Suki's Bone Broth is a local Victoria based company that believes in healthy and sustainable nourishment for your pets, free from antibiotics and added hormones. Locally sourced Island Farmhouse ( chicken bones are simmered over low heat for several hours to extract collagen and amino acids into a nutritious broth for your pets to enjoy. Once the bones have finished si
mmering the broth is then strained and set to cool. After the broth has cooled completely the fat will have settled at the top which is then scraped away leaving only nutrient dense gel underneath. The gel is then heated once more, strained through both cheesecloth and a fine mesh strainer, poured into ice cube trays and frozen so that your pet may enjoy these nutrient dense treats anytime. Suki's Bone Broth may not be used as a meal replacement but as a healthy addition to your pets daily diet. Serving recommendations are 1 cube for adult cats and dogs once per day. Kittens, puppies and small dogs may be fed 1/2 a cube per day. As always if you have any concerns please contact your vet to see if Suki's Bone Broth would be right for your pet.