Christine's Canine Consulting

Christine's Canine Consulting Fostering a human-dog relationship through communication, trust and understanding.

If you're anything like me, having to put your trust in someone to care for your dog while you're away is absolutely ter...

If you're anything like me, having to put your trust in someone to care for your dog while you're away is absolutely terrifying. And spending time away from home in a boarding kennel can be pretty traumatic for a lot of dogs. I'm constantly being asked if I know anyone who does private dog sitting and I can finally say yes!!
Jutta is lovely 💐 She offers dog walking and dog sitting services at your home or her's. So if you're going out of town or looking for someone to spend a few hours walking and doing fun activities with your dog, give her a call 🐾

Summer is almost here and classes will be put on pause until the Fall 🏖 Last chance to sign up for Foundations, Scent De...

Summer is almost here and classes will be put on pause until the Fall 🏖 Last chance to sign up for Foundations, Scent Detection 101 and Fit Tricks classes.

Visit the website to register or send me a PM for more info.


(Reactive Dog Classes will remain open for registration)


No drop in class tonight!


No drop in class tonight! See you next week.

Happy Mother's Day 💐 I was hoping my kids would at least pick me up some tulips but alas....dogs can't drive 🤪

Happy Mother's Day 💐 I was hoping my kids would at least pick me up some tulips but alas....dogs can't drive 🤪

How ironic that after 5 years working as a courier, my husband was bitten by a dog during dog bite prevention week. (He'...

How ironic that after 5 years working as a courier, my husband was bitten by a dog during dog bite prevention week. (He's fine btw)

Long story short, he's very dog savvy and knows how to read body language well. He tracks every dog (barking or not) and has no problem speaking up when a dog is displaying all the signs 🚩

One of three things usually happens when he does have to ask a customer to secure their dog.

The guardian is offended. They inform him that their dog "would never, EVER bite anyone."

The guardian is embarrassed. They inform him that their dog "would never, EVER bite anyone."

The guardian apologizes and informs him that he doesn't have to worry because their dog "would never, EVER bite anyone."

All of those people have one thing in common. THEY ARE WRONG.

My husband was ambushed walking back to his truck after a delivery.

He heard the dog barking as soon as he rang the doorbell. The customer came out and signed for the package. As he walked away, the dog must have slipped past her. It bit him right in the ass.

She was shocked and horrified. She apologized and informed him that "he's never done that before!"

📣 EVERY dog is capable of biting someone under the right conditions. Just like every human is capable of extreme violence under the right circumstances.

Old, young, big, small. The ones that look like they're about to go through a window and the family Labrador who lets the kids do anything to him. He's one you've really got to worry about.

🔍 Learning how to read body language prevents dog bites. Understanding that growling isn't poor behaviour, it's often a response to poor behaviour. Understanding that there are 12 rungs on the canine ladder of aggression giving us plenty of warnings. You just have to learn how to read the signs 🛑


No drop in class tonight


Drop-in classes are cancelled tonight. See you all next week.

⚕️There's nothing cute about obese dogs, and carrying around excess weight can lead to serious physical and mental healt...

⚕️There's nothing cute about obese dogs, and carrying around excess weight can lead to serious physical and mental health issues as it does with humans. Poor mobility, joint problems, heart issues, chronic pain, and so many more diseases can be attributed to obesity. Poor health is also a super common reason for behaviour changes including aggression and depression.

Aside from cutting back on food and treats, there are some really easy ways you can help your dog burn fat, build muscle and improve overall health and wellness 🧘🏼‍♀️

🐾 After a 5 minute walk to warm up, add in 5-10 seconds of sp*ed walking, jogging or even running.

🐾 Walking and running on different surfaces like sand or wading in knee-deep water is a great low impact exercise.

🐾 Hill work is a strenuous for your dog and it doesn't require a steep incline. Any old hill will do.

For all canine conditioning, start slow with 1-2 reps and short duration and as your dog's fitness improves, you can increase that to 3-5 reps and longer duration.

