundle: Boost your fish’s diet with fresh, nutritious live food that you can hatch at home.

Icecap 45 Gallon AOI Rimless Aquarium Bundle: A sleek, all-in-one setup that's perfect for creating a stunning aquatic display.

Icecap Nano Rimless Aquarium Bundle: A compact and elegant setup for small spaces.

Explore these and more at:

Discover a world of aquatic wonders at April's Aquarium, Your Local Fish Store in Vancouver. Explore a diverse selection of vibrant tropical fish, aquatic plants, and best value aquarium supplies. Get expert advice and service at April's Aquarium, we are proud to be a place where your imagination co...


Say hello to the Electric Blue Ram (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi), a dazzling addition to your aquarium that's both colorful and peaceful!

Electric Blue Rams are known for their stunning iridescent blue hues and relatively small size, maxing out at around 2 inches (5 cm). These fish thrive in warm water conditions, preferring temperatures between 80-86°F. A minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended to provide ample space for their tiny territories.

These little beauties are peaceful but will fiercely protect their personal territories from other cichlids. They’re quite sensitive to water conditions, so it's crucial to ensure your tank is well-established and fully cycled before adding them. Maintain stable temperatures and pristine water quality to keep them happy and healthy.

Electric Blue Rams love having plenty of hiding spots, so make sure to include lots of crevices and plants in your setup. They get along well with other peaceful species, making them great for a community tank.

Thinking about adding some vibrant color to your aquarium? Check out our Electric Blue Rams here:

Bring home these beauties and let them light up your aquatic world!


Excited to show off the Ornate Tetra (Hyphessobrycon robertsi), a captivating and active addition to your aquarium!

Native to the lush waterways of South America, these tetras boast iridescent silver and subtle gold hues, with fins often showing hints of red, particularly in males. The distinctive black spot near the base of their tail adds to their ornamental beauty.

For happy Ornate Tetras, maintain your aquarium temperature between 73°F and 82°F (22°C to 28°C). They thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water with a pH level ranging from 6.0 to 7.0. A minimum tank size of 15 gallons is recommended, but they’ll appreciate more space in larger groups.

These lively schoolers should be kept in groups of at least six to fully enjoy their natural, cohesive swimming behavior. Setting up a well-planted tank with soft lighting, driftwood, and plenty of hiding spots will help mimic their natural habitat and make them feel secure.

Ornate Tetras are omnivores with a varied diet that includes high-quality flake food, micro pellets, and live or frozen treats like brine shrimp and daphnia. A balanced diet will support their health and keep their colors vibrant.

Ideal tankmates include other peaceful species such as small Tetras, Corydoras, and Otocinclus. These tetras’ schooling behavior not only enhances their well-being but also creates a mesmerizing display in your aquarium.

Ready to bring a splash of elegance to your aquarium? Visit our store or check them out online:


Check out the Ruby Tetra (Axelrodia riesei), a striking and serene addition to your aquarium!Native to the slow-moving r...

Check out the Ruby Tetra (Axelrodia riesei), a striking and serene addition to your aquarium!

Native to the slow-moving rivers and streams of Colombia, Ruby Tetras display stunning ruby-red hues that can make your tank truly pop. These peaceful schooling fish grow up to 1.5 inches (4 cm) in length, making them perfect for smaller community tanks.

For a happy, healthy Ruby Tetra, keep the water temperature between 68-82°F and maintain a pH level of 5.5-7.5. They're small but active swimmers, so a minimum tank size of 10 gallons is ideal, though they’ll appreciate more space and company in groups of 6 or more.

Planting your aquarium with dense vegetation will provide shelter and create a more natural habitat, bringing out the best in your Ruby Tetras. These little guys love a mix of high-quality flake food and occasional live or frozen treats like daphnia or brine shrimp.

Ideal tank mates include other peaceful species like small Tetras, Corydoras, and Otocinclus. Ruby Tetras are community-minded fish, contributing to a harmonious and beautifully vibrant aquarium.

Ready to add a splash of ruby to your tank? Visit our store or check them out online:

Excited to introduce the Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya), a vibrant and hardy schooling fish perfect for your aquarium!Nat...

Excited to introduce the Cherry Barb (Puntius titteya), a vibrant and hardy schooling fish perfect for your aquarium!

