Volker's Aquarium Supplies

Volker's Aquarium Supplies Your aquatic haven for top-quality plants, fish, supplies, and expert advice in Winnipeg, MB.

Specializing in Salt and Freshwater fish, plants and CO2 systems and products.

Attention all Plant Enthusiasts!!!Volker’s Aquarium Supplies is excited to announce the arrival of a new plant shipment!...

Attention all Plant Enthusiasts!!!

Volker’s Aquarium Supplies is excited to announce the arrival of a new plant shipment!!!!

• Ludwigia sp Red Skelton—Bunch
• Ludwigia sp White—Bunch
• Blyxia sp Red—By the Stem
• Crinum Calamistratum
• Red Tiger Lotus
• Java Fern Matt
• Red Flame Sword
• Radican Marble Queen Sword
• Anubias barteri var. Round Leaf
• Hygrophilia Pinnatfida
• Wisteria

Blyxia sp Red--There are two pictures below showing this plant. One is without CO2 and high lighting and the other with.

Volker’s Aquarium Supplies Boxing Week Blowout Sale!!!Attention all freshwater aquarium fish lovers!!! Volker’s aquarium...

Volker’s Aquarium Supplies Boxing Week Blowout Sale!!!

Attention all freshwater aquarium fish lovers!!! Volker’s aquarium Supplies is excited to announce our boxing day blow out sale. Everything in store is on sale!!! Some Items are limited quantity and will sell out quickly!!!

All regular priced Livestock and Plants—Buy 3, Get 1 FREE!!!!*

Door Crasher Sales!!!!

Hillstream Loach—Regular $24.99—BOGO (Buy One, Get One FREE!!!!)
Small Angel Fish Regular Price $7 each—Sale Price $5.00 each, plus when you Buy 3, Get 1 FREE!!!!
Panda Garra—Regular Price $14.99—Buy 2, Get 1 FREE!!!!!!!!
Cuckoo Catfish—Regular Price $25.99—BOGO (Buy One, Get One FREE!!!!)

Boxing Week Blowout runs from December 26, 2024 – December 31, 2024
In Stock Repashy Food only—40% off—Limited Quantities
• Spawn and Grow—Great for Fish Breeding!!
• Bottom Scratcher—Great for Plecos!!
• Morning Wood—Great for Plecos!!
• Redrum—A Carotenoid food that helps brings out the best colour of the fish and are important to the overall fish health

Plants—Buy 3, Get 1 FREE!! (MIX and MATCH, on the below plants ONLY!!)
• Dwarf Lily
• Red Tiger Lotus
• Crytocoryne wendtii green
• Crytocoryne Lutea
• Crytocoryne parva
• Crytocoryne wendtii bronze

Plant bundles—5 for $15 or 3 for $10
• Heteranthera zosterifolia
• Lindemia rotundifolia
• Limnophilia sessiliflora
• Myriophyllum mattogrosense
• Hydrocotyle leucocephala
• Hygrophila polysperma Rosa
*Excludes MAP items, and items that are already on sale.

Volker’s Aquarium Supplies 10% off Holiday Sale!!!Volker’s Aquarium Supplies is excited to announce our holiday sale is ...

Volker’s Aquarium Supplies 10% off Holiday Sale!!!

Volker’s Aquarium Supplies is excited to announce our holiday sale is here!!! Everything in store is 10% off regular prices.*

In addition, we are delighted to announce to completion of our new completely high tech aquariums featuring, new high tech plants!!!

New High Tech Plants:

Ludwigia peruensis
Ludwigia rebens ‘rubin’ (Ruby Ludwigia)
Ludwigia arcuata
Ludwigia ovalis
Limnophila hippuridoides (Purple Ambulia)
Pogostemon stellatus (Purple Octopus)
Proserpinaca palustris (Mermaid W**d)
Rotala (Red)
Myriophyllum propinquum (Water Milfoil)

Also, we expect a new fish shipment in tomorrow...stay tuned for details!!!

*Excludes MAP items, and items that are already on sale.


Volker's Aquarium Black Friday Super Door Crashers have been extended!!!

Saturday November 30, 2024 and Sunday December 1, 2024

Hillstream Loach—Regular $24.99—Sale Price $12—More than 50% off!!
Small Angel Fish Regular Price $7 each—Sale Price 4 for $15 plus 1 for FREE!!!!
Panda Garra—Regular Price $14.99—Sale Price $9
Cuckoo Catfish—Regular Price $25.99—Sale Price $10 each (Only 4 available)

Ensure you come early on Saturday for best selections!!

Send a message to learn more

Volker’s Aquarium Black Friday Super Sale!!!Hours for November 29, 2024 only, we are open from 11am - 7pmAttention all f...

Volker’s Aquarium Black Friday Super Sale!!!
Hours for November 29, 2024 only, we are open from 11am - 7pm

Attention all freshwater aquarium fish lovers!!! Volker’s aquarium is having a massive Black Friday sale where everything in-store will be on sale.

