#dogsplaying #winterplay #whitecourtkennels #doggiedaycare #boardingkennel #whitecourtalberta #goldenretriever #beaglemix #huskymix #mastiff
Enjoying the sun while walking Mya ❤️🌞
Lots of awesome dogs enjoying this perfect weather, impossible to catch them playing as usual but I'm getting so much love from all my fluffy friends ❤️
#doglove #funnydogs #whitecourtkennels #sillydogs #bdogsplaying #dogshavingfun #goldenretriever #bestjobever #lifeisgood #boardingkennel #doggiedaycare #woodlandscounty #blackgermanshepherd #chocolatelab #silverlab #collie #bernesemountaindog
These 2 are getting along great!! Aren't they cute? 🥰
#bulldog #chiwawa #sh*tzu #smaldogs #cutepups #whitecourtkennels #whitecourtalberta #doggiedaycare #boardingkennel
Lots of happy pups this weekend😍
#goldenretriever #australianshepherd #cutedogs #doglove #whitecourtkennels #whitecourtalberta #dogsplaying #doggiedaycare #dogshavingfun #dogsplaying
Those guys are hilarious, little Ripley reminds me so much of my own crazy puppy 😂 Jaxx is thrilled to see his buddies Bear, Cooper and Murphy that he knows from other times he stayed here and the weather is so mild right now everyone is enjoying it. 🌞
#whitecourtkennels #whitecourtalberta #doggiedaycare #cutedogs #dogsplayingtogether #cutepuppies #doglover #whitecourtboardingkennel #funnydogs #dogsplaying #frenchton #bostonterrier #frenchbulldog #terrier #chiwawa #maltese #sh*tzu #pekinese #smalldogs #whitecourtalberta #enjoyinglife
Guess who's the babysitter and who are the puppies?
Good morning, I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful day!
#frenchbulldog #beautifuldogs #dogsplaying #whitecourtkennels #whitecourtboardingkennel #englishspringerspaniel #beautiful
He loves to help 😂🤣
#rottweiler #doghelping #dogdigging
Part 2 of Chester and Jaxx 🥰
#bostonterrier #frenchbulldog #bostonbulldog #weinerdogcross #cutedogs #cutepuppies #puppiesplaying #dogsplayingtogether #funwithdogs #boardingkennel #whitecourtalberta #doggiedaycare #whitecourtkennels #doglover
These 2 are so funny 🤣 they didn't stop goofing around. Part 1
#bostonterrier #frenchbulldog #bostonbulldog #weinerdogcross #cutedogs #cutepuppies #puppiesplaying #dogsplayingtogether #funwithdogs #boardingkennel #whitecourtalberta #doggiedaycare #whitecourtkennels #doglover