Immature cataracts occupy >10% of the lens volume but NOT the whole lens, which is appreciated by the detection of a tapetal hue. Distinguishing immature cataracts from incipient cataracts is important👉 because once the cataract exceeds 10% of the lens the amount of inflammation is detectable with fluorophotometry. This inflammation is called lens induced uveitis. Lens induced uveitis is detectable with immature and larger cataracts AND should be treated with a topical daily NSAID drop💧 to decrease and delay potentially painful complications from the lens induced uveitis. The NSAID drop should be administered either 1 x or 2 x per day depending on the size of cataract and if other uveitic changes are detectable.
👉Immature cataracts are also candidates for cataract surgery🏥 which can be life changing! (More on this to come!)
Immature cataracts that are not surgically removed should still be monitored every 6-12 months for complications or sequela from the lens induced uveitis.