✨ Always monitor your dog after exercise and contact your vet if you notice any changes to mobility or mood.

"canine conditioning

Puppies are curious and they love to explore. We need to be able to interrupt what they're doing sometimes but punishmen...

Puppies are curious and they love to explore. We need to be able to interrupt what they're doing sometimes but punishment is never the way to go. ⁣

The problem with "NO"⁣.....

👩🏼‍🏫 It's not enough information. Behaviour you don't want needs to be replaced by something you do. ⁣

👹 You're likely scaring, startling or intimidating them into stopping what they're doing.⁣

🔮It's not going to affect future behaviour in the way you might think. Ask yourself how many "nos" you've used for the same thing. ⁣

😳 Your puppy might learn to wait until you're gone to do the thing. They might learn that you're scary and not to be trusted. They might even learn that their home is a mine field causing fear, frustration or anxiety. ⁣

✅Instead, manage the environment to prevent your puppy from getting into "NO" situations. Puppy proof, clean up and create a safe space for them when you can't provide 100% supervision. ⁣

✅ Teach a positive interrupter cue. You'll get the same result without the icky stuff. By pairing something your puppy loves with a word or phrase, you can have them happily walking away from your new shoes 👟⁣

Drop in classes are cancelled tonight due to the crazy weather. Stay safe out there!

Drop in classes are cancelled tonight due to the crazy weather. Stay safe out there!


Imagine not having control over your own body. Who touches you, where they touch you, for how long they have their hands on you. I think as women we're especially sensitive to the idea of consent.

Dogs have long been considered property. Treated like teddy bears or robots that are supposed to let us do what we want, when we want it and just power down when they start to act too much like dogs.

Consent checks are one way that we can empower our dogs. Build confidence and trust in us that we hear them and understand what they're trying to communicate. We assume so much about what our dog's behaviour is telling us and we're wrong more often than not. Pausing petting is a really easy way to be respectful and get to know your dog as a dog.

I wasn't sure what Lucy wanted and it took 1:44 seconds for me to figure out what she was saying. Based on the conditions she wanted me to stay with her instead of moving to my usual spot on the couch. That's all. I assumed she wanted pets but right away it was a VERY clear EW! no thank you 😂 When I moved my hand away, she moved her head back but I realized after, that was just to see if I was leaving. She does push my hand at one point but decides pretty quickly it's still a no. In the end she decided I finally got the message and went to sleep 💕

It's a really big blow to find out your dog actually wants to be petted 85% less than you thought 🥺 But the more two way communication you develop, the more you understand about body language and behaviour, the better your relationship gets.

💥 Group Classes are back! Puppy, Foundations, Obedience and more. ⁣⁣Visit the website for details and to register. ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣...

💥 Group Classes are back! Puppy, Foundations, Obedience and more. ⁣

Visit the website for details and to register. ⁣

📣 Starting next week, drop in classes are back!  ⁣⁣🐾 Can’t commit to a full set of classes? ⁣🐾 Looking to do something w...

📣 Starting next week, drop in classes are back! ⁣

🐾 Can’t commit to a full set of classes? ⁣
🐾 Looking to do something with your dog? ⁣
🐾 Winter making it hard to keep up with training? ⁣

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm I’ll be at SafeK9 on Fuller Ave in Midland doing a little training and a lot of talking about dogs 🤓

To register ⁣visit the website or link in bio 💫

On the fence about coming? Not sure if you and your dog are a good fit? Book a call to discuss 📳⁣

Picture this. You're 4 years old, it's snowing and you need to put on a snowsuit. Your parent or guardian takes it out o...

Picture this. You're 4 years old, it's snowing and you need to put on a snowsuit. Your parent or guardian takes it out of the closet and comes at you like Frankenstein's monster 🧌 ⁣

Of course you do NOT want to be manhandled into it so you tell them you can do it yourself. They say fine and hand it over. They wait (impatiently) still putting hands on you to "help" (translation: hurry you along) until you remind them you SAID you can do it. ⁣

Now picture "I can do it myself" is ignored. They use whatever means necessary to get you bundled up and because they're adults and they're bigger than you, you can't do a thing about it.

