Merle ❤️ How luck am I to have been the one to love her in her last few months ❤️
I knew when I rescued this little sweetie from the streets of Shoal Lake that she might not last very long…. Nonetheless I took her to the vet and she was ok but frail and skinny and somewhere between 10 - 20 years old.
My goal when taking her in was to show her love, warmth and affection, no matter how long she had left. She showed me her gratitude and love right back every single day. I didn’t think I would get so attached, but I really did. She is the first pet I’ve had to put down and it was not easy. She was really struggling the last two weeks and that’s no way for any animal to live out their remaining time.
I hope she is happy in kitty heaven, eating all the food she wants and doing whatever her heart desires. I hope she knows that I love her so much and I will never forget my sweet baby girl. I’m going to miss her sweet old lady yowls, her head butts, and her loud purring 😞❤️