What kind of lifestyle does your dog have? Why does it matter for their veterinary care?
For fun facts about how your dog's lifestyle and protection compare, check out this link!
Ticks are active anytime the temperature is above freezing and in March they multiply or 'Bloom'. If you stopped your tick prevention in the colder months, restart it today to keep your furry friends protected on their snowy walks!
These playing dogs sound like they are trying to kill each other. How can you tell when play stops being fun?
Look for these signs of healthy play between dogs:
1) a rocking horse body motion that is soft and inefficient rather than the straight lines and intense focus of a predator
2) taking turns biting and being bitten, jumping on and being knocked down, chasing and being chased
3) self handicapping allows a Great Dane to play with a Chihuahua by getting down low and being gentle and is seen in all dogs as they play bite with each other
4) specific play signals like a bow where the dog lowers their front legs are a cue to the other dog that they want to play not fight
Inexperienced dogs need help learning the language of play, just as children need guidance as they learn their parents' language. Careful introductions, supervising and ending play sessions early before participants become cranky, and rewarding good play with longer sessions and inappropriate play with shorter sessions helps them learn to be good friends.
Puppy Enrichment
Sure you could feed their dinner in a bowl, but using a food toy, or practising training, keep puppies out of trouble for longer and helps to develop their brains.
Get your puppy a Kong toy at https://www.myvetstore.ca/
#puppyenrichment #ccahvet #ccah #veterinary
#veterinarian #veterinarymedicine
Nail trims have never been so tasty
Licky mats have soft silicone bristles that help trap food and stickers that help keep it from sliding around. Canned food is healthiest but you may have to add some spots of peanut butter or cheese whiz to keep it exciting, just limit the amounts because these foods are high in fat and sodium. They are great when you are working at home on Fear Free handling like nail trims and grooming. Remember to do just a little at a time and give frequent breaks.
#fearfree #fearfreepets #positivereinforcement #fearfreehappyhomes #puppiesofinstagram #positivedogtraining #petcare #fearfreedogs #fearfreevet #fearfreepractice #fearfreenailtrim
Your indoor cat still needs feal and tick prevention, even if your dog is on it!
Your dog ventures out into the wilderness and is naturally at a higher risk for attracting fleas and ticks. But, even your indoor pets can host these parasites!
You and your dog can easily carry home fleas and ticks that will go looking for another suitable host and potentially find a nice home on your indoor cat!
To keep everyone safe, administer year-round flea and tick prevention to each pet.
A friendly reminder to consider your pets during cold weather!
Be prepared & plan ahead. Leave your pets' coats a little longer and consider getting pet coats for your short-haired pets.
If you bathe your pets during cold weather, make sure they are completely dry before taking them outside.
When letting your pets out for a bathroom break- stay with them! If it is too cold for you to stand outside, it is probably too cold for your pets.
If you do have an outdoor pet, remember that staying warm requires extra calories! Feed them accordingly. Check on their water frequently to ensure it doesn't freeze.
Wipe your pet's paws after being in the ice and snow. Ice balls can cause frostbite!
More cold weather safety tips: https://bit.ly/keepyourpetswarm
1 in 4 dogs will develop cancer in their lifetime. 50% of dogs over the age of 10 will develop cancer. Those are some staggering statistics! The best thing you can do for your pet is to keep them healthy and recognize the warning signs of cancer:
❗️ Unusual or fast-growing lumps or bumps
❗️ Unresolved vomiting or diarrhea
❗️ Unexplained or unresolved pain or limping
❗️ Unexplained bleeding or discharge from the nose or in urine or stool
❗️ Difficulty performing basic functions like eating, drinking, swallowing, breathing, urinating, or defecating.
❗️ Foul mouth odor
❗️ Swollen lymph nodes
❗️ Sores that do not resolve or heal
❗️ Weight loss or loss of appetite
❗️ Lethargic with no interest in usual activities
Although all of these symptoms can be linked with a variety of other conditions, they can all be linked to various cancerous conditions in your pet and should be examined.
Dogs can get the flu! Just like me and just like you! 😰
There are two identified strains of the canine influenza virus (CIV) -- H3N8 and H3N2. Both strains are spread mostly through close contact, respiratory secretions, contaminated objects, and people carrying viral pathogens that can transmit to dogs. Canine influenza viral strains are highly contagious among dogs.
CIV is mild in most cases but, as with people, some can develop into a more severe illness. Dogs with mild CIV will generally develop a mild cough that sounds similar to kennel cough. Dogs with CIV may also display the following signs:
➡️ Eye discharge
➡️ Sneezing
➡️ Nasal discharge
➡️ Fever
➡️ Lethargy
➡️ Inappetence
In severe cases, dogs can develop a high fever, pneumonia, and a bacterial infection secondary to the viral infection.
About 20% of dogs who contract CIV remain asymptomatic but can still pass it along to other dogs. If an outbreak occurs in your area, be sure to:
➡️ Vaccinate your dog for both CIV strains if you travel with, board, or visit dogs parks often
➡️ Keep your dog away from other dogs who exhibit signs of illness
➡️ If you've been interacting with a sick dog, be sure to wash your hands and change your clothes before engaging with your own dog.
Fun Fact:
🐱🐱 cats is simply called a pair
But 🐱🐱🐱+ cats? Well, 🐱🐱🐱+ cats are called a "clowder"!
So...do you own a single cat 🐱? A pair of cats 🐱🐱? Or a clowder 🐱🐱🐱+?
Type your answer in the comments, below.
Poll: What are some of the ideal personality traits you want in a companion animal?
Energetic? Playful? Calm? Loyal? Guard Dog? Intelligent? Cuddly?
Post your answers in the comments below!
Whether you're planning on adopting an older pet or you already have an elderly cat or dog, your senior pet deserves to be pampered and spoiled!
💓 Here are 6⃣ ways you can shower your senior pet with love 💓
1. ✅ Upgrade their bed: If your pet has had the same bed for months or even years, it's likely that the padding has compressed which provides little to no support on your pet's achy joints. Treat your pet to a firm, orthopedic bed that gives your pet plenty of cushion and support.
2. ✅ Encourage physical activity: Your pet is now at "retirement" age, so rest and relaxation are entirely natural! However, too little activity can cause senior pets to develop heart issues. Without regular, low-impact exercise, their muscles atrophy which, in turn, makes daily activities more difficult.
3. ✅ Mental enrichment: Your pet's brain is a muscle! Keep their mind sharp with enrichment activities like food puzzles, nose work training, or other daily training sessions.
4. ✅ Diet: As your pet ages, their nutritional needs change as well. Oftentimes, they require fewer calories. However, please remember that each pet will have individualized needs specific to their health. Speak to your veterinarian to determine the best dietary needs for your pet.
5. ✅ Home navigation: As your pet ages, going up and down stairs can be more challenging. Your senior pet may also struggle with tall furniture, slick floors, low food & water dishes, or litter boxes with tall sides. You can remedy these issues by placing runners on slick floors, raising your pet's food/water dishes, placing your pet's necessities all in one area, investing in a litter box with shorter sides, or installing ramps for easier access in and out o your home or favorite piece of furniture.
6. ✅ Bi-Annual Wellness Exams: Pets age much faster than humans and their health can change rapidly. With regular exams, you'll be able to closely monitor early signs of organ dysfunction, arthritis pain, dental