Apparently "God's" counselor broke the code of privacy... from the George Carlin Society. If you are a believer... you may not want to read any further... Apparently the "all powerful one" has yet to decide to use his powers to stop war, keep pedophiles that "serve" him from destroying the lives of millions of innocent believers and allow hucksters to use his stories to create personal wealth, live in fabulous mansions on private estates with servants and underlings at their beckon call 24/7... like that guy who took a vow of poverty... yet lives in a palace in Rome while having his underlings beg for money from even the poorest of his followers so they can get to heaven... you know... like the fees we pay to get into other fantasy lands like those in California and Florida... and... what father wouldn't sacrifice himself rather than intentionally, yes intentionally send his son to a horrific death to save us all from what... a world that has all but become numb to the indescriminet death's of children just learning their ABC's... the slaughter of non-combatants including pregnant women, the elderly and infants... and then... as rumor has it... on the 7th day God took a day off... I argue that he put in 6 days of work and then retired to his throne to enjoy watching the s**t show he created as his personal version of Netflix. At the very least He could have taken another 6 days to back check his work... but... despite being more like the original Barney Madoff... "Keep those dollars rolling in cause "Papa needs glass enclosure for his limo!" a good potion of the world see Him as the only real God while all those who believe in a different form of religion are just kidding themselves. I mean, after all, the only real God cares about the outcome of Sunday sports, rolls of the dice and lottery outcomes. News flash... when the lottery odds are billions to one... typically only 1 person get's blessed with the windfall, half of the teams lose every Sunday and Vegas wouldn't exist if even the majority of gamblers prayers came to be... then there is the prayers of parents watching their infant baby straving to death in their arms... if He is not giving a s**t then when would he? I'm almost done. And don't pray foe me. If it turns out there is a God I'd rather spit in his face then going entrance to any promised land overseen by this scam artist. By the time I was fifteen I had seen impact that the loss/dispearance of children had on parents, siblings and friends... seen pictures of a young girl running down a dirt road, screaming in agony after being drenched by na**lm... heard a father, while viewing the body of his son, tell the coroner that he was certain it was his (all but unrecognizable) son because "those are his boots." Where the f**k was anyone's goddamned God then. R