Native to the wet zone jungles of Sri Lanka, Cherry Barbs are bright, active, and reach up to 2 inches (5 cm) in length. They thrive in shaded waterways with leaf litter and fallen branches. Ideal aquarium conditions include soft silica sand, natural leaf litter, and botanicals, along with bogwood or branches for a natural look. A minimum tank size of 15 gallons is recommended, with a 60cm x 30cm tank for a group of 6-8 fish.

Cherry Barbs prefer water temperatures between 70-82°F (20-27°C) and a pH of 6.0-8.0. They are peaceful and suitable for community tanks, best kept in groups of 8-10 or more to promote confidence and vibrant male coloring. Suitable tankmates include Rainbowfish, Tetras, Plecos, and other peaceful community fish.

Omnivorous by nature, they feed on small crustaceans, insects, algae, and diatoms in the wild. In the aquarium, provide a diet of high-quality flake food along with live foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms. Cherry Barbs are easy to breed and care for, making them beginner-friendly. They also look fantastic in planted aquariums, providing beautiful contrast against green backdrops.

Providing these conditions will help your Cherry Barbs thrive, exhibiting their vibrant colors and active behavior.

Check them out here:


Check out the Dwarf Synodontis Catfish (Microsynodontis batesii), a captivating freshwater species for your aquarium!

These catfish grow up to 3.5 inches (8.75 cm) and have a distinctive rounded or slightly forked caudal fin. They prefer a soft substrate and a lightly planted tank with driftwood for hiding spots. Dim lighting is ideal, and while plants are appreciated, they are not essential.

Water conditions should be a temperature of 71-79°F (22-26°C), pH of 6.7-7.5, and hardness of 10-15 dH. Dwarf Synodontis Catfish get along well with peaceful species like African tetras and dwarf cichlids. Avoid aggressive or very active fish, as they are quite shy. They can be kept in groups without issues.

Adult males have an elongated caudal fin and small bristles on their bodies, along with a thinner, more pointed ge***al papilla. Reproduction in aquariums is unrecorded.

Provide these conditions to help your Dwarf Synodontis Catfish thrive in a peaceful, well-maintained tank.

Check them out here:

Check out the Red Thick Lipped Gourami (Colisa labiosus), a vibrant freshwater fish for your aquarium!These gouramis boa...

Check out the Red Thick Lipped Gourami (Colisa labiosus), a vibrant freshwater fish for your aquarium!

These gouramis boast stunning red coloration and distinctive thick lips, growing up to 4 cm. They thrive in temperatures between 72°F and 82°F (22°C to 28°C) and are generally peaceful, making them great for community tanks. A tank size of at least 20 gallons (75 liters) is recommended, with larger tanks preferred for multiple gouramis or other fish.

These fish are omnivorous and enjoy a varied diet of high-quality flake or pellet food, as well as live or frozen foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms, and small insects. To create a natural environment, provide ample vegetation, driftwood, and hiding places. Regular water changes and suitable filtration are essential for maintaining stable water parameters and ensuring their health.

With these care guidelines, your Red Thick Lipped Gourami will thrive and bring vibrant color to your aquarium.

Check them out here:


Apistogramma sp. D50, a captivating dwarf cichlid for your aquarium!

With a streamlined body with vibrant colors and intricate patterns. The males typically have more striking coloration and elongated fins while the females are more subtly colored but equally charming.

- Known for complex social behaviors and engaging personalities.
- May display territorial tendencies, especially during breeding.
- Generally peaceful and suitable for community aquariums.

Habitat and Care:
- Likely from the calm waters of South America's Amazon River basin.
- Well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding spots.
- Soft, slightly acidic water is ideal.

- Omnivorous.
- High-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and small insects.
- A varied diet helps maintain health and vibrant colors..

Check them out here:


Check out the new Neon Red Laser Corydoras Catfish (Corydoras aeneus) from Aquarium Glaser GmbH

Look at their oxblood red body with an iridescent sheen, golden fins add a striking contrast making them a striking addition to any freshwater community setup.

- Social and peaceful.
- Thrive in schools of six or more.
- Ideal for community tanks.

Habitat and Care:
- Naturally found in slower-moving waters.
- Minimum 30-gallon tank with soft sandy substrate.
- Aquascape with plants, smooth rocks, driftwood, and open swimming spaces.
- Provide a well-balanced environment to mimic their natural habitat.

- Omnivores.
- Feed quality flake food, pellets, and frozen (thawed) bloodworms, brine shrimp, and mysis shrimp.

Meeting these care requirements will ensure your Neon Red Laser Corydoras thrive, adding vibrant color and active behavior to your tank. Regular maintenance and a balanced diet are key to their health.