All items in-store not listed below will receive 10% off regular prices*

Door Crasher One Day sales! (November 29, 2024 only)

Hillstream Loach—Regular $24.99—Sale Price $12—More than 50% off!! (One Day Only)
Small Angel Fish Regular Price $7 each—Sale Price 4 for $15 plus 1 for FREE!!!! (One Day Only)
Panda Garra—Regular Price $14.99—Sale Price $9 (One Day Only)
Cuckoo Catfish—Regular Price $25.99—Sale Price $10 each (Only 4 available) (One Day Only)

Below Sales run from November 29, 2024 - Until December 1, 2024
In Stock Repashy Food only—40% off—Limited Quantities
• Spawn and Grow
• Bottom Scratcher
• Morning Wood
• Redrum
Plants—20% off
• Dwarf Lily
• Red Tiger Lotus
• Green Tiger Lotus
Plants—15% off
• Crytocoryne wendtii green
• Crytocoryne wendtii red
• Crytocoryne Lutea
• Crytocoryne parva
• Crytocoryne wendtii bronze

Plant bundles—5 for $15 or 3 for $10
• Heteranthera zosterifolia
• Lindemia rotundifolia
• Limnophilia sessiliflora
• Myriophyllum mattogrosense
• Limnophilia sessiliflora
• Hydrocotyle leucocephala
• Hygrophila polysperma Rosa
*Excludes MAP items, and items that are already on sale.


Volker’s Aquarium New Fish/shrimp shipment!!!

We are excited to announce the following new fish and Shrimp that has just arrived at Volker’s aquarium!

New Fish

• Dwarf Rosy Loach
• Black Neon Tetra
• Vietnamese Minnow
• Roseline Shark
• Crown Tail Betta
• Pygmy Corydoras
• Corydoras Julii
• Diamond (Brilliant) Rummy Nose Tetra
• HMPK Male Betta
• HMPK Betta Female
• Hamburg Highfin Helleri Swordtail
• Giant HMPK Betta Male
• Firecracker Swordtail
• Coral Red Platy
• Borneo Sucker Turquoise Hillstream Loach
• Salt and Pepper Corydoras (Corydora Habrosus)
• Bronze Corydoras (Corydora Aeneus)
• Gold Gouramis

New Shrimp

• Bloody Mary Shrimp
• Blue Dream Shrimp
• Amano Shrimp
Sun orange Amano shrimp
• Shining Orange Shrimp
• Yellow line shrimp
• Orange Pumpkin Shrimp
• Black Coco/Chocolate Shrimp

Send a message to learn more

Halloween Sale!  Prices up to 40% off.We are excited to announce our Halloween sale featuring prices up to 40% off.  The...

Halloween Sale! Prices up to 40% off.

We are excited to announce our Halloween sale featuring prices up to 40% off. The doors will open at 12pm (noon) on Thursday October 31, 2024 and run through Sunday November 3, 2024. Some items have limited quantities, so come down early for best selection!

Receive Halloween candy while shopping!

Fish—20% off
• Hillstream Loach
• Angel fish
• Mollies

Plants—20% off
• Dwarf Lily
• Red Tiger Lotus
• Green Tiger Lotus

Plants—15% off
• Crytocoryne wendtii green
• Crytocoryne wendtii red
• Crytocoryne Lutea
• Crytocoryne parva
• Crytocoryne wendtii bronze

Plant bundles—5 for $15 or 3 for $10
• Heteranthera zosterifolia
• Lindemia rotundifolia
• Limnophilia sessiliflora
• Myriophyllum mattogrosense
• Limnophilia sessiliflora
• Hydrocotyle leucocephala
• Hygrophila polysperma Rosa

In Stock Repashy Food only—40% off—Limited Quantities
• Spawn and Grow
• Bottom Scratcher
• Morning Wood
• Redrum

Vallisneria Giganta $3.50 per stem


Volker's Aquarium Supply Virtual Tour!!!!

Volker's Aquarium is located at 30 Taunus Drive in Winnipeg Manitoba. We thought we would take a moment to show what it is like to come to Volker's Aquarium. Volker's Aquarium is a home-based aquarium and fish supply store featuring a full fish and plant gallery; featuring over 100 aquariums and an extensive line of accessories including food, substrates, decor, and CO2 systems.

Volker's Aquarium also has a large fish selection with over 80 different species. In addition, we also have one of the largest selection of aquatic plants in Manitoba, with over 75 different varieties. Please check out our website for the most recent update lists.


Hillstream Loach Sale! 20% Off!!

Volker’s Aquarium is excited to announce our Hillstream Loach sale. The sale will will run from October 13th-26th. Hurry in limited quantities!

The reticulated hillstream loach, is a fascinating freshwater fish native to the streams and rivers of Southeast Asia, particularly in Thailand and parts of Malaysia.

