This is Tommy! Formally known as “Loki” he is an 8 month old Doberman with a bit of a rap sheet, or so it seems…
He arrived at our residence early this afternoon. .9 saved him from euthanasia. His story is a bit extensive but to keep it short, he was in two prior homes that like many, did not do their research on the breed they got. By being let down by the humans he was in the care of prior to getting him surrendered he ended up making some not so good choices by using his teeth. I have been told he is extremely reactive to dogs which causes him to redirect on the handler.
We could dwell on his past but frankly what’s the point. When he arrived today the first thing we did was check out his new home, while I got to assess his behaviour with dogs present but not visible. He was cautious, lacked some confidence but was curious and not shut down. I brought him to our dog room on leash to see what his reactions looked like to dogs being kennelled. He had a minor reaction as I assumed he would redirect which he didn’t. I then took him on a little forest adventure on a long line to let him decompress and explore his new area. He did see an off leash dog while in my driveway, again his reaction was minor as I assumed he would have even attempted to redirect which he didn’t. After a forest walk it was time to let him have a breather in his kennel. He didn’t react at first to the two dogs in a more closed off kennel but did sniff noses through the door. Very respectful guy he is! Then it was his turn to go in his kennel to see how he would handle being kennelled while dogs pass. This makes life here way easier to keep everyone together. Again, no reaction just sniffing and a bit of whining. He is a young dog who was misunderstood due to more than one home getting a dog they had no business getting in the first place. I am eager to get this boy learning new skills to help him find the perfect home! He isn’t ready yet but once he is, he will be up for rehoming!
Thank you .9 for saving this guy from euthanasia and for trusting me to be the one to foster this lovely dude!