Victoria area folks - hope you will make plans to attend (and support) the screening of the movie American Cats: The Good, the Bad, the Cuddly. It is a beautifully done and powerful insight into the advocacy work to end the practice of cat declawing. Here is the link to purchase tickets for the Victoria screening on Monday August 26 at 7pm at Cineplex Tillicum. https://tickets.demand.film/event/13011 Here is info about the movie: https://pawproject.org/americancatsmovie/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwzby1BhCQARIsAJ_0t5Ou1PRkrlqP9q4nDgYmTf-pfkzT-JVtxHwWjUINaSCi_MfjMhH_1hMaAkqHEALw_wcB.
You are invited to a special one night screening of AMERICAN CATS in Victoria. Classification: TBC. Seating is General Admission.