Good evening,
New Items are listed in red on the list. You can view our latest stock list on our website.
Our second busiest weekend of the year is here at last. We have loaded up for it and have the highest stock levels I do believe we have ever had with our expansion starting to take hold. We have received a half dozen imports recently, highlights of the newest arrivals are;
▪ A ridiculous amount of very cool varieties of endler's livebearers
▪ South American lung fish, from small to ridiculous sized!
▪ An unexpected bounty of Amazon puffer fish
▪ Nice sized splash tetras - Copella arnoldi
▪ The very cool tiger knife fish
▪ The true standard for what angelfish should be in Rio Nanay angelfish
▪ Nice sized flagtail prochilodus
▪ A wide array of Corydoras species which are a bit late for coming into season but appears they are now fully.
▪ Ornate pimelodella, by far the prettiest of all the Pimelodus
▪ Platysilurus mucosus - nasty sounding name but very cool catfish
▪ A wide array of domestic Betta splendens
▪ Bumble bee gobies that are fresh water tolerant
▪ Rosy loach - sorta the love child of a loach and a cherry barb! a cool dwarf loach species
▪ The very cool Pseudomugil gertrudae Aru IV rainbowfish
▪ The latest plant shipment as well is in stock
In short we are loaded up for this weekend's event. My annual birthday sale we are holding this Sunday 11-5PM. Immediately after which the gathering of the DFO will occur with our guest speaker Mr. Jeff Cardwell from Kokomo, Indiana. Who currently is hiding within my home hiding from the cold dark reality that is Winnipeg weather.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask
Sunday, February 16th - 5PM doors open
Jeff Cardwell - Kokomo, Indiana
Return to Santarem - A 25th Anniversary trip back to the Rio Tapajos, Brazil
His second talk will be a summary of his most recent trip to Lake Tanganyika that he just got back from. I have seen some of the videos it will be a treat!
Two topics about as diverse as Jeff!
Tickets will be $30.00 and available now.
We also will have some fun announcements of future meetings at this event. Those in attendance will get first shot for the future ones as well.
See Spence Live!
Sunday April 13th - Louisville Tropical Fish Fanciers
Sunday April 27th - Saskatoon Aquarium Society