Check them out here:


Look and the beautiful the Bleeding Heart Tetra (Hyphessobrycon erythrostigma) for your aquarium!

- Slender, silver body with a vibrant red spot on each side, reminiscent of a bleeding heart.
- Adds a splash of color and elegance to any tank.

- Social creatures that thrive in groups of at least six.
- Peaceful and suitable for community aquariums.
- Exhibit schooling behavior, enhancing their well-being and happiness.

Habitat and Care:
- Naturally found in slow-moving streams with plenty of vegetation.
- Prefer well-planted tanks with ample hiding spots and subdued lighting.
- Thrive in slightly acidic to neutral water with temperatures of 72-79°F (22-26°C).
- Not demanding in terms of water conditions.

- Omnivores, accepting high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like bloodworms and brine shrimp.
- A balanced diet keeps them healthy and maintains their vibrant coloration.

Check them out here:


Check out the Red Onyx Shrimp (Neocaridina davidi ‘Red Onyx’) to your aquarium!

- Grows up to 1.5 inches.
- Females are generally larger and more intensely colored.
- Deep maroon to dark brown colors, shimmering wine-red under good lighting, almost black in low light.
- Breeding line is still stabilizing, so not all offspring may have the same coloration.

Aquarium Setup:
- Minimum 5-gallon tank for beginners; 10+ gallons recommended for stability.
- Fully cycled tank with a filter, and a heater if temperatures fluctuate.
- Hiding places with rocks, driftwood, and live plants.
- Dark substrate to enhance colors.
- Good lighting to appreciate their full beauty.

- Omnivorous.
- Balanced diet of high-quality shrimp pellets, algae wafers, blanched vegetables.
- Occasional treats like bloodworms.

- Peaceful species like other Neocaridina shrimp, small fish, or snails.
- Avoid aggressive or predatory species.

Availability in the hobby:
- Relatively rare but gaining popularity due to their striking appearance.

Meeting these care guidelines will ensure your Red Onyx Shrimp thrive and showcase their stunning colors. Regular water checks and a balanced diet are key to their well-being.

Check them out here:

Check out Pleco Ceramics ! Best in quality at your local fish store! https://yourlocalfishstore.com/collections/pleco-ce...

Check out Pleco Ceramics ! Best in quality at your local fish store!

🎉 Big News for Our Canadian Friends! 🎉
Plecoceramics is excited to announce our exclusive partnership with April's Aquarium in Vancouver! 🌊🐟 This means you can now find our top-quality aquarium decorations and premium fish food at April's Aquarium.
But that's not all! We're also thrilled to announce that our stunning and highly sought-after Plecos will be arriving soon. 🐠✨ These beautiful fish are sure to become the centerpiece of any aquarium.
Here’s what you can expect:
• A wide range of our aquarium decorations to enhance your aquatic environment.
• Nutritional fish food that ensures the health and vitality of your aquatic pets.
• Our exquisite Plecos, which will be available very soon!
Visit https://yourlocalfishstore.com/ to check out their amazing selection and stay tuned for more updates. We're thrilled to bring a piece of Plecoceramics to Canada and can't wait for you to see what we have in store!
Thank you for your continued support and enthusiasm. Together, let's make your aquariums even more spectacular!

April's Aquarium | Your Local Fish Store
38 East 69th Ave, Vancouver

10am to 6pm - Fri to Wed
10am to 9pm - Thursday


Check out the L034 Medusa Pleco (Ancistrus ranunculus)!

Color and Appearance:
- Dark body with contrasting white or cream-colored "Medusa" pattern.
- Striking and unique, making it an attractive addition to any tank.

Tank Setup:
- Provide plenty of hiding spots: driftwood, caves, and crevices.
- Slow-moving, well-oxygenated water is ideal.

Water Quality:
- pH level: 6.0 to 7.5, slightly acidic to neutral.
- Regular water changes to keep conditions optimal.

- Omnivorous: high-quality sinking pellets, fresh vegetables (zucchini, cucumber), and occasional protein foods (bloodworms, brine shrimp).
- In the wild, they graze on algae, biofilm, and small invertebrates.

- Generally peaceful but can be territorial.
- Provide multiple hiding spots to curb territorial disputes.
- Primarily nocturnal and bottom-dwelling.

Tank Mates:
- Suitable with other non-aggressive fish species.

Temperature: 78-86°F (25-30°C). Maintain a stable temperature for their health.