Now imagine that happening every day. Sometimes twice or three times a day. For the rest of your life.

Point is, what might not seem like a big deal to us, can be a very big deal to your dog. Patience and kindness shouldn't be reserved for humans. ⁣Their lives are too short not to treat them with half as muhc care you would for a defenseless child.

When we get back from a walk and I want to take a collar or harness off, I get my dog's attention, say "collar" and then approach them to take it off. Sometimes they walk away. Too bad for me. I'll have to take it off later. Just by being consistent in doing this, they learned what my intentions are and what is likey to happen.

📣 It is absolutely NOT OK for your dog to be off-leash. Shouting "It's OK, she's friendly" does nothing to make it more ...

📣 It is absolutely NOT OK for your dog to be off-leash.

Shouting "It's OK, she's friendly" does nothing to make it more OK. Many of you know why those 4 words are rage inducing but for those who don't... here we go.

⛔ People don't allow their children to run up to strangers whether they have kids with them or not. Why is that? Because it's rude and unsafe. You don't know these people. You don't know how they'll react. So why would the same rules not apply to your dog??

⛔ What is "friendly"? Our definitions will be VERY different and I can only assume you mean that your dog has never attacked another dog in this scenario before. Problem is that when it comes to behaviour, there is no never. Only yet.

⛔ Most dogs (mine included) don't give a sh*t if yours is "friendly" or not. Being on a leash, unable to escape an interaction can be terrifying and cause a fight response. Ever been cornered by a creep being "friendly" trying to chat? How was that experience for you? Don't put my dogs or yours in that position!

⛔ Not all dogs like other dogs. They're sentient beings with likes, dislikes, fears and preferences. Maybe they've been attacked in the past. You don't know. And it's not just about my dogs. Are you sure yours even want to say hi? Or have you put them in a position where they have no choice but to approach?

⛔ If you've never had a dog who's behaved aggressively toward dogs, awesome for you. But those of us who have can tell you, an off-leash dog is terrifying. Reactivity takes months, even years to treat. And your selfish, irresponsible behaviour can undo it all in an instant.

⛔ It's about us too. The humans holding onto the leash. You have no idea the emotional turmoil you cause no matter how "well" the interaction goes and how much you apologize. Mental health challenges make it difficult to get out of bed let alone go for a walk. Finally being able to and encountering an off-leash dog can have devastating effects.

So please, learn a little about canine behaviour, body language and please, PLEASE secure your dog at all times.

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 🎄

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays 🎄

Having a coat can make a world of difference for your dog this winter but they don’t care how cute they look! ⁣⁣⁣⁣Here a...

Having a coat can make a world of difference for your dog this winter but they don’t care how cute they look! ⁣⁣
Here are some things to consider when looking to buy winter wear for your dog. ⁣⁣
The only brand of coat I use is .america Made in Finland, they know wet & cold weather. ⁣
“The purpose of Hurtta is to protect the dog in changing weather conditions and enable outdoor activities all year round. All Hurtta rainwear is made with waterproof and breathable materials. The key seams in our products are taped to ensure weatherproofness.”⁣⁣
“Hurtta warming apparel is designed to provide the specific extra warmth dogs need to stay safe and comfortable in cold and windy weather. Best of all, they’re designed to be lightweight, adjustable and allow for a free range of movement to give active dogs more of the outdoor time they love year round.”⁣⁣

Teaching your dog to come when called isn't the hard part. Managing NOT to ruin it is another thing. Here's some food fo...

Teaching your dog to come when called isn't the hard part. Managing NOT to ruin it is another thing. Here's some food for thought the next time you're frustrated that your dog doesn't respond the way you expect them to.

Are you being irrational? Who in your life will instantly turn on a dime no matter where they are or what they're doing, to run full tilt to your side the second you call their name? No one. That's who.