A few key points:

* They typically have a mottled pattern of brown, green, and black, which helps them blend into their rocky riverbed habitats.
* These fish have a flattened body, which is adapted for life in fast-flowing waters. Their streamlined shape helps them navigate strong currents.
* Hillstream loaches thrive in clean, well-oxygenated streams with rocky substrates. They prefer cooler water temperatures and are often found in areas with plenty of hiding spots.
* They are peaceful and social fish, often seen in small groups. They can be shy, so providing plenty of cover in an aquarium is essential.
* A well-filtered tank with a strong current, lots of rocks, and plants mimicking their natural habitat is ideal.
* These fish grow to a maximum size of about 2.5 inches and due to their activity level, a minimum tank size of 20 gallons is recommended.
* They thrive on a diet of high-quality sinking pellets, algae wafers, bloodworm, small invertebrates, and daphnia.
* They can be kept with other peaceful fish that enjoy similar water conditions, but it's best to avoid aggressive or overly active species.

Overall, reticulated hillstream loaches are a unique addition to a freshwater aquarium, offering both visual appeal and interesting behaviour.


At Volker's Aquarium we are excited to announce our Panda Garra Sale! These fish are a great addition to any community aquarium, or even a specialized river aquarium. Sales starts tomorrow (October 1, 2024)--Sale Ends October 6,2024

Natural Environment: Panda garra are primarily found in the fast-flowing rivers and streams, where they inhabit rocky areas with plenty of vegetation.

Aquarium Setup:
They thrive in well-planted tanks with a substrate of fine gravel or sand, along with hiding spots created by rocks and driftwood.

Social Nature: They are generally peaceful and do well in community tanks, often forming small groups. Keeping them in schools of at least 3 to 5 individuals is recommended to reduce stress.
Feeding Habits: they primarily feed on algae and small invertebrates. They enjoy a varied diet that includes high-quality flakes, pellets, and blanched vegetables.

Care Requirements
Water Conditions: Panda garra prefer slightly acidic to neutral water (pH around 6.5-7.5) and a temperature range of 72-78°F (22-26°C).
Tank Maintenance: Regular water changes and a good filtration system are important to maintain water quality, as these fish thrive in clean environments.
Adult size: 2-3 inches

We are excited to announce the 1st Time Aquarium Set up Plant Sale with up to 50% off!!Sale Starts September 28th and go...

We are excited to announce the 1st Time Aquarium Set up Plant Sale with up to 50% off!!

Sale Starts September 28th and goes until October 6th—2024

At Volker’s Aquarium, we are excited to announce our 1st time aquarium set up plant sale. Have you just purchased a new aquarium and are looking to have it beautifully planted with live plants? With our plant sale going on now we have bulk discounts of up to 50%, depending on the quantity and types of plants.
Perhaps you already have your aquarium set up and are looking for that new aquarium plant? We also have select plants on sale up to 50%.
Want to keep your plants looking great and continuously growing? Ask us about aquarium fertilizers. We have complete comprehensive fertilizer selection. Some of our most popular are: Iron, potassium, comprehensive, advanced formulas, and trace elements.

We just received a shipment of rocks!Elephant RockBlue/grey Slate RockCoral Rock—not live—great for African Cichlid Smoo...

We just received a shipment of rocks!

Elephant Rock
Blue/grey Slate Rock
Coral Rock—not live—great for African Cichlid
Smooth Dragon Stone
Large Dragon Stone

At Volker’s Aquarium we have everything you need to turn your aquarium into a tropical Oasis!We just received multiple p...

At Volker’s Aquarium we have everything you need to turn your aquarium into a tropical Oasis!
We just received multiple pieces of driftwood:

Malaysian Driftwood
Spider Driftwood
Stump Driftwood


We are excited to announce that we are expecting a new Invertebrate shipment on Wednesday.
We expect to receive the following:

Blue Dream Shrimp
Amano Shrimp
Onion Nerite Snail
Supreme Red Fire Shrimp
Yellow Fire Shrimp
Shining Orange Shrimp
Red Cherry Shrimp

ssREPASHY  Fish Food on Sale 40% offWhat is in stockSpawn & Grow       12oz have only 1                                6...


REPASHY Fish Food on Sale 40% off
What is in stock
Spawn & Grow 12oz have only 1
6oz have only 2
3oz have only 1
Bottom scatcher 12oz have only 1
6oz have only 2
3oz have only 1
Morning wood 6oz have only 2
3oz have only 1
Grub pie 6oz have only 1 SOLD
Redrum 3oz have only 2

New Fish shipment is in todayHillstream loach sewellia lineolataZebra loach boti striata Red Line shark puntiuus demison...

New Fish shipment is in today

Hillstream loach sewellia lineolata
Zebra loach boti striata
Red Line shark puntiuus demisonii
Golden Gourami
Rummynose Tetra
Galaxy Rasbora
Amanos Shrimps large
Sun Orange Amanos Shrimps small
Albino Corys
Panda Corys
Sterbai Corys

We are excited to announce our new specialized plants!  These plants make a great addition to any aquascape!

We are excited to announce our new specialized plants! These plants make a great addition to any aquascape!

We are excited to display our new selection of plants that just arrived!  Limited quantities!

We are excited to display our new selection of plants that just arrived! Limited quantities!


30Taunus Drive
Winnipeg, MB

Opening Hours

Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 6pm
Saturday 12pm - 5pm
Sunday 12pm - 5pm


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