Minimum Tank Size: At least 20-30 gallons for a single Medusa Pleco. Larger tanks are preferable if you keep more than one.

Check them out here:

You don't want to miss out on the Red Laser Tetra (Hemigrammus Coeruleus) for your aquarium!Temperature: 75°F to 82°F (2...

You don't want to miss out on the Red Laser Tetra (Hemigrammus Coeruleus) for your aquarium!

Temperature: 75°F to 82°F (24°C to 28°C). Keep the water stable within this range for their health.

Minimum Tank Size: At least 20 gallons (75.7 liters) for a small group. Bigger is better if you want to keep more.

Tank Setup:
- Well-planted with hiding spots and open swimming spaces.
- Use fine-grained substrate.
- Add driftwood or rocks.
- Ensure a tight-fitting lid—they're skilled jumpers.

Water Quality:
- Clean, well-circulated water.
- pH 5.5 to 7.5, soft to slightly hard water (dH 5-12).

Tank Mates:
- Peaceful with other small, non-aggressive fish.
- Good companions include tetras, rasboras, dwarf cichlids, and Corydoras catfish.

- High-quality flake food.
- Small live or frozen foods like bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia.
- Include some vegetable matter and occasional treats like mosquito larvae.

- Schooling fish, keep in groups of at least 6 to 8.
- Thrive in a peaceful environment, can get stressed if alone or in small numbers.

Following these guidelines will help your Red Laser Tetras display their vibrant colors and natural behaviors. Regularly check water quality and provide a balanced diet for their well-being. Get them while quantities last!

Check them out here:


Excited to introduce the Flame Tetra, a vibrant and popular freshwater fish for your aquarium!

Originating from South America, Flame Tetras are known for their stunning red coloration and easy-going nature. They thrive in water temperatures between 75°F and 82°F (24°C to 28°C), so maintaining a consistent, warm environment is key.

A tank size of at least 10 to 15 gallons is recommended for a small group, but more space is beneficial for their well-being and water quality. These fish are peaceful and ideal for community tanks with other non-aggressive species.

When setting up their aquarium, it's important to maintain good water quality through regular changes and proper filtration. Add plants and driftwood to create a natural habitat and provide hiding spots. As omnivores, they enjoy a diet of high-quality flake foods, live or frozen items like bloodworms, daphnia, and brine shrimp.

Providing the right conditions, diet, and companions will help your Flame Tetras flourish, showcasing their beautiful colors in your tank.

Check them out here:

Excited to show off our German Blue Rams, a stunning freshwater cichlid straight from Glaser.The German Blue Ram is priz...

Excited to show off our German Blue Rams, a stunning freshwater cichlid straight from Glaser.

The German Blue Ram is prized for its vibrant colors. Males typically display more intense blue and red hues, especially during breeding. Their bodies are adorned with distinctive black markings, and they have elongated fins that add to their visual appeal.

These German Blue Ram (Glaser) is a captivating freshwater cichlid known for its stunning colors and interesting behaviors. Providing an aquarium with appropriate conditions, companionship, and a well-rounded diet will contribute to their health and vitality.

Originating from South America, they thrive in warm temperatures (78°F to 85°F) and prefer soft, slightly acidic water (pH 6.0 - 7.0).

A 20-gallon tank or above is ideal for a pair, with plants, driftwood, and hiding spots to mimic their natural habitat.

They have a peaceful demeanor but can be territorial during breeding. They enjoy a varied diet of high-quality flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods like brine shrimp and bloodworms.

Check them out:


38 E 69th Avenue
Vancouver, BC

Opening Hours

Monday 10am - 6pm
Tuesday 10am - 6pm
Wednesday 10am - 6pm
Thursday 10am - 9pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 6pm
Sunday 10am - 6pm


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Your Local Fish Store

April's Aquarium is a small community boutique, providing tropical freshwater livestock and supplies. We hold quality above all else and are always looking for the best for our customers.

We specialize in bettas, fancy guppies, shrimp, and a wide selection of nano fish. We challenge ourselves to bring in the fish that you can’t find anywhere else. We bring in an impressive selection of koi, dumbo, and plakat bettas every month, as well as many strains of quality guppy trios and pairs. We also sell aquariums of all sizes, stands, and everything you need to aquascape. We have plants, substrates, fertilizers, hardscape, and driftwood. We even have a scaping table right in the shop, so you can plan out your ideal setting before you buy anything! We’re your local fish store, here for you and whatever you need. We can’t wait to see you soon!

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