Emotions drive behaviour for both dogs and people. If you're feeling unsure or unsafe, is it reasonable to expect you to turn your back to potential danger just because someone called your name? Not so much.

What are you even saying? Are you standing at the door yelling 32 combinations of come, their name, let's go, NOW? You can file that under unclear criteria.

It's not about what you think! Dogs learn through past outcomes and if those outcomes are often negative (in your dog's opinion), then they're probably going to try to avoid them. Are you trying to get them to stop playing? Stop barking at the scary neighbour? Are you trying to put on the harness they hate? To get in the car to go home? Those are terrible outcomes for your dog!
Or have they learned that the outcome for both coming to you AND ignoring you is in a cookie when they get inside? If that's the case, why would they skip all the fun in between and come right away?

"Because I said so" works about as well for dogs as it does for kids. If you want better recall, a good place to start is at assessing your own behaviour and to look at what's actually happening vs what you think should be.

Last chance to get in some training before the Holidays 🎄 Come hang out with us, train a little and ask me anything. $25...

Last chance to get in some training before the Holidays 🎄 Come hang out with us, train a little and ask me anything.

$25 cash or e-transfer

SafeK9 located at 585 Fuller Ave, Midland

If I had to pick one supplement for my dogs this would probably be it! 🐾 Arthritic conditions, weight gain, mobility iss...

If I had to pick one supplement for my dogs this would probably be it!

🐾 Arthritic conditions, weight gain, mobility issues and even increased aggression due to pain and discomfort are all too common problems as our dogs age.

Since my guys are active adults and Lucy had TPLO surgery a few years ago, I use the Tri-Acta HA. For puppies and adolescent dogs who aren't showing any obvious signs of poor mobility, they also have the regular. Their website is great and has all the info and..... You can order through The Curated K9 Shoppe 😉

We've all heard the advice "don't give your dog human food or they'll start to beg". But that isn't necessarily the case...

We've all heard the advice "don't give your dog human food or they'll start to beg". But that isn't necessarily the case. Learning and behaviour are a little more complex than that.

Hank is terrible 🙄 No matter who you are or where you are, if you've got food, he's there. But guess what? No one has ever shared their food with him. For Hank, the smell is enough to maintain his behaviour.

On the other hand, Hazel's had plenty of snacks but she displays no begging behaviour. All she wants to do while anyone is eating is bring them a ball 😂 And Lucy only begs in the kitchen because that's the only place she gets snacks 🧠

❓No matter how or why it started, the best way to stop begging is to give your dog something else to do.
You could teach them to rest on a rug or you could give them a favourite long duration project to keep them occupied. Conflict resolved ✅

Shake A Paw 🐾 Aside from being super cute, teaching this trick has so many functions and benefits!🎯 Paw targeting is a c...

Shake A Paw 🐾 Aside from being super cute, teaching this trick has so many functions and benefits!

🎯 Paw targeting is a core skill for advanced tricks and fitness exercises

📉 It's progressive. You can teach high five & wave. You can go from sitting to standing

🔴 Balance & Coordination
🟠 Focus & Concentration
🟡 Flexibility
🟢 Shoulder, limb & hip strength
🟣 Mental stimulation

If you're dog is throwing those paws at you when you haven't asked....there's training for that 😉

Leave the costumes for the kids folks 👻 I know there are some super cute ones out there but consider this.....⁣⁣Would yo...

Leave the costumes for the kids folks 👻 I know there are some super cute ones out there but consider this.....⁣

Would you chase, corner, pin down, gang up on or threaten a TODDLER in order to physically force clothing onto their bodies while they scream, cry, p*e themselves or FREEZE in terror? ⁣

How much emotional damage would that cause? How much trust would be lost? ⁣
Would it be worth a few photos for your Instagram? ⁣

Costumes are for consenting children and adults. Not for animals.


Waubaushene, ON

Opening Hours

Tuesday 10am - 5pm
Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 1pm
Saturday 11am - 3pm
Sunday 11am - 2pm


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