Why Choosing a Breeder Who Shows Their Dogs Matters, Even for Pet Owners
When selecting a breeder, you might wonder why it’s recommended to choose one who shows their dogs, even if you have no intention of participating in dog shows yourself. Does this focus on show standards seem excessive or elitist? It’s not, and here’s why.
Dog shows are more than just competitions; they serve as a rigorous evaluation process where dogs are assessed against the breed standard. This standard includes several critical elements:
• Soundness: This refers to a dog’s overall physical and mental health, ensuring all organs and faculties are functioning harmoniously.
• Type: Breed type encompasses not just appearance but also character, bone structure, temperament, and movement, reflecting the essence of the breed.
• Gait: The quality of a dog’s movement is assessed to ensure ease and freedom from structural issues.
• Temperament: This measures a dog’s general attitude towards people and other animals, an essential trait for a well-rounded companion.
So why does this matter to you as a prospective pet owner? If you chose a Poodle, you likely did so because of their renowned qualities: their gentle nature, compatibility with children and other animals, and their ability to make exceptional therapy dogs. Good breeders strive to uphold these positive characteristics through their commitment to breed standards.
While not every puppy from a show-quality litter will be destined for the show ring, all will benefit from the breeder’s dedication to preserving the breed’s positive traits. Puppies that are not suited for the show ring but are well-bred still embody the breed’s essential qualities, making them excellent family pets.
Choosing a breeder who shows their dogs is not about snobbery or elitism; it’s about ensuring that you get a puppy who will grow into a well-rounded, healthy companion that exemplifies the breed you fell in love with. It’s about the breeder’s commitment to preserving the breed’s best traits and ensuring every puppy, regardless of its future in the show ring, starts life with the best possible foundation.
In essence, selecting a breeder who shows their dogs is a way to ensure that your future puppy will be a healthy, well-adjusted member of your family. It’s a reflection of love and respect for the breed, ensuring that all puppies have the opportunity to thrive and bring joy into their new homes.
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