Do you have an Elf on the Shelf watching your kids and pets this holiday season? Well, he may need your help…
You know that cute costume you put on the cat for the family portrait? She may eat the elastic out of it when you aren’t looking. How about the new kitten that thinks the twinkling lights on the bottom of the tree look like something fun to eat? Don’t trust her! She thinks she is a Ninja… she isn’t
I bet you think your dog will be smarter… not a chance! He is gonna try to get those turkey giblets out of the garbage when you turn your back (does anyone really cook those?). Or maybe that bread you left rising under the towel on top of the stove? When your dog eats that it is gonna keep rising in his stomach and it could rupture. Ouch. That box of cheese and cured meats you wrapped and put under the tree for Gramps? Nope… Fido might have already ripped into it… He thinks he is a wolf desperately on the prowl for food… he isn’t
Your pets are clever, sneaky and not always the best judge of what is good for them to eat, or chew on. Trust me!
Instead, work with the Elf and make the holidays safe for your pets. Keep the food in the fridge until it’s cooked. Then, keep it under guard! Don’t leave the turkey bones on the counter when you sit down for dinner, or the cheese tray/half empty wine glasses on the coffee table because they won’t be there when you come back!
But if you don’t manage to get rid of all the temptation, and your pet eats something they shouldn’t, give us a call right away. Some indiscretions are simple to fix, others not so simple, but time makes a difference.
Want a gift suggestion for your pet that they don’t even know they need? Sign them up for pet insurance! There are many options here in Ontario, including Trupanion, Fetch, Pets + Us, even Costco has pet insurance! How’s THAT for one stop shopping!
Anyway, Happy Holidays and make sure you don’t need to come visit us…
Unless you wanna drop off treats for the Team… just sayin…😉