Language is important!
Language is important to our very being and here are some words to help keep it alive!
Happy Holidays
Happy Holidays!!!
Secwepemc Words
New to Secwepemctsin or forgot simple words, here are some you can share with your family and friends and begin using them as much as you can!!
Another Secwépemctsín learning video for you all, since the last one went over so well.
Valerie West, Communications Assistant is more than happy to share what she has learned over the last while
Secwépemc Words of the Week
Another Secwepemctsín learning video for you all, since the last one went over so well.
Valerie West, Communications Assistant is more than happy to share what she has learned over the last while
Veterans Day
“To Be Secwépemc”
National Aboriginal Veterans Day is a memorial day observed in Canada in recognition of Inidgenous contributions to military service, particularly in the early formation of the Nation, as well the First and Second World Wars, the Korean War and the countries where UN Peacekeepers served around the world. The day is observed annually on the 8th November and was inaugurated in Winnipeg in 1994, and has since spread nationwide.
There is a long list of Northern Secwepemc that have served this country since colonialization. On this day of remembrance, we honour and lift up the veterans among us and the memories of those who have passed. We are all grateful for their sacrifice.
NStQ Governance Survey Draw
Congratulations to our two winners of the NStQ Governance Survey Draw
Darcy William won the $250 Gas Card
Victor Michel won the $250 Grocery Card
Secwepemc Words of the Week
New to Secwepemctsín or have been speaking it for years, here are a few words that Valerie West, Communications Assistant would like to share with you!
NSTC's Communications Department was a part of the Orange Shirt Day Planning Committee and helped/volunteered throughout the 4 day event that happened in Williams Lake.
Here is a look back at the event beginning on Wednesday September 27, 2023 - Day 1 of the Orange Shirt Day Events.
#NSTC #orangeshirtday2023 #orangeshirtdaywilliamslake #NationalDayforTruthandReconciliationWeek2023 #10yearanniversaryforOrangeShirtDay
Orange Shirt Day & National Day for Truth & Reconciliation - Day 1
NSTC's Communications Department was a part of the Orange Shirt Day Planning Committee and helped/volunteered throughout the 4 day event that happened in Williams Lake.
Here is a look back at the event beginning on Wednesday September 27, 2023 - Day 1 of the Orange Shirt Day Events.
An informative session featuring the Vancouver Aboriginal Transformative Justice Service Society is being offered during the NSTC Lunch & Learn that's being held on May 10th. Register with Brenda for more information.