It's a well known fact in Veterinary Medicine that when you have a pug coming in for a nail trim you're going to be witness some screaming and flailing.
UNLESS that pug is Sumo, who is the most perfect angel EVER for his nail trims - We don't even need to hold him!
We knew nobody would believe it if they didn't see it... so here's your proof! Not all pugs are masters of dramatics!
We've been fostering a baby cockatiel (who we have affectionately named "Goose" but always refer to as "Baby Bird") from the time they were 3 weeks old.
At 5 weeks old they have built up their muscles and started to figure out the business of flying!! We happened to catch this surprise video of Gooses first official flight and couldn't wait to share it with all of you
Now that Goose is 6 weeks old we're starting to fly for shorter distances... usually to land on a shoulder and preen our techs hair 🥹❤
Update on Little Chicken Wing the Pigeon!
Our little guy is doing SO well in his foster home - he's adjusting very well to only having one wing (it doesn't stop him from trying to flap it or hit things with it), and he's excelling at harness and indoor diaper training!
He's still got a ways to go in terms of recovery, but isn't this video of him having a nice afternoon walk just the cutest?? ❤
Have you ever wondered how we get puppies to stay still for their vaccines while also making sure they have a great time in the treatment area?
Wonder no more! Pepper was more than happy to demonstrate during her vaccine appointment. Some yummy wet food plus a lick mat kept her in one place and SO distracted she didn't even notice the poke from the needle!
With this sneaky trick we know she'll be enthusiastic about vaccine appointments for years to come!
We caught a fascinating video of some very active Ear Mites from the swab of a recent patient.
It's neat to see the ear mites move around so much... but who else feels Capital "I" ITCHY after watching it??😧
Guess Who!
Who has any guesses as to what type of creepy crawlie this is?
We’ll give you a hint… that red squiggle you see in the middle is something it’s digesting!
Have you ever seen such perfectly wrinkly faces and bodies??
We saw this litter of Frenchie pups for their first ever vet visit and vaccines - they were all very brave and extremely tolerant of all the snuggles they got!
Nellie is wiggling in to say hello! We hope everyone is having a great week! 🐭
Zorro is here to remind everyone to eat their greens! 🥗 #bunnieasmr