To our warrior vets Dr. Langevin and Dr.Lukianchuk who leave no animal behind, to our staff who truly care, and to our clients and their families
We honour all that you do for the creatures in your care.
He is getting real tired now.
They all are.
Every single man and woman and child who have done the “extra-extra” in recent days.
The chief bottle washer. She is tired of the tracked in mud, washing bottles over and over, eating her meals alone. Laying in bed alone, waiting and wondering if everything “out there is ok.”
The children. Those who are helping do the heavy lifting. Those who sit amongst the empty places at the supper table, who won’t say it but miss their mom or dad, and who lay in bed and hear them coming and going, waiting and wondering if everything “out there is ok.”
The Veterinarian and staff. He or she is tired of the calls after hours. The exhausting working conditions, especially in places without great facilities. Pulling that phone out of their pocket at every hour, waiting and wondering when things will simmer down when everything “out there is ok”.
The ranch hand and his/her family. They are along for the wild ride on a place that isn’t their own, but they feel that it is. They have listened and seen things that are hard when they are not exactly sure of their role and responsibility. It’s hard to give of one’s self at all hours of the day, waiting and wondering when everything will smooth out and everything “out there is ok.”
The husband/wife who is working in town, but their heart is at home. They work the job so as to get the money to put groceries on the table, but they hate that they can’t be home where more sets of hands have been needed. They don’t relax during their time away, because their mind is wandering constantly to how things are going and if everything “out there is ok.”
And, the men and women who are in the trench, all the time, part of the time, or when it’s their shift. They are physically tired, and mentally tired. With every move they make, they wonder if they are getting it right. When it’s their turn to rest, they question if they have earned or deserve it. They toss and turn, short spurts of sleep mixed in, the moment they wake they wonder if everything “out there is ok.”
It never served anyone well, to try and rank exhaustion, fatigue, and weariness.
Calving season doesn’t play favorites.
Mother Nature doesn’t honor “the chosen few”.
Sleep deprivation isn’t a badge of honor, awarded to the chest to be worn like an Olympic medal.
It takes every single one of us, on this team, to make it through. So with that, may each and every of you exhausted folks across these parts feel the warmth of this sun, and its reminder that your rest is as important as that of the newborn calves who crave it on this side of what we have been through this week.
May rest find you all.