Interview with Elsie.
What is the weirdest fish you have?
Gold Parrot
(Usually labeled as Blood Red Parrot Fish, though either the name doesn’t fit or my eyes just can’t see colours the way other people do.)
Another clutch of eggs being aggressively protected by the parents. From research I have done, this line of Parrot Fish- -- an artificial cross between two species – is almost always sterile, but they still have all the parenting instincts of other cichlids. It’s a beautiful thing to see, and it’s a sorrowful thing to see. They work so hard to protect their young – yet in three previous batches of eggs from this pair, not a single one has hatched.
The Drift is still Growing. I wonder if the sidewalk plow is buried somewhere? As much as I want a bunch of last minute sales before Christmas -- I think if I can use the "Old Man" excuse for not getting out there to shovel, you can use the "Road Closed" excuse to stay home and cozy up with a good book.
The Biggest Ones Yet. I'm fascinated by BIG FISH and am probably too willing to take them into my store. They get all kinds of attention, but unfortunately they almost never sell. That puts me in a bind. I always want to accept them. I always want to give store credit that fits what they should be worth. But I have more and more tanks tied up with them -- and they still don't sell. If any of you have a BIG TANK and are looking for BIG FISH, this pair of Oscars and this Pleco should fit the bill. The tank in the video has 21" of water depth so that gives a pretty good indication of the size of the Pleco. Because I don't have an adequate place to move these beauties, if you have a 150 gallon or bigger aquarium and want something extraordinary, I can negotiate a pretty good price for these because the tank they are in is also for sale. I'm also open to suggestions for how I can get a few very large tanks that would allow Fish Rescue without filling so much Retail Tank Space.
We've said it before that kids are welcome in the store. But if you bring them, we may end up crawling around on the floor with them looking for baby fish.
#customerservice #tropicalfish #walkerton #fishtailsandstorytrails #bookstore #fishstore #aquarium
What does a store owner want from Santa?
And what makes a good parent?
#santaclausiscomingtotown #walkerton #fishtailsandstorytrails #aquarium #jackdempseyfish
Frozen Bloodworms and Frozen Brine Shrimp might not be your idea of the best meal, but just ask these fish.
Mark next weekend in your calendars. Walkerton Hometown Christmas Market.
#hotapplecider #alannarusnakpublishing
#bookstore #fishstore
Why you should shop at your locally owned bookstore:
1 - the owner has read a significant number of books they are selling, and can give you a real recommendation.
2 - the owner is happy to hear you ramble on about your most recent read (and if he hasn't read it yet, he's probably looking into it after you leave).
3 - the owner knows the value of getting the right edition.
4 - gas is too expensive to drive anywhere else.
5 - when you're ready for a new book, waiting on shipping is the worst.
Take a look at some of the owners recommendations from the children's section.
Ask The Owner: Writer Resources Edition. (This was filmed by a grandkid, so please be forgiving).