Walkerton Equine Clinic - ‘Providing the same excellence in equine care that our clients and patients have come to know with a little new re-branding’ - ☺️
We are a full service equine veterinary clinic offering both haul in/in-clinic care and ambulatory care for our patients. We are pleased to offer services such as:
✔️ Lameness/Sports Medicine services (included diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound, intra-articular therapies, shockwave and class IV laser)
✔️ Pre Purchase Exams
✔️ Reproduction/Breeding services
✔️ Respiratory work up (endoscopic exams, BAL and consultation)
✔️ Veterinary Spinal Manipulation (commonly known as chiropractic therapy)
✔️ General Field Surgeries
✔️ Wellness Services such as annual exams/vaccines, in house bloodwork and dentistry
✔️ Emergency Care
✔️ In clinic patient care for on going case management (medical colics, wound management, sick foals etc)