Awesome day tomorrow for the trail riding business and the training side of the business.
I've been starting to work with our coming 3 year old filly, she picked up the basics of ground driving in like 3 minutes, takes the saddle, is learning to reach in the front and lift in the top line. She is such a quick learner just like her daddy. She has also learned how to side over and pick me up off a mounting block. I've backed her once with a very successful walk around the round pen with the help of Mike leading her around. So yesterday afternoon she was in the pasture following me around so I walked up to the fence, crawled up the panels, and she side passed right over to me and I hopped on bareback and just let her walk around the pasture a bit while I pet her and praised her. The video shows her doing it again but I hopped off as she was going to chase the pony haha she doesn't like him much lol. But I'm so proud of her!
Made a little agility course at home :) plus the help of the baby and her umbrella to add to the confidence building. Mr.Skye did so great. Need to work on our back up but i can't be mad at him for trying everything and being so willing 🙃
Training Sully to pick me up when the time comes for him to accept a rider :)
Very first time learning to ground drive for Dreamer.
Dreamer is living up to his name ♡ second time with a saddle, first time with the bags, first time in a bit/halter combo and ground driving like a champ ♡
TweedleDoofus doing his thang :)
Super windy today at the ranch. So I went back to some basic ground driving and desensitizing. You can never do to much groundwork. Even though I've already been riding them for the past 2 weeks it's always nice to go back and refresh some things. They all did so well. Some are super light on the reins and some are very heavy on the hands haha
Trailering take #1 (Bello)
Another successful trailering experience with a mare who would rather NOT get in a trailer let alone a two horse straight haul. Proud moment for misses ♡
Desert Diva, 5 year old endurance prospect ♡ giant leap for Diva and I, may have taken us some time to get here but sometimes it's all in the timing the horse is comfortable with.
George was so wonderful at Eagle Views Fun Day Gymkhana yesterday. Our times were not fast, and our line were not flawless but he was willing, comfortable and finished each pattern perfectly. So proud of Mr. George :) I just hope his owners are happy with his new out look on life...
1st run Poles