299 Chads Mistake (@hykikranch @highdriveranch ) and 129 Ticket (@highdriveranch ) at Rimbey, Alberta. @rimbeyagsociety #bullriding #buckingbulls #rodeo
High Drive Ranch 129 Ticket bucking out in Rimbey, Alberta. #buckingbulls #rodeo #bullriding #buckingbull #rodeolife #bullrider @rimbeyagsociety
299 Chad’s Mistake taking on his first ever rider. Chad’s Mistake has made High Drive Ranch and Hy Kik Ranch very proud this past year. @hykikranch #bullriding #buckingbull #rodeo #buckingbulls #rodeolife #stockcontractor #rimbeyagsociety
Day #2 at Steer Riding School in Rimbey, Alberta. #rimbeyagsociety #steerriding #rodeo #rodeolife #bullriding
Hunter and Avery at steer riding school. #steerriding #rodeo #bullriding #bullridinglife #cowboysh*t #bullrider #rimbey #rimbeyalberta
Day #2. PBR Team Finals Las Vegas. #pbr #pbrfinals #bullriding
204 Daddy’s Money on Day 2 of the ABBI World Finals in Las Vegas. @hykikranch @skyhunter167 #abbi #abbiworldfinals #buckingbulls #pbr
High Drive Ranch and Hy Kik Ranch 299 Chad’s Mistake tying for first place at the ABBI Canada Finals in Edmonton Alberta. Scoring 87.6 points. #buckingbulls #canadarodeo #rodeo #buckingbull #rodeolife #pbr #edmontonexpo #cfr50 #countryexpo #futuritybulls
3 year old HDR 129 Ticket on Day 2 of the Halfway River Rodeo. #bucking #buckingbulls #rodeo #pbr #bullriding #bull #bullrider #buckingbull #halfwayriver
Hy Kik and High Drive Ranch’s 299 Chad’s Mistake scoring 82.9 points in Swift Current. #swiftcurrent #rodeo #bull #buckingbulls #futurity #rodeolife #rodeotime #buckingbull
299 Chad’s Mistake scores 84 points to place 3rd in the Canada Breeders Cup. High Drive Ranch and Hy Kik Ranch. #buckingbulls #rodeo #pbr #abbi #cbbc #bull #roughstock #buckingbull #rodeolife #rodeotime