I have the most wonderful husband. He goes out with me even if he’s worked a 12 hour shift to catch bunnies.
Thank you @thenerdybirdee for this video of Kraft and for taking him in for the night.
He will be going to the @kwsphumane today.
Rant incoming. I had the comment made to me “I listen to you talk about your passion so deal with me talking about x sport”.
I’ve had friends, family, and coworkers who think what I do is childish, cute, and all fun and games, shrug and walk away.
I’m just a “crazy bunny lady”. But only a handful of people understand exactly how DRAINING rescue work is. It’s hard. It’s heartbreaking. It’s exhausting. And often times we cry uncontrollably for weeks, months or years. I’ve set hourly alarms to give medications orally and via injection, fluids, food, and just to emergency to help bunnies get emergency care only to be euthanized.
I don’t talk about the hard stuff with “non-rescuers”. Who wants to hear about how I had to help a rabbit to poop then euthanize her the next morning? Or how I spend many of my days going outside to catch rabbits that were dumped because no one cared about them? How about Buttercup who was thrown off the 401 to die? She was a baby.
Fostering, rescuing, volunteering, is not childish. You see me talk passionately about rabbits because rescue is LIFE CHANGING. Until you’ve become an animals temporarily life source, family, comfort, and safety you will never understand what we go through.
Don’t forget to clean your air purifiers 💁♀️
#flopbed #bunnybed #bunnyenrichment #bunnyenclosure #bunnysetups #petbunny #petbunnyproducts #handmadewithlove #rabbits #rabbitsofinstagram #rabbitsworldwide #rabbit #bunny #bunnylove #bunnies #ontariocanada #canadiansmallbusiness #breakfastbunnies #hopandflop #indoorrabbit #indoorbunny #spoiledbunny
Toffee is THRIVING outside of the shelter that was going to euthanize her.
#flopbed #bunnybed #bunnyenrichment #bunnyenclosure #bunnysetups #petbunny #petbunnyproducts #handmadewithlove #rabbits #rabbitsofinstagram #rabbitsworldwide #rabbit #bunny #bunnylove #bunnies #ontariocanada #canadiansmallbusiness #breakfastbunnies #hopandflop #indoorrabbit #indoorbunny #spoiledbunny
Posted @withregram • @thebunniesgram POV: YOU ARE DUBAI DOWNTOWN BUNS 🐇🐇.
#downtown #downtowndubai #pov #trending #livingmybestlife #dubailife #bunnies #bunniesofinstagram #bunniesworldwide #bunnynation #bunnylove #bunnyofweek #bunnybunnsquad #rabbit #rabbitlife #rabbitlove #furbabies #fluffy #写真好きな人と繋がりたい #いいね返し #かわいい #adoptdontshop #freeroambunny #instabun #lionhead #lionheadbunny #hase #kaninchen #hasen #lapin
This little guy is turning into a big suck! Available for adoption through @pumpkinsacres
#housebunnylife #happybunny #happyhousebunny #bunniesarethebest #bunniesofig #indoorrabbit #mykidshavepaws #mykidshavefur #mykidshavefourpaws #mykidshavefourlegs #hollandlop #lionheadrabbit #dwarfrabbit #vegan #bunnylife #bunbun #bunnylover #ilovemybunny #housebun #bunnycouple #torontopets #bondedbunnies #freeroambunny #freeroamrabbit #explorepage #reelsinstagram
Pee Pads are 50x70cm - and very absorbant!
See in this video how we pour water and the backside is COMPLETELY dry!
Perfect for protecting your floors, couches and beds from accidents 🫣
#housebunnylife #happybunny #happyhousebunny #bunniesarethebest #bunniesofig #indoorrabbit #mykidshavepaws #mykidshavefur #mykidshavefourpaws #mykidshavefourlegs #hollandlop #lionheadrabbit #dwarfrabbit #vegan #bunnylife #bunbun #bunnylover #ilovemybunny #housebun #bunnycouple #torontopets #bondedbunnies #freeroambunny #freeroamrabbit #explorepage #reelsinstagram
Sound on 🔉
We are turning into a foster feature page for @pumpkinsacres 😂 look at this precious boy giving me all the kisses 🥺
#housebunnylife #happybunny #happyhousebunny #bunniesarethebest #bunniesofig #indoorrabbit #mykidshavepaws #mykidshavefur #mykidshavefourpaws #mykidshavefourlegs #hollandlop #lionheadrabbit #dwarfrabbit #vegan #bunnylife #bunbun #bunnylover #ilovemybunny #housebun #bunnycouple #torontopets #bondedbunnies #freeroambunny #freeroamrabbit #explorepage #reelsinstagram
To quote @our2buns: It hasn’t gotten easier, we have just gotten more used to it 🤍🌈
#rip #petloss #petlosshurts #petgrief #grieving #grievingprocess #griefjourney #missyou #imissyou #iloveyou #loveyouforever #rainbowbridge #loveitandhateit #loveitandhateitatthesametime #iloveit #ihateit #thinkingofyou #thinkofyoualways #missyoualways #bunnyloss #bunnygrief #bunnylove #bunmum #bunnymum #bunnymom #bunmom #grievingmother #petlovers #petlove #petsarefamily